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Created August 21, 2012 14:25
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Read Fixed Width File w/Excel
'This script was based almost entirely on
Const xlFixedWidth = 2
Const xlDMYFormat = 4 ' DMY date format.
Const xlDYMFormat = 7 ' DYM date format.
Const xlEMDFormat = 10 ' EMD date format.
Const xlGeneralFormat = 1 ' General.
Const xlMDYFormat = 3 ' MDY date format.
Const xlMYDFormat = 6 ' MYD date format.
Const xlSkipColumn = 9 ' Column is not parsed.
Const xlTextFormat = 2 ' Text.
Const xlYDMFormat = 8 ' YDM date format.
Const xlYMDFormat = 5 ' YMD date format.
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True
' The 3 says to start on the third line
' objExcel.Workbooks.OpenText <filename>,,3,xlFixedWidth,,,,,,,,, _
objExcel.Workbooks.OpenText WScript.Arguments(0),,,xlFixedWidth,,,,,,,,, _
Array(0, xlTextFormat),_
Array(6, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(15, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(25, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(27, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(31, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(35, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(36, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(61, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(86, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(87, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(107, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(127, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(147, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(149, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(159, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(170, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(180, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(190, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(191, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(192, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(194, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(195, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(197, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(198, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(208, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(210, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(212, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(220, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(222, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(224, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(232, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(233, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(243, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(249, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(250, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(270, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(290, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(298, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(302, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(306, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(310, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(315, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(320, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(330, xlGeneralFormat),_
Array(331, xlGeneralFormat))
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