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Last active October 5, 2023 23:46
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Turns a FITS binary table of Gaia DR3 stars with $m_G\leq8$ into a pseudo-tetra3-style database of stars with $m_V\leq7$.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import fits
fits_file_path = "gaiadr3_gmag8.fits.gz"
with as f:
hdr = f[1].header
tbl = f[1].data
GminusV = lambda BP, RP: -0.01760 - 0.006860*(BP-RP) - 0.1732*(BP-RP)**2 #
Vmag = tbl.Gmag - GminusV(tbl.BPmag, tbl.RPmag) # V = G - (G - V)
ra, dec = np.deg2rad(tbl.RA_ICRS), np.deg2rad(tbl.DE_ICRS) # ICRS coords are at epoch 2016.0
star_table = np.column_stack((ra, dec, np.cos(ra)*np.cos(dec), np.sin(ra)*np.cos(dec), np.sin(dec), Vmag))
star_catalog_IDs = pd.Series(tbl.DR3Name).str.replace("Gaia DR3 ", "").to_numpy(dtype=np.uint64)
props_packed = np.array(("gaiadr3"), dtype=[("star_catalog", "U64")])
to_save = dict(star_catalog_IDs = star_catalog_IDs[Vmag<=7.0],
star_table = star_table[Vmag<=7.0, :],
props_packed = props_packed)
np.savez_compressed("gaiadr3_mag7_stars.npz", **to_save)
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