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Last active December 21, 2015 11:58
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Long running WAMP RPC call with progress status events
Long Run Button clicked
WAMP client initialized
WAMP connected 1377136104011-1
status:long-run RECEIVED 0
status:long-run RECEIVED 1
status:long-run RECEIVED 2
status:long-run RECEIVED 3
status:long-run RECEIVED 4
status:long-run RECEIVED 5
status:long-run RECEIVED 6
status:long-run RECEIVED 7
status:long-run RECEIVED 8
status:long-run RECEIVED 9
rpc:long-run RECEIVED true true
(ns clj-wamp-cljs.rpcstatus
[clj-wamp.client :as wamp :refer [wamp-handler]]
[clojure.browser.event :as event]))
(def long-run-rpc-uri "http://myapp/rpc#long-run")
(def long-run-status-uri "http://myapp/status#long-run")
; On page load, init
(defn ^:export init []
(defn add-btn-listener []
; Button click triggers the websocket connection and rpc call.
; Only listen once so multiple clicks do not re-trigger call.
(let [long-run-btn (.getElementById js/document "long-run-btn")]
(event/listen-once long-run-btn "click" trigger-wamp-call)))
(defn trigger-wamp-call []
(.log js/console "Long Run Button clicked")
(if-let [ws (wamp-handler "ws://localhost:8080/ws"
{:on-open on-wamp-open
:on-close on-wamp-close
:on-event on-wamp-event})]
(.log js/console "WAMP client initialized")
(.log js/console "WAMP client init failed")))
(defn on-wamp-open [ws sess-id]
(.log js/console "WAMP connected" sess-id)
; Subscribe to status channel
(wamp/subscribe! ws long-run-status-uri)
; Issue the RPC request
(call-long-run ws))
(defn call-long-run [ws]
(wamp/rpc! ws long-run-rpc-uri ["test"]
(fn [ws success? result]
(.log js/console "rpc:long-run RECEIVED" success? (pr-str result))
; Stop websocket now that we have the result
(wamp/close! ws))))
(defn on-wamp-event [ws topic event]
; Listen for any pubsub status events
(= topic long-run-status-uri)
(.log js/console "status:long-run RECEIVED" (pr-str event))))
(defn on-wamp-close []
(.log js/console "WAMP disconnected")
2013-08-21 21:48:24,025 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (0 1377136104011-1 1 clj-wamp/1.1.0-SNAPSHOT)
2013-08-21 21:48:24,026 INFO clj-wamp-cljs.websocket: WAMP client connected [ 1377136104011-1 ]
2013-08-21 21:48:24,031 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Data received: [5,"http://myapp/status#long-run"]
2013-08-21 21:48:24,036 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Data received: [2,"0.ywh61cuxx3g3z0k9","http://myapp/rpc#long-run","test"]
2013-08-21 21:48:24,037 INFO clj-wamp-cljs.websocket: WAMP call: 1377136104011-1 http://myapp/rpc#long-run 0.ywh61cuxx3g3z0k9 (test)
2013-08-21 21:48:24,038 INFO clj-wamp-cljs.websocket: Long Run RPC called test
2013-08-21 21:48:25,040 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 0)
2013-08-21 21:48:26,045 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 1)
2013-08-21 21:48:27,046 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 2)
2013-08-21 21:48:28,047 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 3)
2013-08-21 21:48:29,049 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 4)
2013-08-21 21:48:30,050 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 5)
2013-08-21 21:48:31,051 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 6)
2013-08-21 21:48:32,052 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 7)
2013-08-21 21:48:33,054 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 8)
2013-08-21 21:48:34,054 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (8 http://myapp/status#long-run 9)
2013-08-21 21:48:34,055 TRACE clj-wamp.server: Sending data: (3 0.ywh61cuxx3g3z0k9 true)
2013-08-21 21:48:34,062 INFO clj-wamp-cljs.websocket: WAMP client disconnected [ 1377136104011-1 ] :normal
(ns clj-wamp-example
(:require [org.httpkit.server :as http-kit]
[clj-wamp.server :as wamp]
[ :as log]))
(def long-run-rpc-uri "http://myapp/rpc#long-run")
(def long-run-status-uri "http://myapp/status#long-run")
(defn long-run [data]
(log/info "Long Run RPC called" data)
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(Thread/sleep 1000)
; Only send status to the client who called
(wamp/emit-event! long-run-status-uri i [wamp/*call-sess-id*]))
{:result true})
(defn my-wamp-handler
"Returns a http-kit websocket handler with wamp subprotocol"
(http-kit/with-channel request channel
(wamp/http-kit-handler channel
; Expose RPC and PubSub topics
{:on-call {long-run-rpc-uri long-run-rpc}}
:on-subscribe {long-run-status-uri true}
:on-publish {long-run-status-uri true}})))
(http-kit/run-server my-wamp-handler {:port 8080})
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A simple WAMP server with a long running RPC call long-run.
The call will simulate progress status by looping/sleeping and sending a status event to a PubSub channel. When done looping the result is returned.

In the client, a button click will start a WAMP websocket connection. Immediately upon open it will subscribe to the status PubSub channel and issue the long running RPC call. A PubSub event listener on-wamp-event receives all of the progress status events.

On completion of the RPC call, the client closes the WAMP connection and the button listener is set again.

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