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Created January 17, 2014 09:50
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(defn queue-process
[input output stats]
; Wait for the first input.
(loop [q clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY]
(let [[val-to-q ch] (async/alts!
(if-let [v (peek q)]
[input [output v]]
(swap! stats update-stats-as-you-see-fit q)
; Read a value from input.
val-to-q (recur (conj q val-to-q))
; Input channel is closed. => drain queue.
; Is the assumption that the process owns output right?
(identical? ch input) (do
(doseq [v q] (async/>! output v))
(async/close! output))
; Write happened.
:else (recur (pop q)))))
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