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cgeglio /
Last active September 4, 2019 18:15 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Session 1 Readings

Session 1 Readings and Responses

The readings and responses listed here should take you approximately 40 minutes.

To start this assignment, click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of this document. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

  • Your key take-aways OR how you're going to implement specific points (minimum 3):
  • You should look into multiple sources instead of just relying on or trusting one single source
cgeglio /
Last active September 4, 2019 19:30 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Session 1 Practice Tasks

Session 1 Practice Tasks

The assignments listed here should take you approximately 40 minutes.

To start this assignment, click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

1. Documentation and Googling (20 min)

Documentation of a langauge, framework, or tool is the information that describes its functionality. For this part of the practice tasks, you're going to practice digging into documentation and other reference material.

What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

My Pairin results showed that I am an "I 'Get' You" person. I think this result highlights my greatest strength: empathy. Empathy allows me to have stronger relationships with the people in my life because I can understand and relate to what they are feeling. Empathy also helps me to put myself in someone else's shoes and see issues from a different perspective. Most of the jobs I've had in my life have been customer-facing. I've worked at two public libraries, an art museum, and an elementary school. Empathy helped me to connect with people and diffuse conflicts in all of these positions.

How do you work best?

Although most of my jobs have been customer-facing, I think I am most productive by myself. I really enoy the moments where I'm fully immersed in the task at hand and because I can enter a state of flow. That level of concentration and productivity is harder for me to tap into when I'm surrounded by people. That being said, some of my best friend

cgeglio /
Last active September 5, 2019 20:05

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

I see empathy as the best tool in my toolkit, particularly when it comes to my personal relationships. If I'm having a disagreement with my partner, empathy is what allows me to take a step back and consider his side of things. I have also had several public-facing positions. I have worked at two very busy public libraries where I came accross a wide variety of customers. Empathy allowed me to give more compassionate help to our customers and to favor understanding over frustration in the more difficult interactions.

How does empathy help you build better software?

Empathy can help you build better software by inspiring you to think about features that might be helpful to others, even if they aren't necessarily helpful to you. For instance, the option to make text larger on a website isn't a feature that I need but it could vastly improve the experience for someone that is visually impaired. From what I've learned so far, I know that code

cgeglio /
Last active September 6, 2019 05:02 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Session 2 Readings

Session 2 Readings and Responses

The readings and responses listed here should take you approximately 65 minutes total.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of this document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.
cgeglio /
Last active September 6, 2019 14:45 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Session 2 Practice Tasks

Session 2 Practice Tasks

The assignments listed here should take you approximately 55 total minutes.

To start this assignment, click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

1. Creating Files and Directories (10 min)

Need help? You can go back to the files/directories portion of the lesson here.

cgeglio /
Last active September 10, 2019 04:08 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Session 3 Readings and Responses

Session 3 Readings and Responses

The readings and responses listed here should take you approximately 50 minutes total.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of this document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.
cgeglio /
Last active September 10, 2019 15:29 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Session 3 Practice Tasks

Session 3 Practice Tasks

The assignments listed here should take you about 1 hour in total.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.
cgeglio /
Last active September 13, 2019 17:24 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Session 4 Assignments

Session 4 Practice tasks:

The tasks listed here should take you approximately 180 minutes total.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of this document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.
cgeglio /
Last active September 17, 2019 15:11 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Technical Assessment Checklist


Part I: Creating Directories and Files; Initializing Git and Pushing to GitHub

  • [ x ] I named my directories correctly.
  • [ x ] I named my files correctly.
  • [ x ] I structured my files and directories correctly.
  • [ x ] I made only one initial commit.
  • [ x ] I pushed my initial commit to GitHub.