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Last active June 20, 2020 03:53
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Save cg-soft/0ac60a9720662a417cfa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dynamic Jenkins Job Scheduler
// Schedule builds TeamCity style: Given a dependency relationship between builds,
// start all builds whose prerequisite builds have completed.
// This is intended to be run as a system groovy script in Jenkins.
// Unbound variables:
// sleepSeconds - amount of time to sleep between polls. 5-15 seconds seem good.
// Every entry in the jobToRun map is expected to have this format:
// JobId: [ JobName: <actual jenkins name of the job>,
// WaitFor: [ <list of JobIds required to finish prior to launching this one> ],
// Parameters: [ <key/value map of parameters> ]
// ]
// Note that the same jenkins job can be invoked in many different ways using
// different parameters, hence the need for a JobId and specific tests that the parameters
// are what we want when looking for a build of a job in Jenkins.
// Normally, you would inject this or read this from a file.
def jobsToRun = [
'dummy-job(1)': [ 'JobName': 'dummy-job',
'WaitFor': [],
'Parameters': [ 'Key': '1' ] ],
'dummy-job(2)': [ 'JobName': 'dummy-job',
'WaitFor': [],
'Parameters': [ 'Key': '2' ] ],
'dummy-job(3)': [ 'JobName': 'dummy-job',
'WaitFor': [],
'Parameters': [ 'Key': '3' ] ],
// These will fill up as we empty out jobsToRun...
def jobsQueued = [:]
def jobsFinished = [:]
// sleepSeconds are expected to be injected
def sleepPeriod = sleepSeconds.toInteger()*1000
def jlc = new jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration()
def jenkinsUrl = jlc.url
while (jobsToRun || jobsQueued) {
def refresh = false
def queuable = false
def jobsQueuable = jobsToRun.findAll { jobId, jobData ->
jobData['WaitFor'].every { jobsFinished[it] }
jobsQueuable.each { jobId, jobData ->
// Queue the job
queuable = true
if (!jobData.containsKey('JobProject')) {
jobData['JobProject'] = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getJob(jobData['JobName'])
def job = jobData['JobProject']
if (job) {
def params = jobData['Parameters'].collect { key, val ->
new hudson.model.StringParameterValue(key, val)
def paramsAction = new hudson.model.ParametersAction(params)
def cause = new hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause(build)
def causeAction = new hudson.model.CauseAction(cause)
jobData['Future'] = job.scheduleBuild2(0, causeAction, paramsAction)
if (jobData['Future']) {
// Shift job into Queued map
println(" -> Queuing ${jobId}")
jobsQueued[jobId] = jobData
refresh = true
} else {
println(" -> Unable to schedule ${jobId} ${causeAction} ${paramsAction}")
} else {
println(" -> Unable to retrieve job object for ${jobId}")
if (jobsToRun && !jobsQueued && !queuable) {
// Cyclic dependencies may cause this:
println("No more jobs queued, but unable to queue new jobs")
jobsToRun.each { jobId, jobData ->
println("Job ${jobId} is waiting for:")
jobData['WaitFor'].each { println(" ${it}") }
jobsToRun = [:]
// sleeping here allows new jobs to be launched immediately after
// finished jobs being detected
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e in InterruptedException) {
jobsToRun = [:]
jobsQueued.each { jobId, jobData ->
jobData['Cancel'] = true
// Iterate a little bit faster once we detected a cancel
sleepPeriod = 1000
} else {
def jobsWithResult = jobsQueued.findAll { jobId, jobData ->
// Check if done by finding a build which has a result, started after this job
// and has all of our build parameters - doing this with a classic for loop
// relying on the builds being returned in reverse chronological order to
// fail fast once we hit a job launched prior to the scheduler job
for (def candidate in jobData['JobProject'].builds) {
if (candidate.startTimeInMillis < build.startTimeInMillis) return false // bail on old builds
if (jobData['Parameters'].every { key, val -> candidate.buildVariables[key] == val } ) {
if (!jobData['Build']) {
jobData['Build'] = candidate // side effect, I know ....
refresh = true
jobData['Result'] = candidate.result
return candidate.result ? true : false // bail when we found something
return false // nothing found
jobsWithResult.each { jobId, jobData ->
println(" -> Finished ${jobId} (${jobData['Result']}) ${jenkinsUrl}${jobData['Build'].url}")
// Shift job into Finished map
jobsFinished[jobId] = jobData
refresh = true
def jobsWithCancel = jobsQueued.findAll { jobId, jobData ->
jobData['Cancel'] && !jobData['Result']
jobsWithCancel.each { jobId, jobData ->
if (jobData['Build']) {
println(" -> Stopping ${jobId}...")
jobData['Cancel'] = false
} else if (jobData['Unqueued']) {
// We performed the "jobData['Future'].cancel(true)" in the previous iteration
// so that must be good.
println(" -> Unqueue confirmed: ${jobId}")
jobsFinished[jobId] = jobData
refresh = true
} else {
// Attempt to unqueue, the next iteration will either see it as a running uncancelled
// job, or as a job marked with 'Unqueued'
println(" -> Unqueuing ${jobId}...")
jobData['Unqueued'] = true
if (refresh) {
def summary = []
if (jobsFinished) {
summary << "completed: ${jobsFinished.size()}"
if (jobsQueued) {
summary << "active: ${jobsQueued.size()}"
if (jobsToRun) {
summary << "pending: ${jobsToRun.size()}"
build.description = 'Jobs '+summary.join(', ')
if (jobsToRun) {
println "==== Pending Jobs ===="
jobsToRun.each { jobId, jobData ->
println("${jobId}: Waits for:")
jobData['WaitFor'].each { println(" ${it}") }
if (jobsQueued) {
println "==== Queued Jobs ===="
jobsQueued.each { jobId, jobData ->
if (jobData['Build']) {
println("${jobId}: Running ${jenkinsUrl}${jobData['Build'].url}")
} else {
println("${jobId}: Queued")
println "====================="
} else {
println "===== All Done ======"
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