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Last active September 24, 2021 13:39
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ConfiG's Geometry Dash Menu Shader
// Shader made by ConfiG (Discord: ConfiG#9039)
// thanks Mat for making such a cool mod
precision highp float;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 mouse;
uniform float pulse1;
uniform float pulse3;
// all the const values are settings, you can change them to your liking
const vec2 bgSV = vec2(0.3, 0.9); // background color saturation and value, hue is generated in runtime
const float bgSpeed = 0.01; // the speed of the background color scroll
const float bgWidth = 0.1; // the width of the background
const float bgRotation = 15.0; // the rotation of the background (degrees)
const vec2 pulseFgMouseSens = vec2(0.125, 0.06125); // foreground visualizer mouse sensitivity
const vec2 pulseBgMouseSens = vec2(0.0625, 0.030625); // background visualizer mouse sensitivity
const vec3 pulseFgColor = vec3(0.05); // foreground visualizer color (RGB)
const vec3 pulseBgColor = vec3(-0.06, 0.06, -0.05); // background visualizer color (HSV, added to bg color)
const float pulseFgCenterSmooth = 1.0; // smoothstep right edge value of the foreground visualizer
const float pulseFgSideSmooth = 0.4; // smoothstep left edge value of the foreground visualizer
const float pulseBgCenterSmooth = 1.0; // smoothstep right edge value of the background visualizer
const float pulseBgSideSmooth = 0.2; // smoothstep left edge value of the background visualizer
const float pulseFgPosition = 0.1; // vertical position of the forgeround visualizer (0 = bottom, 1 = top)
const float pulseBgPosition = 0.1; // vertical position of the background visualizer (0 = bottom, 1 = top)
const vec2 pulseFgCenterMap = vec2(0.05, 0.4); // map of the pulse value to the middle of the foreground visualizer (x = min, y = max)
const float pulseFgCenterMix = 0.0; // mix value between the pulse values of the middle of the foreground visualizer (higher = moves slower)
const vec2 pulseBgCenterMap = vec2(0.08, 0.6); // map of the pulse value to the middle of the background visualizer (x = min, y = max)
const float pulseBgCenterMix = 0.8; // mix value between the pulse values of the middle of the background visualizer (higher = moves slower)
const vec2 pulseFgSideMap = vec2(0.08, 0.08); // map of the pulse value to the sides of the foreground visualizer (x = min, y = max)
const float pulseFgSideMix = 0.8; // mix value between the pulse values of the sides of the foreground visualizer (higher = moves slower)
const vec2 pulseBgSideMap = vec2(0.08, 0.16); // map of the pulse value to the sides of the background visualizer (x = min, y = max)
const float pulseBgSideMix = 0.85; // mix value between the pulse values of the sides of the background visualizer (higher = moves slower)
vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c) {
vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract( + * 6.0 - K.www);
return c.z * mix(, clamp(p -, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
float map(float value, vec2 pulseMap) {
return max(value * (pulseMap.y + pulseMap.x), pulseMap.x) - pulseMap.x;
float pulse(vec2 pulseMap, float pulseMix) {
return map(mix(pulse1, pulse3, pulseMix), pulseMap);
float triangleWave(float value) {
return 1.0 - abs(mod(value, 2.0) - 1.0);
// return value: x = x pos, y = y pos, z = value (height)
vec3 getPulse(vec2 coord, vec2 res, vec2 mouseCentered, vec2 mouseSens, float vertPos, float centerSmooth, float sideSmooth,
vec2 pulseCenterMap, float pulseCenterMix, vec2 pulseSideMap, float pulseSideMix) {
vec2 pulseMouse = mouseCentered * mouseSens;
// coord.x multiplied by 2 so that we get a full triangle, and not a half of it
vec2 pos = vec2(floor(coord.x * 2.0 + pulseMouse.x), floor(coord.y + pulseMouse.y - vertPos));
float triangle = triangleWave(pos.x / res.x);
float smoothStep = smoothstep(sideSmooth, centerSmooth, triangle);
float pulseSideValue = pulse(pulseSideMap, pulseSideMix);
float pulseCenterValue = max(pulse(pulseCenterMap, pulseCenterMix), pulseSideValue);
float value = mix(pulseSideValue, pulseCenterValue, smoothStep);
return vec3(pos, value * res.y);
void main() {
vec2 mouseCentered = mouse - resolution * 0.5;
vec2 boxCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.x;
vec3 pulseFg = getPulse(gl_FragCoord.xy, resolution, mouseCentered, pulseFgMouseSens, pulseFgPosition * resolution.y,
pulseFgCenterSmooth, pulseFgSideSmooth, pulseFgCenterMap, pulseFgCenterMix, pulseFgSideMap, pulseFgSideMix);
vec3 pulseBg = getPulse(gl_FragCoord.xy, resolution, mouseCentered, pulseBgMouseSens, pulseBgPosition * resolution.y,
pulseBgCenterSmooth, pulseBgSideSmooth, pulseBgCenterMap, pulseBgCenterMix, pulseBgSideMap, pulseBgSideMix);
vec3 color = vec3(time * bgSpeed + (boxCoord.x + boxCoord.y * tan(radians(bgRotation))) * bgWidth, bgSV);
// pulse values: x = x pos, y = y pos, z = value (height)
bool isFgPulse = pulseFg.y >= 0.0 && pulseFg.y <= pulseFg.z;
bool isBgPulse = pulseFg.y >= 0.0 && pulseBg.y >= 0.0 && pulseBg.y <= pulseBg.z;
gl_FragColor = vec4(float(!isFgPulse) * hsv2rgb(color + float(isBgPulse) * pulseBgColor) + float(isFgPulse) * pulseFgColor, 1.0);
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