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Last active March 11, 2016 14:10
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  • Save cgwalters/14f2fa6e7ed893dbcc90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cgwalters/14f2fa6e7ed893dbcc90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

The goal here is to create a local mirror of the upstream OSTree repository.

Log into a shell on the host, and run the tools container. This isn't strictly necessary right now as we could use the host's ostree binary too, but in the future the tools container might contain more scripts for things like this. Once we're inside the tools container, we make an unprivileged user, as general best practice. It also shows that OSTree is perfectly happy to mirror/manipulate content as non-root.

# atomic run rhel7/rhel-tools
# adduser container

While we're still root, grab the entitlement certs and chown them to the unprivileged container user.

# cd ~container
# cp /host/etc/pki/entitlement/*.pem .
# chown container: *.pem
# runuser -u container bash

From here, we run unprivileged. We use /host/var/tmp/repo so the data is outside of the container. This could be a remote mount point to Ceph/etc.

Then, stick the entitlement certs inside the repo directory (they could be elsewhere, this is just an example).

$ cd /host/var/tmp
$ mkdir repo && ostree --repo=repo init --mode=archive-z2
$ mv ~/*.pem repo/ 

Next, we copy the remote configuration from the host into this repo:

cat /host/etc/ostree/remotes.d/redhat.conf >> repo/config

Now, edit repo/config and change the tls-client-* variables to look like the below. We're telling the command where to find the client certificates necessary to access the CDN.

tls-client-cert-path = ./repo/123451234512345.pem
tls-client-key-path = ./repo/123451234512345-key.pem

Finally, now that we're all set up, this command will incrementally mirror all of the content. You can run it out of a cron job/systemd timer etc.

$ ostree --repo=repo pull --mirror rhel-atomic-host-ostree

For client machines, change /etc/ostree/remotes.d/redhat.conf to point to a static webserver which is exporting the repo directory.

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