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Last active May 12, 2021 20:38
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import {
} from "../../src"
import {
} from "../../src/apis/avm"
import { getPreferredHRP } from "../../src/utils"
import {
} from "../../src/utils"
import createHash from 'create-hash';
const ip: string = "localhost"
const port: number = 9650
const protocol: string = "http"
const networkID: number = 12345
const avalanche: Avalanche = new Avalanche(ip, port, protocol, networkID)
const xchain: AVMAPI = avalanche.XChain()
const xKeychain: KeyChain = xchain.keyChain()
const privKey: string = `${PrivateKeyPrefix}${DefaultLocalGenesisPrivateKey}`
const xAddresses: Buffer[] = xchain.keyChain().getAddresses()
const xAddressStrings: string[] = xchain.keyChain().getAddressStrings()
const bintools = BinTools.getInstance();
const key: KeyPair = xKeychain.getKey(xAddresses[0])
const digestMessage = (msgStr: string) => {
const mBuf: Buffer = Buffer.from(msgStr, 'utf8')
const msgSize: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(4)
msgSize.writeUInt32BE(mBuf.length, 0)
const msgBuf: Buffer = Buffer.from(`\x1AAvalanche Signed Message:\n${msgSize}${msgStr}`, 'utf8')
return createHash('sha256').update(msgBuf).digest()
const recover = (msgStr: string, signature: Buffer): string => {
let digest: globalThis.Buffer = digestMessage(msgStr)
let digestBuff: Buffer = Buffer.from(digest.toString('hex'), 'hex')
let hrp: string = getPreferredHRP(networkID)
let keypair: KeyPair = new KeyPair(hrp, 'X')
let pubKey: Buffer = keypair.recover(digestBuff, signature)
let addressBuff: Buffer = keypair.addressFromPublicKey(pubKey)
let address: string = bintools.addressToString(hrp, 'X', addressBuff)
return address
const main = async (): Promise<any> => {
console.log(`Address: ${xAddressStrings[0]}`)
const msgStr: string = "From snowflake to Avalanche"
console.log(`Message: ${msgStr}`)
const digest: globalThis.Buffer = digestMessage(msgStr)
const digestHex = digest.toString('hex')
const digestBuff: Buffer = Buffer.from(digestHex, 'hex')
const signed: Buffer = key.sign(digestBuff)
console.log(`Signature: ${bintools.cb58Encode(signed)}`)
console.log("Recovering address from message and signature...")
const recoveredAddress: string = recover(msgStr, signed)
console.log(`Address: ${recoveredAddress}`)
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