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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Parsley 2 VM, not yet incremental
(ns parsley2.core)
(defprotocol Asmable
(asm [x]))
(defrecord InlineAsm [ops]
(asm [_] ops))
(extend-protocol Asmable
(asm [x] (mapcat asm x))
(asm [[k v]] (concat [:LABEL k] (asm v) [:RET k]))
(asm [x] (mapcat asm x))
(asm [x] (mapcat asm x))
(asm [c] [:PRED #(= c %)])
(asm [k] [:CALL k]))
(defn alt [& choices]
(let [end (gensym :altend_)
emit (fn emit [choices]
(when-let [[choice & choices] (seq choices)]
(if choices
(let [addr (gensym :alt_)] (concat [:FORK addr] (asm choice) [:JUMP end :LABEL addr] (emit choices)))
(asm choice))))]
(->InlineAsm (concat (emit choices) [:LABEL end]))))
(defn * [& xs]
(let [start (gensym :star_)
end (gensym :starend_)]
(->InlineAsm (concat [:LABEL start :FORK end] (mapcat asm xs) [:LABEL end]))))
(defn + [& xs]
(let [start (gensym :plus_)
end (gensym :plusend_)]
(->InlineAsm (concat [:LABEL start] (mapcat asm xs) [:FORK end :JUMP start :LABEL end]))))
(defn ? [& xs]
(let [end (gensym :questionmarkend_)]
(->InlineAsm (concat [:FORK end] (mapcat asm xs) [:LABEL end]))))
(defn grammar
[m start]
(list* :JUMP start (asm m)))
(ns parsley2.vm)
(defn has-priority? [a b]
(if-let [[a & as] (seq a)]
(if-let [[b & bs] (seq b)]
(if (= a b)
(recur as bs)
(< a b))
(defn combine [a b]
{:error (+ (:error a 0) (:error b 0))
:events (concat (:events a nil) (:events b nil))
:priority (concat (:priority a nil) (:priority b nil))})
(defprotocol Stacks
(stacks-map [stacks] "returns a map of pc to stacks")
(add [stacks carry]))
(defrecord Carried [stacks carry]
(stacks-map [c]
(reduce-kv (fn [m pc stacks] (assoc m pc (add stacks carry))) {} (stacks-map stacks)))
(add [c carry']
(Carried. stacks (combine carry carry'))))
(extend-protocol Stacks
(stacks-map [m] m)
(add [m carry]
(->Carried m carry))
(stacks-map [d]
(let [r @d]
(if (delay? r)
(recur r)
(stacks-map r))))
(add [d carry]
(->Carried d carry)))
(defn merge-stacks [a b]
(= a b) a
(and (instance? Carried a) (instance? Carried b) (= (:stacks a) (:stacks b)))
(< (:error (:carry a)) (:error (:carry b))) a
(> (:error (:carry a)) (:error (:carry b))) b
(has-priority? (:priority (:carry a)) (:priority (:carry b))) a
:else b)
(delay (merge-with merge-stacks (stacks-map a) (stacks-map b)))))
(defn plus [m pc tails]
(assoc m pc (if-some [tails' (m pc)]
(merge-stacks tails' tails)
(defn stepper
(letfn [(fail [_] false)
(flow [m pos pc tails]
(if (neg? pc)
(plus m pc tails)
(case (nth pgm pc)
:FORK (-> m (flow pos (+ pc 2) (add tails {:priority [0]})) (recur pos (nth pgm (inc pc)) (add tails {:priority [1]})))
:JUMP (recur m pos (nth pgm (inc pc)) tails)
:CALL (recur m pos (nth pgm (inc pc)) {(+ pc 2) (add tails {:events [[:push pos]]})})
:RET (reduce-kv #(flow %1 pos %2 %3) m (stacks-map (add tails {:events [[:pop (nth pgm (inc pc)) (inc pos)]]})))
:PRED (plus m pc tails))))
(step [stacks pos c m]
(reduce-kv (fn [m pc tails]
(if ((nth pgm (inc pc) fail) c)
(flow m pos (+ pc 2) tails)
(plus m pc (add tails {:error 1 :events [[:skip pos]]}))))
m (stacks-map stacks)))]
(let [init-stacks (flow {} -1 0 (plus {} -1 {}))]
([] init-stacks)
([stacks pos c]
(step stacks pos c {}))))))
(defn link [pgm]
(let [labels (reduce (fn [labels pc]
(let [label (nth pgm (inc pc))
pc (- pc (* 2 (count labels)))]
(when-some [pc' (labels label)]
(throw (ex-info "Label used twice." {:label label :pcs [pc' pc]})))
(assoc labels label pc)))
(filter #(= :LABEL (nth pgm %)) (range 0 (count pgm) 2)))]
(vec (mapcat (fn [[op x]]
(case op
(:CALL :JUMP :FORK) [op (or (labels x) (throw (ex-info "Label not found." {:label (labels x)})))]
:LABEL nil
[op x])) (partition 2 pgm)))))
(def pgm
:FORK ["(" :E* ")"]
:PRED #(= % \x)
:RET nil
:LABEL ["(" :E* ")"]
:PRED #(= % \()
:FORK :end-of-E*
:LABEL :end-of-E*
:PRED #(= % \))
:LABEL :end
:RET nil]))
(def pgm2
:FORK [:X "+" :E]
:FORK ["(" :E ")"]
:PRED #(= % \x)
:RET "X"
:LABEL ["(" :E ")"]
:PRED #(= % \()
:PRED #(= % \))
:RET "(E)"
:LABEL [:X "+" :E]
:PRED #(= % \+)
:RET "X+E"]))
(def pgm3
:PRED #(= % \x)
:PRED #(= % \x)
:RET "xx"
:RET nil
:PRED #(= % \x)
:RET "x"]))
#_(let [step (stepper pgm2)]
(:carry (get (reduce-kv step (step) (vec "(x+(x+x)+x)")) -1)))
#_(let [step (stepper pgm2)]
(reduce-kv step (step) (vec "(x+x")))
#_(dotimes [_ 10] (time (let [step (stepper pgm2)]
(:carry (get (reduce-kv step (step) (vec (cons \x (take 2048 (cycle "+x"))))) -1))
#_(dotimes [_ 10] (time (let [step (stepper pgm2)]
(get (reduce-kv step (step) (into (vec (repeat 1024 \()) (cons \x (repeat 1024 \))))) -1)
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