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Created September 30, 2015 17:30
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Strange construction in Redex, the generated examples produce a funny error.
#lang racket
(require redex)
(define-language ccon
(x y f ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned)
(n ::= integer)
(b ::= boolean)
(unop ::= not)
(binop ::= + and or - > <)
(c ::= (channel n))
(v ::= b n (inl tv) (inr tv)
(pair tv tv)
(lambda (x_!_ ...) e) ;; _!_ means they must be unique
(tv ::= (thunk e) v)
(ans ::= tv (raise tv))
(s ::= eager semi future async)
(e ::= x ans (e e ...) (if e e e)
(pair e e) (unop e) (binop e e)
(case e x e x e) (injl e) (injr e)
(delay e) (force e)
(raise e) (catch e e)
(begin e e)
(spawn T e) (chan e) (read e) (write e e)
(check e e e)
(predc e)
(mraise e))
(D ::= hole
(tv ... D e ...) (if D e e)
(pair D e) (pair tv D)
(unop D) (binop D e) (binop v D)
(case D x e x e) (injl D) (injr D)
(force D) (raise D) (catch D e)
(begin D e)
(chan D) (read D) (write D e) (write c D)
(check D e e) (check v D e)
(predc D)
(mraise D))
(E ::= hole
(tv ... E e ...) (if E e e)
(pair E e) (pair tv E)
(unop E) (binop E e) (binop v E)
(case E x e x e) (injl E) (injr E)
(force E) (raise E) (catch E e) (catch v E)
(begin E e)
(chan E) (read E) (write E e) (write c E)
(check E e e) (check v E e)
(predc E)
(mraise E))
(Th ::= (Thread integer T e) (done ans))
(T ::= A U M)
(P ::= (para Th ... Th_1)))
(define thread-number 0)
(define channel-number 0)
(define pstep
(--> (para Th ... (Thread n T_0 (in-hole E (spawn T_1 e_0))) Th_2 ...)
(para Th ... (Thread n T_0 (in-hole E unit)) (Thread n_1 T_1 e_0) Th_2 ...)
(where/hidden n_1 ,(begin (set! thread-number (add1 thread-number)) thread-number))
(--> (para Th ... (Thread n T (in-hole E (chan tv))) Th_2 ...)
(para Th ... (Thread n T (in-hole E (tv (channel n_1)))) Th_2 ...)
(where n_1 ,(begin (set! channel-number (add1 channel-number)) channel-number))
(--> (para Th ... (Thread n_1 T_1 (in-hole E_1 (read c))) Th_2 ... (Thread n_2 T_2 (in-hole E_2 (write c tv))) Th_3 ...)
(para Th ... (Thread n_1 T_1 (in-hole E_1 tv)) Th_2 ... (Thread n_2 T_2 (in-hole E_2 unit)) Th_3 ...)
(--> (para Th ... (Thread n_1 T_1 (in-hole E_1 (write c tv))) Th_2 ... (Thread n_2 T_2 (in-hole E_2 (read c))) Th_3 ...)
(para Th ... (Thread n_1 T_1 (in-hole E_1 unit)) Th_2 ... (Thread n_2 T_2 (in-hole E_2 tv)) Th_3 ...)
(--> (para Th ... (Thread n T e_0) Th_2 ...)
(para Th ... (Thread n T any_1) Th_2 ...)
(where (any_1) ,(apply-reduction-relation step (term e_0)))
(--> (para Th ... (Thread n U ans) Th_2 ...)
(para Th ... (done ans) Th_2 ...)
(--> (para Th ... (Thread n M tv) Th_2 ...)
(para Th ... Th_2 ...)
(--> (para Th ... (Thread n A tv) Th_2 ...)
(para Th ... Th_2 ...)
(define lambda? (redex-match ccon (lambda (x_!_ ...) e)))
(define strat? (redex-match ccon s))
(define thunk? (redex-match ccon (thunk e)))
(define var? (redex-match ccon x))
(define (non-usage-ctxt? E)
(define app-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (tv ... E_0 e ...))))
(define pair-l-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (pair E_0 e))))
(define pair-r-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (pair E_0 e))))
(define injl-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (injl E_0))))
(define injr-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (injr E_0))))
(define force-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (force E_0))))
(define delay-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (delay E_0))))
(define raise-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (raise E_0))))
(define catch-r-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (catch v E_0))))
(define begin-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (begin E_0 e))))
(define write-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (write c E_0))))
(define mt-ctxt? (redex-match ccon hole))
(define predc-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (predc E_0)))) ;; Wrong, but it's a library fn so who cares
(define mraise-ctxt? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E_1 (mraise E_0)))) ;; Wrong, but it's a library fn so who cares
(or (mt-ctxt? E) (app-ctxt? E) (begin-ctxt? E)
(pair-l-ctxt? E) (pair-r-ctxt? E)
(injl-ctxt? E) (injr-ctxt? E)
(force-ctxt? E) (delay-ctxt? E)
(raise-ctxt? E) (catch-r-ctxt? E)
(predc-ctxt? E) (mraise-ctxt? E)
(write-ctxt? E)))
(define step
(--> (in-hole E (binop tv_1 tv_2))
(in-hole E (delta binop tv_1 tv_2))
(--> (in-hole E (unop tv))
(in-hole E (delta unop tv))
(--> (in-hole E (if #t e_1 e_2))
(in-hole E e_1)
(--> (in-hole E (if #f e_1 e_2))
(in-hole E e_2)
(--> (in-hole E ((lambda (x ..._1) e) tv ..._1)) ;; _1 means 'must be the same length'
(in-hole E e_1)
(where e_1 (subst-n (x tv) ... e))
(--> (in-hole E (begin tv_1 e_2))
(in-hole E e_2)
;; Cases
(--> (in-hole E (case (inl tv) x_1 e_1 x_2 e_2))
(in-hole E (subst x_1 tv e_1))
(--> (in-hole E (case (inr tv) x_1 e_1 x_2 e_2))
(in-hole E (subst x_2 tv e_2))
(--> (in-hole E (injl tv))
(in-hole E (inl tv))
(--> (in-hole E (injr tv))
(in-hole E (inr tv))
;; Raise and Catch
(--> (in-hole E (delay e))
(in-hole E (thunk e))
(--> (in-hole E (force (thunk e)))
(in-hole E e)
(--> (in-hole E (force v))
(in-hole E v)
(--> (in-hole E (force c))
(in-hole E c)
;; Exceptions
(--> (in-hole D (raise tv))
(raise tv)
(side-condition (not (equal? (term hole) (term D))))
(--> (in-hole E (catch v (in-hole D (raise tv))))
(in-hole E (v tv))
(--> (in-hole E (catch v tv))
(in-hole E tv)
;; Contracts
(--> (in-hole E (check v eager e))
(in-hole E (chan (lambda (x)
(spawn M (write x (catch (lambda (x) (injr x)) (injl (v e)))))
(mraise (read x))))))
(--> (in-hole E (check v semi e))
(in-hole E (chan (lambda (x)
(spawn M (write x (catch (lambda (x) (injr x)) (injl (delay (v e))))))
(mraise (read x))))))
(--> (in-hole E (check v future e))
(in-hole E (chan (lambda (x)
(spawn M (write x (catch (lambda (x) (injr x)) (injl (v e)))))
(delay (mraise (read x)))))))
(--> (in-hole E (check v async e))
(in-hole E (begin
(spawn A (v e))
(--> (in-hole E (predc tv))
(in-hole E ((lambda (f) (lambda (x) (if (f x) x (raise x)))) tv))
(--> (in-hole E (mraise tv))
(in-hole E ((lambda (y) (case y x x x (raise x))) tv))
;; Invalid Cases
(--> (in-hole E (thunk e))
(error "Thunk used in invalid position")
(side-condition (not (non-usage-ctxt? (term E))))
(--> (in-hole E (check tv_1 tv_2 e))
(error "Invalid use of check")
(side-condition (or (not (lambda? (term tv_1))) (not (strat? (term tv_2)))))
(--> (in-hole E (case tv x_1 e_1 x_2 e_2))
(error "Invalid case value")
(and (not ((redex-match ccon (inl tv)) (term tv)))
(not ((redex-match ccon (inr tv)) (term tv)))))
(--> (in-hole E (if tv e_1 e_2))
(error "Invalid if value")
(side-condition (not ((redex-match ccon boolean) (term tv))))
(--> (in-hole E (tv_1 tv ...))
(error "Invalid operator")
(side-condition (not (lambda? (term tv_1))))
(--> (in-hole E x)
(error "free var")
(define-metafunction ccon
delta : any ... -> any
[(delta + number_1 number_2) ,(+ (term number_1) (term number_2))]
[(delta - number_1 number_2) ,(- (term number_1) (term number_2))]
[(delta > number_1 number_2) ,(> (term number_1) (term number_2))]
[(delta < number_1 number_2) ,(< (term number_1) (term number_2))]
[(delta and boolean_1 boolean_2) ,(and (term boolean_1) (term boolean_2))]
[(delta or boolean_1 boolean_2) ,(or (term boolean_1) (term boolean_2))]
[(delta not boolean) ,(not (term boolean))]
[(delta _ _) (error "Invalid unary operation")]
[(delta _ _ _) (error "Invalid binary operation")])
;; Subst e1 for x in e2 as (subst-n x e1 e2)
(define-metafunction ccon
subst-n : (x any) ... any -> any
[(subst-n (x_1 any_1) (x_2 any_2) ... any_3)
(subst x_1 any_1 (subst-n (x_2 any_2) ...
[(subst-n any_3) any_3])
(define-metafunction ccon
subst : x any any -> any
[(subst x any x) any]
[(subst x_1 any_1 (lambda (x_2 ... x_1 x_3 ...) any_2))
(lambda (x_2 ... x_1 x_3 ...) any_2)]
;; capture avoiding case
[(subst x_1 any_1 (lambda (x_2 ...) any_2))
(lambda (x_new ...)
(subst x_1 any_1 (subst-vars (x_2 x_new) ... any_2)))
(x_new ...)
,(variables-not-in (term (x_1 any_1 any_2)) (term (x_2 ...))))]
[(subst x_1 any_1 (case e_1 x_2 e_2 x_3 e_3))
(case (subst x_1 any_1 e_1) x_2 e_4 x_3 e_5)
(where e_4
,(if (equal? (term x_1) (term x_2)) (term e_2) (term (subst x_1 any_1 e_2))))
(where e_5
,(if (equal? (term x_1) (term x_3)) (term e_3) (term (subst x_1 any_1 e_3))))]
[(subst x_1 any_1 (thunk e)) (thunk e)]
[(subst x_1 any_1 (any_2 ...))
((subst x_1 any_1 any_2) ...)]
[(subst x_1 any_1 any_2) any_2])
(define-metafunction ccon
subst-vars : (x any) ... any -> any
[(subst-vars (x_1 any_1) x_1) any_1]
[(subst-vars (x_1 any_1) (any_2 ...))
((subst-vars (x_1 any_1) any_2) ...)]
[(subst-vars (x_1 any_1) any_2) any_2]
[(subst-vars (x_1 any_1) (x_2 any_2) ... any_3)
(subst-vars (x_1 any_1) (subst-vars (x_2 any_2) ... any_3))]
[(subst-vars any) any])
(test-->> step (term (injl 5)) (term (inl 5)))
(test-->> step
(term (case (injl 5) x x x x)) 5)
(test-->> step (term (lambda (x) x)) (term (lambda (x) x)))
(test-->> step (term ((lambda (x) x) 5)) 5)
;; Raise and Catch
(test-->> step (term ((lambda (x) (raise x)) 5)) (term (raise 5)))
(test-->> step (term (catch (lambda (x) x) (raise 5))) 5)
(test-->> step (term (catch (lambda (x) x) (+ 2 (raise 5)))) 5)
(test-->> step (term (catch (lambda (x) x) (+ 2 5))) 7)
(test-->> step (term (catch (lambda (x) x) ((lambda (x) x) (+ 2 (raise 5))))) 5)
(test-->> step (term (catch (lambda (x) (injr x)) (injl ((lambda (x) x) 5)))) (term (inl 5)))
;; Delay and Force
(test-->> step (term (delay (+ 2 3))) (term (thunk (+ 2 3))))
(test-->> step (term ((lambda (x) (force x)) (delay (+ 2 3)))) 5)
;; Parallelism
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (begin (spawn U (+ 3 4)) (+ 2 3)))))
(term (para (done 5) (done 7))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (write (channel 0) 5)) (Thread 1 U (read (channel 0)))))
(term (para (done unit) (done 5))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (chan (lambda (x) (begin (spawn U (write x 5)) (read x)))))))
(term (para (done 5) (done unit))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (chan (lambda (x) (begin (spawn U (write x (+ 2 5))) (read x)))))))
(term (para (done 7) (done unit))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (chan (lambda (x) (begin (spawn U (write x 5)) (+ (read x) 3)))))))
(term (para (done 8) (done unit))))
;; Contracts
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (check (lambda (x) x) eager 5))))
(term (para (done 5))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (check (lambda (x) (raise x)) eager 5))))
(term (para (done (raise 5)))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (check (lambda (x) (raise x)) semi 5))))
(term (para (done (thunk ((lambda (x) (raise x)) 5))))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (check (lambda (x) (raise x)) future 5))))
(term (para (done (thunk (mraise (read (channel 7))))) (Thread 8 M (write (channel 7) (inr 5))))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (check (lambda (x) (raise x)) async 5))))
(term (para (done 5) (Thread 9 A (raise 5)))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (check (predc (lambda (x) (> x -1))) eager 5))))
(term (para (done 5))))
(test-->> pstep
(term (para (Thread 0 U (check (predc (lambda (x) (> x -1))) eager -2))))
(term (para (done (raise -2)))))
;; Processes, Round One
;; Of course this doesn't work. We can't always step with the small step,
;; and the process stepp is nondeterministic. Neat that it works, though!
(define (single-step? p)
(= (length (apply-reduction-relation pstep p)) 1))
(define value? (redex-match ccon (para (done tv))))
(redex-check ccon P
(or (value? (term P)) (single-step? (term P))))
;; Term Language
;; Since we can't check for processes, but we still want to ask abou terms,
;; let's do that. Either:
;; - it's an answer
;; - it can step
;; - it produces an error
;; - it's trying to eval a process instruction.
;; We must check for all of these.
(define (answer-e? e)
(define value? (redex-match ccon tv))
(define raise? (redex-match ccon (raise tv)))
(or (value? e) (raise? e)))
(define (single-step-e? e)
(= 1 (length (apply-reduction-relation step e))))
(define (contains-proc-step? e)
(define chan? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E (chan e))))
(define spawn? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E (spawn T e))))
(define write? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E (write e_1 e_2))))
(define read? (redex-match ccon (in-hole E (read e))))
(or (chan? e) (spawn? e) (write? e) (read? e)))
(define (error-e? e)
(let ([red (apply-reduction-relation step e)])
(and (< 0 (length red))
(andmap (lambda (x) (equal? (car x) (term error))) red))))
(define (display-term e)
(print e)
;; Sanity Check, but it doesn't sane
ccon e
;; (display-term (term e))
((redex-match ccon e) (term e)))
#:attempts 15000
#:retries 1000)
ccon e
;; (display-term (term e))
(or (answer-e? (term e))
(single-step-e? (term e))
(contains-proc-step? (term e))
(error-e? (term e))))
#:attempts 15000
#:retries 1000)
;; Processes, Round Two
;; Let's try processes again, but this time we'll look at a
;; many-step arrangement instead.
(define (many-step? p)
(< 0 (length (apply-reduction-relation pstep p))))
(define values? (redex-match ccon (para (done ans) ...)))
ccon P
(or (values? (term P)) (many-step? (term P)))
#:attempts 1500)
;; Slick, and it works!
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