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Last active October 27, 2018 14:22
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A simple R neuralnet for mlbnech::circle
# Always start with a clean environment to avoid subtle bugs
rm(list = ls())
# To get repeatable results with random numbers (easier to debug multiple runs)
# Create a circle data set, change labels to -1/1, convert to data.frame
circle <-, 2)
labels <- sign(as.numeric(circle$classes) - 1.5)
circle <- data.frame(cbind(circle$x[, 1:2], labels))
# Split in training and test sets
train_index <- sample(nrow(circle), nrow(circle) * 0.3)
training_set <- circle[train_index,]
test_set <- circle[-train_index,]
# Split test set into features and labels
class_index <- dim(training_set)[2]
test_set_features <- test_set[,-class_index]
test_set_labels <- test_set[,class_index]
# Train a classifier, shows results on the test set
classifier <- neuralnet(labels ~ V1 + V2, training_set, hidden = c(5, 5), rep = 3)
best_rep <- which.min(classifier$result.matrix["error", ])
predicted <- compute(classifier, test_set_features, rep = best_rep)
predicted_label <- sign(predicted$net.result)
cm <- table(predicted_label, test_set_labels)
accuracy <- (sum(diag(cm))) / sum(cm)
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