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Created August 22, 2015 06:11
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Where does the game take place?

The game takes place in one of the large, ruined cities of the world.

  • The city is ruined in "patches": some were burned down, some taken over by the weird, some destroyed in riots maybe? Nature reclaimed some, some is maybe weirdly missing.
  • Coastal city
  • One or two major rivers, mostly frozen solid
  • Sliced up into different turfs held by different people
  • There are underground tunnels in the city (who lives there?)
  • Most elevators and shit are broken, so 100 stories up to the top of a building is fortress-hard.
  • You can farm maybe 2-3 months a year (so wheat and potatoes, but no corn).

There are a plethora of pine trees and flora.

(There may be some arcologies, some pseudo-crashed space colonies, out offscreen?)

Is it static? Do you stay put or move around?

  • It's easy to move within the city, harder to move to another city altogether.
  • The upshot is that it's hard to move an army around.

What's the climate like?

  • As we said before, it's cold.
  • The moon's strange, the tides are strange, the eclipses are.... fucking wacknuts.

What are risks from the world itself, from nature?

  • Travel can be risky.

What are the scarcities? (Everybody at the table should name something that's hard to get.)

Remember that these aren't impossible to acquire. They're just rarer than most things.

  • Mike: Send of self (the psychic maelstrom bleeds in)
    • Maelstrom is full of convincing voices (sorta like schizophrenia)
    • Vengeful or deposed spirits may vie for your body if you aren't careful
    • You can hold onto stronger personalities, like hardholders, for stability
    • Sleeping can leave your subconscious all mixed up from the maelstrom's voices; when you wake out, you have to piece out your wants and needs from the ones the maelstrom's voices brought you
    • There may be a potential preference for manual labor because it helps better-define a sense of self.
    • Stories. People record diaries, history, etc., to help remember themselves.
    • Maybe sometimes people reset, lose memories entirely? It may happen to a person a few times (no more than 3) in their life.
  • Chris: Good Sleep (see above).
    • Rackets for sleeping pills have a potential place in this world.
  • Spenser: Manufactured goods
    • Newly-made goods are mostly pre-industrial revolution in make.
    • Things like cloths are hard, and new tires are mostly impossible unless you can find a working foundry and enough people to run it.
  • Cameron: Warmth.
    • The Sun grew colder, turned purple-hued
    • Mexico gets snow, Canada is screwed.
    • Weird solar storms and random eclipses occur with some frequency
    • There's some sort of... second moon? It's hard to look at, and it's unpredictable.
    • The moon's also made the tides unpredictable.

How supernatural is the world? Game of Thrones or Silent Hill?

We've talked about tending toward surreal, not fantastic. Baseline characters don't have full-on control of the weirdness (in most cases), but it is seldom Silent Hill Alternate Hospital craziness.

How in-the-know are your characters? How well do the handle the Weird? (See playbooks; this is about baseline in-the-know, not specialized.)

The conclusion was "tolerable comfort", with the example as "good outdoorsman in a storm". You may know, generally, what sort of things you can do to ensure your survival, but predicting a storm can be hard, and preparing for it perfectly is a challenging task.

How localized is the weirdness?

  • There's this small hiss of weirdness in the background from the voiced maelstrom.
  • There are areas of more intense weirdness that move like weather patterns.

How hard is travel?

We touched a bit on this with the ice thing, but shelved the full discussion until playbooks were decided. A Chopper, for example, might exploit snowmobiles.

What isn't scarce? What could I expect to walk into any hardhold and find if I have the jingle? (Everyone, again, should name something.)

  • Spenser: Hardware. Things like Lumber, Nails, ... Pine trees are plentiful, too
  • Chris: Space. The population has fallen apart, but large chunks of the city still stands, so you can find a place all to yourself if you want it.
  • Mike: Time. Since travel is slowed due to weather and weirdness patterns, you may wait a month or two for a shipment. Similarly, since a farmer may have a tractor, they'll finish the work in an hour or two and work very little.
    • There was a discussion at this point about a potential preference for manual labor because it helps better-define a sense of self.
  • Cam: Fire wood. The pines grow, after all. Warmth is there if you have the jingle.
  • Extra: Stories. People record diaries, history, etc., to help remember themselves.

Did you have lives before the apocalypse? A memory of it?

Not a lick.

How reliable is the narrative?

Generally reliable, but it could be fun to play with it.

Is time linear?

Generally, but it could be fun to play with it.

What about other weirdness?

Are there mutants and shit?

  • Probably strangely aggressive animals
  • Maybe insets form weird shapes (like a strange butterfly formation) and crazy stuff
  • Animals act weird, but generally look normal

Is there hardcore futuretech?

  • No laser pistols
  • It was an "early apocalypse", maybe 1980s/1990s tech
  • Computers are probably all CRTs, stacked everywhere, and supercomputers are Pi-like
    • Computers, technologically, are maybe more advanced than other tech (Pentium II)
  • A Cassette player with four tapes is a valued luxury item, as are VHS tapes

Are we going Gene Wolf with the narrative, or should I tell you if what you found is a toaster?

  • Only when weirdness demands it. If it's a weird supercomputer, make it weird.
  • In the Weird, maybe it's hard to tell the abstract concept of a toaster is attached to the object.

What survives of the old world?

  • Plenty of buildings, generators, windmills, are around
  • Batteries are pretty rare

Is there anything you want for sure to be in the game we haven't gotten to, or for sure forbid?

  • Wild Moose should show up
  • Harm pulls you back to yourself
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