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Created July 16, 2020 16:35
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Script:
# Author: Corey Garst
# Description: This script downloads the NIST NVD feed and extracts a list of Android & iOS app CVEs into an HTML report.
import datetime
import io
import json
import sys
import urllib.request
import zipfile
# Establish empty tracking lists
matching_cves = []
cves_already_listed = []
# Define some date variables
now =
current_year = now.year
# Data is available from 2002, but no CVEs are labeled for Android or iOS apps until 2012
years_to_search = list(range(2012, current_year + 1))
print("Downloading the yearly NVD CVE feeds to search for mobile apps.")
# Iterate through each yearly JSON feed
for year in years_to_search:
print("Downloading NVD feed for " + str(year) + "...")
url = "" + str(year) + ""
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as f:
nvd_feed_file =
print("Error downloading the NVD feed from the Internet. Are you connected?")
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(nvd_feed_file))
file_data ='nvdcve-1.1-' + str(year) + '.json')
json_data = json.load(file_data)
# Iterate through each CVE in the feed
for cve in json_data['CVE_Items']:
cve_id = cve['cve']['CVE_data_meta']['ID']
cve_pub_date = cve['publishedDate'].split('T')[0]
# Parse out the CVE description
for cve_desc_item in cve['cve']['description']['description_data']:
if cve_desc_item['lang'] == 'en':
cve_desc = cve_desc_item['value']
# Iterate over each CVE's affected software configurations
for node in cve['configurations']['nodes']:
cpe_to_parse = []
# Look at CPEs listed both at a parent level and child level
if 'cpe_match' in node:
for cpe in node['cpe_match']:
elif 'children' in node:
for child in node['children']:
for cpe in child['cpe_match']:
# Some CVE's may have invalid CPE data.
print('Invalid software configuration found in', cve_id)
# Parse the CPE 2.3 URI
for cpe in cpe_to_parse:
cpe_uri = cpe['cpe23Uri']
cpe_fields = cpe_uri.split(':')
host_platform = cpe_fields[10]
# Append Android and iOS matches to a match list
if host_platform == "iphone_os" or host_platform == "android":
if cve_id not in cves_already_listed:
matching_cve = {
'id': cve_id,
'desc': cve_desc,
'pub_date': cve_pub_date}
# Sort the match list by date
date_sorted_matching_cves = sorted(matching_cves, key=lambda k: k['pub_date'])
# Count the number of CVEs and format it like "1,000"
total_with_comma = f'{len(date_sorted_matching_cves):,}'
print(str(total_with_comma), 'mobile app CVEs found')
# Building the HTML output report as a string
report = '<h2>' + str(total_with_comma) + ' mobile app CVEs found today:</h2>\n'
# Append each matched CVE as HTML
for cve in reversed(date_sorted_matching_cves):
report += '[' + cve['pub_date'] + '] <a href="' + cve['id'] + '">' + cve['id'] + '</a>: ' + cve['desc'] + '<br>\n<br>\n'
# Write the output HTML report
output_file = 'mobile-app-cves.html'
with open(output_file, 'w') as file:
print("All mobile app CVEs saved to", output_file)
except OSError:
print("Couldn't save a report file, please verify permissions.")
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