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Wyhash & Random Number Generator
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main() {
u64 const REQS = 100000000;
u64 const SERVERS = 250;
f64 const MEAN_COST = 10;
f64 const RED = 35 / MEAN_COST / (REQS / SERVERS);
map<i64, i64> hists;
map<i64, f64> servers, costs;
for (u64 n = 0; n < REQS; n += 1) {
i64 uid = i64(rng.gau(10000.0, 2500.0));
i64 rid = i64(rng.gau(10000.0, 2500.0));
f64 cost = costs.count(rid) ? costs[rid] : (costs[rid] = rng.gau(MEAN_COST, 2.5));
servers[Wy::poorrange(Wy::mix(rid, 0), SERVERS)] += cost;
for (auto [k, c] : servers) hists[i64(c * RED)] += 1;
// for (auto [k, c] : servers) cout << k << ": " << string(i64(c * RED), '=') << endl;
for (auto [k, n] : hists) cout << k << ": " << string(n, '=') << endl;
#include <cstring>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cmath>
#include <type_traits>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
using u8 = uint8_t;
using i8 = int8_t;
using u16 = uint16_t;
using i16 = int16_t;
using u32 = uint32_t;
using i32 = int32_t;
using u64 = unsigned long long;
using i64 = signed long long;
using u128 = __uint128_t;
using i128 = __int128_t;
using usize = size_t;
using isize = typename std::make_signed_t<usize>;
using f32 = float;
using f64 = double;
using f80 = long double;
template<class Rng, class Iter>
static inline void shuffle(Rng rng, Iter const a, Iter const b) {
auto const n = std::distance(a, b);
for (auto i = n; i >= 2; i -= 1)
std::swap(a[i - 1], a[rng(i)]);
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
#warning could not determine endianness! Falling back to little endian.
namespace WyTraits {
template<class T, class U> concept StrictType =
std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, std::remove_cvref_t<U>>;
template<typename T> concept NotPointer =
std::is_pointer_v<T> == false;
template<typename T> concept Container = requires(T v) {
std::distance((u8 const*)std::data(v), (u8 const*)std::next(std::data(v), std::size(v)));
template<typename T> concept Trivial =
NotPointer<T> && std::is_trivial_v<T> && not Container<T>;
struct Wy {
static constexpr std::array<u64, 4> secrets = {
static constexpr f64 gau_norm = 1.0 / (u64(1) << 20);
static constexpr f64 uni_norm = 1.0 / (u64(1) << 52);
static constexpr u64 CL = 0xA0761D6478BD642FULL;
static constexpr u64 CH = 0xE7037ED1A0B428DBULL;
u64 g;
Wy(): g(std::random_device{}()) {}
Wy(u64 const seed): g(seed) {}
static inline u64 min() {
return std::numeric_limits<u64>::min();
static inline u64 max() {
return std::numeric_limits<u64>::max();
static inline u64 _mix(u64 const l, u64 const h) {
u128 const v = l * u128(h);
return u64(v) ^ u64(v >> 64);
static inline u64 mix(u64 const l, u64 const h) {
return _mix(l ^ CL, h ^ CH);
static inline u64 mix(u64 const x) {
return _mix(x, 0);
static inline u64 mix2(u64 const l, u64 const h) {
u128 const v = (l ^ CL) * u128(h ^ CH);
return mix(u64(v), u64(v >> 64));
static inline u64 mix2(u64 const x) {
return mix2(x, 0);
static inline u64 poorrange(u64 const x, u64 const n) {
return x * u128(n) >> 64;
static inline u64 rot8(u8 const* const p) { u64 v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return v; }
static inline u64 rot4(u8 const* const p) { u32 v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return v; }
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__)
static inline u64 rot8(u8 const* const p) { u64 v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return __builtin_bswap64(v); }
static inline u64 rot4(u8 const* const p) { u32 v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return __builtin_bswap32(v); }
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline u64 rot8(u8 const* const p) { u64 v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return _byteswap_uint64(v); }
static inline u64 rot4(u8 const* const p) { u32 v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return _byteswap_ulong(v); }
static inline u64 rot3(u8 const* const p, usize const k) { return (u64(p[0]) << 16) | (u64(p[k >> 1]) << 8) | p[k - 1]; }
#define ADD_HASH_WRAPPERS(hash) \
template<class Iter> \
static inline u64 hash(Iter const begin, Iter const end, u64 seed = 0) { \
u8 const* p = (u8 const*)std::addressof(*begin); \
usize const n = std::distance(p, (u8 const*)std::next(std::addressof(*begin), std::distance(begin, end))); \
return hash(p, n, seed); \
} \
template<class T> \
static inline u64 hash(T const& cont, u64 seed = 0) requires WyTraits::Container<T> { \
u8 const* p = (u8 const*)std::data(cont); \
usize const n = std::distance(p, (u8 const*)std::next(std::data(cont), std::size(cont))); \
return hash(p, n, seed); \
} \
template<class T> \
static inline u64 hash(T data, u64 seed = 0) requires WyTraits::Trivial<T> { \
return hash(std::addressof(data), sizeof(data), seed); \
static inline u64 hash(void const* rawptr, usize const n, u64 seed = 0) {
u8 const* p = (u8 const*)rawptr;
seed ^= _mix(seed ^ secrets[0], secrets[1]);
u64 l, h;
if (n <= 16) [[likely]] {
if (n >= 4) {
h = (rot4(p + n - 4) << 32) | rot4(p + n - 4 - ((n >> 3) << 2));
l = (rot4(p) << 32) | rot4(p + ((n >> 3) << 2));
} else {
h = 0;
if (n > 0) [[likely]] {
l = rot3(p, n);
} else {
l = 0;
} else {
usize m = n;
if(m > 48) [[unlikely]] {
u64 s1 = seed, s2 = seed;
do [[likely]] {
seed = _mix(rot8(p) ^ secrets[1], rot8(p + 8) ^ seed);
s1 = _mix(rot8(p + 16) ^ secrets[2], rot8(p + 24) ^ s1);
s2 = _mix(rot8(p + 32) ^ secrets[3], rot8(p + 40) ^ s2);
p += 48;
m -= 48;
} while(m > 48);
seed ^= s1 ^ s2;
if (m > 16) [[unlikely]] {
seed = _mix(rot8(p) ^ secrets[1], rot8(p + 8) ^ seed);
m -= 16;
p += 16;
if (m > 16) [[unlikely]] {
seed = _mix(rot8(p) ^ secrets[1], rot8(p + 8) ^ seed);
m -= 16;
p += 16;
l = rot8(p + m - 16);
h = rot8(p + m - 8);
u128 const v = (l ^ secrets[1]) * u128(h ^ seed);
return _mix(u64(v) ^ secrets[0] ^ u64(n), u64(v >> 64) ^ secrets[1]);
static inline u64 poorhash(u8 const* p, usize n, u64 seed = 0) {
if(n < 4) [[unlikely]] {
if (!n) [[unlikely]] return 0;
return ((u32(p[0]) << 16) | (u32(p[n >> 1]) << 8) | p[n-1]) * CL;
return u64(rot4(p) + rot4(p + (n >> 1) - 2)) * rot4(p + n - 4);
inline u64 operator()() {
g += CL;
return _mix(g, g ^ CH);
template<class T> requires WyTraits::StrictType<T, u64>
inline T operator()(T const n) {
u128 m = u64(operator()()) * u128(n);
if (u64(m) < n) {
u64 t = -n;
if (t >= n) {
t -= n;
if (t >= n) t %= n;
while (u64(m) < t) m = u64(operator()()) * u128(n);
return m >> 64;
template<class T> requires WyTraits::StrictType<T, u32>
inline T operator()(T const n) {
u64 m = u32(operator()()) * u64(n);
if (u32(m) < n) {
u32 t = -n;
if (t >= n) {
t -= n;
if (t >= n) t %= n;
while (u32(m) < t) m = u32(operator()()) * u64(n);
return m >> 32;
template<class T> requires WyTraits::StrictType<T, i64>
inline i64 operator()(T const n) { return i64(operator()(u64(n))); }
template<class T> requires WyTraits::StrictType<T, i32>
inline i32 operator()(T const n) { return i32(operator()(u32(n))); }
template<class T> requires WyTraits::StrictType<T, f64>
inline T operator()(T const n) {
u64 const r = operator()();
return n * (uni_norm * (r >> 12));
template<class T>
inline T operator()(T const start, T const end) {
return operator()(end - start) + start;
#define ZIGGURAT_R 3.442619855899
#define ZIGGURAT_AREA 0.00991256303526217
f64 gau() {
static constexpr f64 xtbl[ZIGGURAT_BLOCK_COUNT + 1] = {
3.7130862467425505002, 3.4426198558990002141, 3.2230849845811415655,
3.0832288582168683178, 2.9786962526477802626, 2.8943440070215289417,
2.8231253505489104505, 2.7611693723871768569, 2.7061135731218195488,
2.6564064112613596791, 2.6109722484318473867, 2.5690336259249377804,
2.5300096723888274575, 2.4934545220953721056, 2.4590181774118304858,
2.4264206455337498092, 2.3954342780110624567, 2.3658713701176385946,
2.3375752413392367757, 2.3104136836987629877, 2.2842740596774717687,
2.2590595738691980898, 2.2346863955909785915, 2.2110814088787025256,
2.1881804320760482874, 2.1659267937489210532, 2.1442701823603944611,
2.1231657086739761375, 2.1025731351892376075, 2.0824562379920159572,
2.0627822745083079781, 2.0435215366550671945, 2.02464697337738464,
2.0061338699634712057, 1.9879595741276190335, 1.970103260854325633,
1.9525457295535557645, 1.9352692282966217352, 1.9182573008645087409,
1.901494653105150201, 1.8849670357077579208, 1.8686611409944875462,
1.85256451172808978, 1.836665460258444682, 1.820952996596124418,
1.8054167642192271437, 1.7900469825998572837, 1.7748343955860681476,
1.759770224899592117, 1.744846128113799022, 1.730054160563729182,
1.7153867407136660361, 1.7008366185699153039, 1.6863968467791665695,
1.6720607540975995775, 1.6578219209540228096, 1.6436741568628672194,
1.6296114794706331175, 1.6156280950431594068, 1.6017183802213763588,
1.5878768648905743355, 1.5740982160229990416, 1.5603772223661671603,
1.5467087798599086224, 1.5330878776740417546, 1.5195095847659385591,
1.5059690368632017154, 1.492461423781352492, 1.4789819769899226198,
1.4655259573427090736, 1.4520886428892227915, 1.4386653166845615459,
1.4252512545140580968, 1.4118417124470556967, 1.3984319141310033174,
1.3850170377326498361, 1.3715922024273405899, 1.3581524543301413122,
1.3446927517535449681, 1.3312079496656250566, 1.3176927832094120774,
1.3041418501286148324, 1.2905495919261944504, 1.2769102735601534082,
1.2632179614546188429, 1.2494664995730662138, 1.2356494832633604375,
1.2217602305399941631, 1.2077917504159472184, 1.1937367078331260206,
1.1795873846639857163, 1.1653356361647499995, 1.1509728421488649719,
1.1364898520131583304, 1.1218769225825397928, 1.1071236475340335836,
1.092218876907274927, 1.0771506248928932603, 1.0619059636948215974,
1.0464709007640424776, 1.0308302360681926846, 1.0149673952513273978,
0.99886423349298048002, 0.98250080351542590229, 0.96585507940114656567,
0.94890262551130311053, 0.93161619661514749602, 0.91396525102302894616,
0.89591535258093435434, 0.87742742911291993213, 0.85845684319380943794,
0.83895221429757360632, 0.81885390670035329563, 0.79809206064405291414,
0.7765839878947558006, 0.7542306644540515137, 0.73091191064248450804,
0.70647961133543202283, 0.68074791866914985405, 0.6534786387399702523,
0.62435859733604526234, 0.59296294247144254452, 0.55869217840817897436,
0.52065603876205379663, 0.47743783729668198834, 0.42654798635541407714,
0.36287143109701985866, 0.27232086481394562893, 0,
f64 x, y, f0, f1;
while (1) {
const u64 u = operator()();
const u64 idx = u & (ZIGGURAT_BLOCK_COUNT - 1);
const f64 uf = (2.0 * (uni_norm * (u >> 12)) - 1.0) * xtbl[idx];
if (std::fabs(uf) < xtbl[idx + 1]) return uf;
if (idx == 0) {
do {
x = std::log(operator()(1.0 / ZIGGURAT_R));
y = std::log(operator()(1.0));
} while (-(y + y) < x * x);
return uf < 0 ? x - ZIGGURAT_R : ZIGGURAT_R - x;
y = uf * uf;
f0 = std::exp(-0.5 * (xtbl[idx] * xtbl[idx] - y));
f1 = std::exp(-0.5 * (xtbl[idx + 1] * xtbl[idx + 1] - y));
if (operator()(f1, f0) < 1.0) return uf;
#undef RNG2F
inline f64 gau(f64 const mean, f64 const std) {
return gau() * std + mean;
inline u64 poorrange(u64 const n) {
return poorrange(operator()(), n);
inline f64 clt() {
u64 const r = operator()();
return ((r & 0x1FFFFF) + ((r >> 21) & 0x1FFFFF) + ((r >> 42) & 0x1FFFFF)) * gau_norm - 3.0;
inline f64 clt(f64 const mean, f64 const std) {
return clt() * std + mean;
thread_local static inline Wy rng;
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