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  • app/views/articles/_sidebar_nav.html.erb
  • the top part of the left sidebar - where we can add the 'collections' link + emoji


  • app/javascript/listings/listings.jsx
  • this is what appears when you click 'Listings' on the home page
  • it includes the topics: this is where we can suggest topics for collections, search className="classified-filters-categories" to see this section in the code
  • search export class Listings to see the react component that is actually rendering the listings container (basically the entire page you see when you click 'Listings' on the home page
  1. Who your contact is, why you want to connect with them, and what you want to talk about

David - he is a friend and developer that I got to know through my last job. I worked at a public library and he was one of our volunteers. He has said in the past that he would love to hire me if I complete Turing so I want to touch base about my progress.

  1. When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet

I am planning on meeting up with David over our next intermission. We have already made plans.

  1. What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them
cgeglio /
Last active December 13, 2019 17:50

Describe what DOM traversal is and why it is useful.

jQuery traversing, which means "move through", used to "find" (or select) HTML elements based on their relation to other elements. Start with one selection and move through that selection until you reach the elements you desire.

What can the siblings(), parent(), and children() methods do?

The siblings method allows you to get the siblings of the selected element, ditto for parent and children.

What is prepend(), append(), and what are their differences?

The .append() method inserts the specified content as the last child of the element. The .prepend() method inserts the specified content as the first child of the element.

What is the difference between parent() and parents()? Why would I want to use either?

Parent() method selects one element up (single level up) the DOM tree. Parents() method is similar to parent() but selects all the matching elements up the DOM tree. Begins from the parent element and travels up.

cgeglio /
Created December 5, 2019 03:29
PD Story

I have found myself in a variety of teaching roles even though I've never particularly wanted to be a teacher. While volunteering with AmeriCorps, I taught Spanish-speaking children English. At the Phoenix Public Library, I taught adults basic computer skills. At the Denver Public Library, I taught all kinds of people all kinds of things as a makerspace facilitator. It was in the library makerspace that I had my first real exposure to coding. It was there that I discovered I want to be a maker, not a teacher. I decided to pursue a future in front-end development to challenge myself and to hone my creativity. I'm looking forward to a more rewarding and engaging career, one where I'll be the one making instead of the one teaching.

DTR: Define the Relationship

Project: Whats Cookin'

Group Member Names: Kyle & Carla

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):

Carla - Hope to practice using the new array prototype methods we've learned. Also want to get more practice with creating classes and having them interact with each other.

cgeglio /
Last active October 30, 2019 21:12
Team Retro Response

What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects?

With a waterfall approach, you complete one task at a time and do not begin the next task until the first is complete. An agile approach is more dynamic. You work on smaller sprints, test those, update requirements, refactor etc. and test again. The agile approach is much more dynamic and allows you to change the project as you go. In contrast, waterfall is slower moving and the end result is more set in stone.

How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)?

Greg and I relied a lot on our Trello board and splitting up tasks on there. We communicated mainly through slack about how we were progressing.

Template for DTR Memo Project: 1909 Mod 1 Group Project

Group Member Names:

Greg & Carla

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful? YES, you can still fully answer this question without knowing exactly what you're going to build.):

cgeglio /
Last active October 7, 2019 20:40
Virginia & Carla

Carla & Virginia DTR Project: Paired Project #1

Group Member Names: Carla & Virginia

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):

Not only learning technical skills but also improving communication skills. We want to create cohesive solutions instead of one-sided answers. We will feel successful if we have a project we're proud of at the end.

Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here):

We are both task-oriented and like to get things done. We are both more divide-and-conquer people, assuming we have a very thorough plan/foundation.

cgeglio /
Last active September 17, 2019 15:11 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Technical Assessment Checklist


Part I: Creating Directories and Files; Initializing Git and Pushing to GitHub

  • [ x ] I named my directories correctly.
  • [ x ] I named my files correctly.
  • [ x ] I structured my files and directories correctly.
  • [ x ] I made only one initial commit.
  • [ x ] I pushed my initial commit to GitHub.