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Last active October 13, 2022 19:19
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NAIF CSPICE executable utilities made available within Python
import os, sys, platform
import subprocess
CSPICE_dir = "/absolute/path/to/cspice/"
__doc__ = """
SPICE executables, made available from within Python.
Available executables:
""" + "\n".join([os.path.splitext(exe)[0] for exe in os.listdir(os.path.join(CSPICE_dir,"exe"))]) + """
def _exe(util: str, args: list[str]): # general-purpose function to run any of the executables
OS_name = platform.system()
if OS_name == "Windows" or "CYGWIN" in OS_name:
extension = ".exe"
elif OS_name in ("Linux","Darwin"):
extension = ""
extension = ""
print("Warning! Operating system not recognized. Extension may be incorrect.")
executable = os.path.join(CSPICE_dir, "exe", util+extension)
if isinstance(args, str):
arguments = [args]
elif isinstance(args, list):
arguments = args
raise TypeError("Single argument should be a str, multiple should be a list of str.")
cmd = [executable]+[arguments]
cmd_out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, text=True)
return cmd_out
def _docs(util): # retrieve documentation contents from file
with open(CSPICE_dir+f"/doc/{util}.ug","r") as ug:
doc_contents =
return doc_contents
def _construct(util): # create a Python function for an executable and add it to the namespace
func = lambda args : _exe(util,args)
func.__doc__ = _docs(util)
globals()[util] = func
for executable in os.listdir(CSPICE_dir+"/exe/"): # construct a function for all of the available exes
if __name__ == "__main__":
util_to_run = sys.argv[1] # executable name
arguments = sys.argv[2:] # arguments to pass
func = globals()[util_to_run]
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