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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Compute version string from git branch and tag info.
// This is how you use the code in your top level build.gradle
def computedVersion = new ComputedVersion()
ext.computedShortVersion = computedVersion.getVersion(rootDir.toString())
ext.computedLongVersion = computedVersion.padVersion(computedShortVersion)
ext.computedTargetBranch = computedVersion.activeBranch
def computedVersionTest() {
// printing this here allows the tracking branch behavior to be
// tested manually.
println "Current Branch / Version: ${computedTargetBranch} / ${computedShortVersion} (${computedLongVersion})"
new ComputedVersion().testMe()
task testComputedVersion << {
repositories {
dependencies {
compile "org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:"
* We determine the product version from the collection
* of tags and branches and our current active branch.
* Essentially, the versions implied by the branch and tag
* names define an "occupied space", and the goal is to
* find the next "free" version available that fits the
* current branch name and is not occupied by a tag or
* a more precise branch name.
* Version strings used here are 4 component "semantic" versions:
* major.minor.patch.hotfix
* Branching is assumed to be as follows:
* master (latest and greatest) ____________________________________
* \ \
* patch \ \ ...
* \ \ \
* hotfix \ \ \ ...
* | | | |
* tagged releases v1.0GA v1.0.0.1GA v1.0.1GA v1.1GA
* In this example, a build on a branch results in the following versions:
* master -> 1.2 (because 1.1 is taken by
* -> 1.0.2 (because 1.0.1 is taken by
* -> (because 1.0 and are already tagged)
* -> 1.1.1 (because 1.1 is taken by
* -> (because 1.1 is already tagged)
* Note that bumping the major version requires changing the constant MASTER_VERSION below
* Altenatively, one can drop the use of master altogether and use, instead.
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.LogCommand
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.ListBranchCommand.ListMode
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BranchConfig
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
* JGit wrapper class to implement build related git functions.
class ComputedVersionGit {
private Repository repo = null
// Default constructor
ComputedVersionGit() {
repo = (new FileRepositoryBuilder())
// Constructor needed for things to work inside IntelliJ. For some reason,
// IntelliJ switches the current directory to someplace outside the git repo,
// so we need to find our way back. The top level gradle script knows...
ComputedVersionGit(String rootDir) {
repo = (new FileRepositoryBuilder())
.setGitDir(new File(rootDir+'/.git'))
.setWorkTree(new File(rootDir))
* Locate all remote branches
* @return List of branches, stripped of the refs/remotes/ prefix
List<String> getBranches() {
return (new Git(repo)).branchList().setListMode(ListMode.REMOTE).call().collect {
* Locate all tags
* @return List of tags
List<String> getTags() {
return new Git(repo).tagList().call().collect {
* Compute the number of commits in localBranch which are not
* in remoteBranch.
* @return number of commits in localBranch not in remoteBranch
Integer getDistanceBetween(String remoteBranch, String localBranch, Integer maxCount) {
Integer distance = 0
// TODO: hook this into the Gradle logger. This is not as simple as it appears,
// because the gradle logger only works in a project or a task context. This will
// be taken care of in a future changeset.
//println("Distance between ${remoteBranch} and ${localBranch} is ${distance}")
LogCommand git = (new Git(repo)).log()
.addRange(repo.resolve(remoteBranch), repo.resolve(localBranch))
if (maxCount) {
git = git.setMaxCount(maxCount)
} { distance += 1 }
// TODO: see above.
//println("Distance between ${remoteBranch} and ${localBranch} is ${distance}")
return distance
* Given a list of remote branches and a local branch, find the closest
* remote branch
* @return closest remote branch
String findClosestRemoteBranch(List<String> remoteBranches, String localBranch) {
// First check for direct hit
if (remoteBranches.contains(localBranch)) {
return localBranch
// Now check for minimum
Integer minDistance = null
Integer maxCount = null
String minBranch = null
remoteBranches.each { remoteBranch ->
Integer distance = getDistanceBetween(remoteBranch, localBranch, maxCount)
// We go from oldest (master) to newest. It might be desirable to go the other
// way, but master being by far the most common use case, it's more effective
// to optimize for it.
if (minDistance == null || distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance
maxCount = distance + 1 // Limit log retrieval to current min to save time
minBranch = remoteBranch
return minBranch
* Determine active remote branch by determining the closest known
* remote branch to the current HEAD.
* @return active remote branch
String getActiveBranch(List<String> remoteBranches) {
String branch = repo.getBranch() ?: 'HEAD'
String trackingBranch = (new BranchConfig(repo.getConfig(), branch)).getTrackingBranch() ?: branch
return findClosestRemoteBranch(remoteBranches, trackingBranch)
void close() {
class ComputedVersionComponent {
// Define the node of a tree rooted at the major version,
// and the tail being a map of lesser version numbers to
// further nodes. We also track the highest version number
// for that component. The next free version is max + 1
private Integer max = -1
private Map<Integer,ComputedVersionComponent> tail = [:] // Empty map
void addVersionComponentTuple(List<Integer> tuple) {
if (tuple.size() > 0) {
Integer head = tuple[0]
if (!tail[head]) {
tail[head] = new ComputedVersionComponent()
if (head > max) {
max = head
if (tuple.size() > 1) {
tail[head].addVersionComponentTuple(tuple[1..-1]) // [1..-1] is all elements except the first
List<Integer> getVersionComponentTuple(List<Integer> tuple) {
Integer head = tuple[0]
if (!tail[head]) {
throw new GradleException("Attempting to retrieve a version outside the range of registered versions")
return ( tuple.size() > 1
? [head]+tail[head].getVersionComponentTuple(tuple[1..-1]) // [1..-1] is all elements except the first
: [head]+[tail[head].max + 1] )
class ComputedVersion {
// Class holding the version tree for our current checkout
// and the current active branch
static List<String> MASTER_BRANCHES = [ // map of master branch names
'refs/remotes/origin/master-latest-build' ]
static Integer MASTER_VERSION = 2 // master is - needs to be updated
// as soon as we start working on 3.0
// See
static String TAG_REGEX = '''(?x) # Allow this format
^v # always begins with "v"
(\\d+) # major 2nd group (the 1st group is always the whole expression)
(\\.(\\d+))? # minor 4th group (the 3rd includes the dot)
(\\.(\\d+))? # patch 6th...
(\\.(\\d+))? # hotfix 8th...
GA$ # must end in GA'''
static String BRANCH_REGEX = '''(?x) # Allow this format
^.*/ # remote branch
(\\d+) # major
(\\.(\\d+))? # minor (optional)
(\\.(\\d+))? # patch (optional)
\\.next$ # must end in .next'''
String activeBranch = null
private ComputedVersionComponent versions = new ComputedVersionComponent()
private List<List<Integer>> remoteBranches = []
private List<Integer> makeTuple(String string, String matchRegex) {
Integer matchCount = 0
List<Integer> tuple = []
string.findAll(~matchRegex) { match ->
match.each {
matchCount += 1
// We assume the "matcher" regexp is of the form
// ^prefix(\d+)(\.(\d+))?(\.(\d+))?(\.(\d+))?suffix$
// so only even numbered matches contain version numbers.
if (matchCount % 2 == 0 && it != null) {
tuple << it.toInteger()
return tuple
private List<Integer> makeTupleFromBranch(String branch) {
return ( MASTER_BRANCHES.contains(branch)
: makeTuple(branch, BRANCH_REGEX) )
private String makeBranchFromTuple(List<Integer> tuple) {
return ( tuple
? 'refs/remotes/origin/' + tuple.join('.') + '.next'
private List<Integer> makeTupleFromTag(String tag) {
return makeTuple(tag, TAG_REGEX)
private void addBranch(String branch) {
List<Integer> tuple = makeTupleFromBranch(branch)
if (tuple) {
// Master is weird: on the one hand, it could be, but
// for sorting purposes, it is the oldest branch ever, so we
// assign it the empty tuple instead of [MASTER_VERSION]
// If this is not done, then would be older than (aka master)
// which is wrong. A feature branch created off of master
// before was created would then get assigned,
// when it should be staying with master.
remoteBranches << ( MASTER_BRANCHES.contains(branch) ? [] : tuple )
private void addTag(String tag) {
List<Integer> tuple = makeTupleFromTag(tag)
if (tuple) {
private List<Integer> getVersionTuple(List<Integer> tuple) {
try {
List<Integer> result = versions.getVersionComponentTuple(tuple)
while (result[-1] == 0) { // [-1] = last element
return result
} catch(e) {
// catch and rethrow, so we can add the original tuple into the
// exception. And yes, if for some reason we cannot determine the
// product version, we need to fail the build.
throw new GradleException("Version outside of known range: ${tuple}")
private void seedBranchAndTags(String rootDir) {
ComputedVersionGit git = new ComputedVersionGit(rootDir)
git.getTags().each { addTag(it) }
git.getBranches().each { addBranch(it) }
// Sort by age. is created before etc..
// master is the empty list and is the oldest of them all.
// The sorting helps resolve ties when determining the closest
// remote branch
remoteBranches.sort {
if (it) {
// Sadly, groovy has a weird rule for sorting tuples:
// [1,3] < [1,4], but [1,3] > [4]. This means one
// has to ensure we are comparing same sized tuples.
List<Integer> padded = it.collect()
while (padded.size() < 4) {
padded << 0 // append zeros until we are good.
return padded
} else {
return []
activeBranch = git.getActiveBranch(remoteBranches.collect { makeBranchFromTuple(it) })
* Compute the version string to use on the current git branch
* @return the unpadded version string (no trailing zeros)
String getVersion(String rootDir) {
String version = 'unknown'
if (activeBranch) {
version = getVersionTuple(makeTupleFromBranch(activeBranch)).join('.')
return version
* Pad a version string with zeros to make a 4 component version
* @return a version string of the form "major.minor.patch.hotfix"
String padVersion(String version) {
List<String> tuple = version.tokenize('.') // split() adds regex overhead
while (tuple.size() < 4) {
tuple << '0'
return tuple.join('.')
void testMe() {
[ 'v1.8.0.1GA',
'v1.8.2.1GA' ].each { addTag(it) }
[ 'refs/remotes/origin/',
'refs/remotes/origin/' ].each { addBranch(it) }
[ 'refs/remotes/origin/': '1.10',
'refs/remotes/origin/master': "${MASTER_VERSION}",
'refs/remotes/origin/': '1.8.3',
'refs/remotes/origin/': '1.9',
'refs/remotes/origin/': '',
'refs/remotes/origin/': '' ].each { testCase, expectedResult ->
String actualResult = getVersionTuple(makeTupleFromBranch(testCase)).join('.')
println("${testCase} -> ${actualResult} (expected: ${expectedResult})")
assert(actualResult == expectedResult)
% gradle testComputedVersion
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
:buildSrc:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:test UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:check UP-TO-DATE
Current Branch / Version: null / unknown (unknown.0.0.0)
refs/remotes/origin/ -> 1.10 (expected: 1.10)
refs/remotes/origin/master -> 2 (expected: 2)
refs/remotes/origin/ -> 1.8.3 (expected: 1.8.3)
refs/remotes/origin/ -> 1.9 (expected: 1.9)
refs/remotes/origin/ -> (expected:
refs/remotes/origin/ -> (expected:
Total time: 2.215 secs
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