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Created November 15, 2012 13:24
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(defn ensure-initialized [p]
(or (deref p 0 nil) (throw (IllegalStateException. "Method called on half-initialized object."))))
(defmacro reify-let
[name bindings & impls]
(let [p (gensym "p")
delegate (fn [x]
(if (seq? x)
(let [[method args] x]
`(~method ~args (~method (ensure-initialized ~p) ~@(next args))))
shadow (fn [x]
(if (seq? x)
(let [[method args & body] x]
`(~method ~args (let [~(first args) ~name] ~@body)))
`(let [~p (promise)
~name (reify ~@(map delegate impls))
(deliver ~p (reify ~@(map shadow impls)))
;; usage
(reify-let self
[context-map {:me self}]
(do-that-thing [this event]
(handle-event context-map event)))
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