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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Registering a New Setting in WordPress
if ( ! class_exists( 'Sample_Plugin' ) ) {
class Sample_Plugin {
var $text_domain = 'sample_plugin';
var $options_page_slug = 'sample-options-page'; /* Because you will use this in a lot of places, we'll define it here */
function __construct() {
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_init' ) );
function admin_menu() {
/* $page_title = */__( 'Sample Options Page', $this->text_domain ), /* Will be used as <title> element on page, only */
/* $menu_title = */__( 'Sample Options', $this->text_domain ), /* Will appear as the name within the admin menu */
/* $capability = */'manage_options', /* Be sure to choose a capability that makes sense for your plugin */
/* $menu_slug = */$this->options_page_slug, /* Make this unique, so that no other plugin/theme will clash with it */
/* $callback = */array( $this, 'do_options_page' ) /* This will actually output the HTML for the options page */
function admin_init() {
/* Whitelist the setting itself */
/* $option_group = */$this->options_page_slug, /* For ease of use, use the page slug for this */
/* $option_name = */'my-sample-setting', /* Make this unique to your plugin; it will be used as the key in the database */
/* $callback = */array( $this, 'sanitize_settings' ) /* This is the function that will be used to escape/sanitize the user input */
/* Add the settings section */
/* $id = */'sample-settings-section', /* Make this unique to your plugin */
/* $title = */__( 'Sample Settings Section', $this->text_domain ), /* The full text heading for this section */
/* $callback = */array( $this, 'settings_section' )
/* Add the settings field */
/* $id = */'sample-settings-field',
/* $title = */__( 'Sample Settings Field', $this->text_domain ),
/* $callback = */array( $this, 'settings_field' ),
/* $page = */$this->options_page_slug, /* Make sure this matches the slug you used when regsitering the page */
/* $section = */'sample-settings-section', /* Make sure this matches the ID you assigned to the section you regsitered */
/* $args = */array( 'label_for' => 'sample-settings-field', 'foo' => 'bar' )
* Output anything that needs to be at the beginning of our settings section
* If you want some introductory text or anything like that, use this callback
* Otherwise, this can just return null/void.
function settings_section() {
* Output the settings form field itself
* WordPress handles outputting the label and wrappers, etc.; you just
* need to output the field (and any notes, extra info you need)
function settings_field( $args=array() ) {
/* Retrieve the existing values from the database */
$vals = get_option( 'sample-setting', array() );
/* You can output any type of field you want here */
echo '<input type="text" name="settings-field[baz]" id="' . $args['label_for'] . '" value="' . $vals['baz'] . '"/>';
/* If you need to output any additional info, you can do that, too. You can also access any values sent through the args array */
echo '<p style="font-style:italic">The value of the foo argument is: ' . $args['foo'] . '</p>';
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