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Created March 15, 2017 06:06
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Djikstra in python for source to all others and source to single destination
import copy
Infinity = 1e6
class GraphU:
"""Undirected graph, with edge cost and nodes have string names.
Okay to use int or float cost, but must be positive.
Assumes only one edge between any node n1 and n2.
def __init__(self, edges=()):
self.nodes = set()
self.edges = {}
for (n1, n2, cost) in edges:
self.add_edge(n1, n2, cost)
def add_edge(self, n1, n2, cost):
if n1 < n2:
self.edges[(n1, n2)] = cost
self.edges[(n2, n1)] = cost
def get_cost(self, n1, n2):
"""Cost or None if not connected"""
key = (n1, n2) if n1 < n2 else (n2, n1)
return self.edges.get(key, Infinity)
def neighbors(self, node):
nset = set() # neighbor set
for k in self.edges.keys():
(n1, n2) = k
if n1 == node:
if n2 == node:
def djikstra(cls, graph, start, dest=None):
"""Find shortest cost path from start to dest (or all destinations).
Uses list instead of min-heap (which would be better)
print("graph::\n" + repr(graph.edges))
# { node: previous_hop } from start node to node
previous = { node: node for node in graph.nodes if node != start }
# { node: cost } from start node to node
hop_cost = {
node: graph.get_cost(start, node)
for node in graph.nodes if node != start
unvisited = [n for n in graph.nodes if n != start]
def smart_cost(n):
return hop_cost.get(n, Infinity)
while len(unvisited):
u = min(unvisited, key=smart_cost)
u_cost = hop_cost.get(u, Infinity)
if dest is not None and u == dest:
for n in graph.neighbors(u):
if n == start:
alt_cost = u_cost + graph.get_cost(u, n)
if alt_cost < hop_cost[n]:
previous[n] = u
hop_cost[n] = alt_cost
print("previous::\n" + repr(previous))
print("hop_cost::\n" + repr(hop_cost))
if dest is None:
path = []
cur = dest
while True:
prev = previous[cur]
if cur == prev:
cur = prev
return(list(reversed(path)), hop_cost[dest])
graph = GraphU(
('a', 'b', 20),
('a', 'e', 5),
('b', 'd', 30),
('b', 'c', 10),
('c', 'd', 10),
('c', 'e', 20),
print(GraphU.djikstra(graph, 'a'))
print(GraphU.djikstra(graph, 'a', 'd'))
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