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Javascript Utilities for several things
* Detect words in a paragraph.
* @type {RegExp} ['word', 'word', ...]
export const WORDS = /[A-Z]{2,}(?=[A-Z][a-z]+[0-9]*|\b)|[A-Z]?[a-z]+[0-9]*|[A-Z]|[0-9]+/g
* Detect a valid Venezuelan phone number (area code included)
* @type {RegExp}
export const TELEPHONE = /0(2(12|3[4589]|4[0-9]|[5-8][1-9]|9[1-5])|(4(12|14|16|24|26)))-?\d{7}/g
* Detect a valid email (RFC 5322 Standard)
* @type {RegExp}
export const MAIL = /[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])+/g
* Months of the year (in Spanish)
* @type {Array} ['enero', 'febrero', ...]
export const MONTHS = Array.from({ length: 12 }, (e, i) => {
return new Date(null, i + 1, null).toLocaleDateString('es', { month: 'long' })
* Colors of the Official Nord Palette
* @type {Array} [Colores]
export const NORD_PALETTE = [
'#2E3440', // Nord 0
'#3B4252', // Nord 1
'#434C5E', // Nord 2
'#4C566A', // Nord 3
'#D8DEE9', // Nord 4
'#E5E9F0', // Nord 5
'#ECEFF4', // Nord 6
'#8FBCBB', // Nord 7
'#88C0D0', // Nord 8
'#81A1C1', // Nord 9
'#5E81AC', // Nord 10
'#BF616A', // Nord 11
'#D08770', // Nord 12
'#EBCB8B', // Nord 13
'#A3BE8C', // Nord 14
'#B48EAD', // Nord 15
* Default font style for first appeal font
* @type {Object}
export const DEFAULT_STYLES = {
'font-size': '4rem',
'font-family': '-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, \'Segoe UI\', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, \'Helvetica Neue\', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif'
* Days of the week (in Spanish)
* @type {Array} ['domingo', 'lunes', ...]
export const DAYS = Array.from({ length: 7 }, (e, i) => {
return new Date(null, null, i).toLocaleDateString('es', { weekday: 'long' })
* Return if a year is a leap year
* @param {Number} $year [Full year (Format: AAAA)]
* @return {Boolean} [it is a leap year?]
export const isLeapYear = ($year) => (($year % 4 === 0) && ($year % 100 !== 0)) || ($year % 400 === 0)
* Return info about a date given
* @param {Date} $date [Date given]
* @return {Object} [day, month, year, date and first and last days]
export const aboutDate = ($date = new Date()) => {
const [year, month, day, date] = [$date.getFullYear(), $date.getMonth(), $date.getDay(), $date.getDate()]
return {
date, day, month, year,
firstDayOfMonth: new Date(year, month, 1),
lastDayOfMonth: new Date(year, month + 1, 0)
* Dettached event handling for heavy CPU events (such resize or scroll)
* @param {Function} $fn [Handler of the event]
* @param {Number} $ms [Debounce time]
* @return {Function} [Debounced callback handler]
export const debounce = ($fn, $ms = 0) => {
let timeoutId
return function (...args) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => $fn.apply(this, args), $ms)
* Take no operation in functional flows, returning its param
* @param {Any} $v [Value from functional flow]
* @return {Any} [Value from functional flow]
export const noop = $v => ($v)
* Returns a closure that returns the parameter (Identity)
* @param {Any} $v [Value from functional flow]
* @return {Function} [Closure that returns same value from flow]
export const same = $v => () => ($v)
* Pretty self explanatory wrapper for boolean comparisons
* @param {Boolean} $v1 [Any Boolean expression]
* @param {Boolean} $v2 [Any Boolean expression]
* @return {Boolean}
export const not = $v => (!$v)
export const eq = ($v1, $v2) => ($v1 === $v2)
export const and = ($v1, $v2) => ($v1 && $v2)
export const or = ($v1, $v2) => ($v1 || $v2)
export const xor = ($v1, $v2) => (($v1 || $v2) && !($v1 && $v2))
* Compare if the object-like value has the instance as self-constructor
* @param {Any<Object>} $v [Object-like value to compare]
* @param {Any<Object>} $constructor [Array, Object, Date, String,...]
* @return {Boolean}
export const isConstructor = ($v, $constructor) =>
($v.constructor === $constructor)
* Compare if the object-like value reference belongs to the instance
* @param {Any<Object>} $v [Object-like value to compare]
* @param {Any<Object>} $instance [Array, Object, Date, String,...]
* @return {Boolean}
export const isInstance = ($v, $instance) => ($v instanceof $instance)
* Determine if the value is primitive (or if it belongs to some primitive)
* @param {Any} $v [Value to check if it's primitive]
* @param {String} $type [Optional: primitive name]
* @return {Boolean}
export const isPrimitive = $v =>
['string', 'boolean', 'number', 'symbol', 'undefined']
.includes(() => typeof $v)
* Debug values on console
* @param {Object} $value [Value to show on console]
* @param {Boolean} $isTable [Flag for set callback to table]
* @param {Boolean} $setError [Flag for show formatted error messages]
* @return {Null} [console.log or console.table]
export const log = ($value, $isTable = false, $setError = false) => {
const debugCallback = $isTable ? console.table : console.log
const debug = [($setError ? `%c${$value}` : $value)]
if ($setError) debug.push('color: #BF616A')
* Clean all undefined, null and falsy values from an array
* @param {Array} $arr [Array with falsy values]
* @return {Array} [Array cleaned]
export const clean = ($arr) => $arr.filter(Boolean)
* Return an array with no repeated elements, given the array
* @param {Array} $arr [Array with repeated elements]
* @return {Array} [Array with unique elements]
export const uniques = $arr => [ Set($arr)]
* Chop an array into equally chunks of elements
* @param {Array} $array [Array to chop]
* @param {Number} $size [Optional: Length of the chunk]
* @return {Array} [Copy of 'chunked' array]
export const chunk = ($array, $size = 2) =>
Array.from({ length: Math.ceil($array.length / $size) }, (v, i) =>
$array.slice(i * $size, i * $size + $size))
* Generate a new array from a pattern $size times
* @param {Number} $size [Size of the array to generate]
* @param {Array} $pat [Pattern of the array to fill]
* @return {Array} [Array with pattern]
export const pattern = ($size = 1, $pat = [0]) =>
* Flatten an array
* @param {Array} $arr [Array to flatten]
* @param {Number} $lvl [Level of nesting to flat]
* @return {Array} [Flatten array]
export const flatten = ($arr, $lvl = Infinity) => $arr.flat($lvl)
* Return a suffix to a external string to plularize it
* @param {Number} counter [Number to detect if plural needed]
* @param {String} suffix [Suffix set to pluralize]
* @return {String} [Suffix to pluralize]
export const pluralize = (counter, suffix = 's') =>
(counter === 1 ? '' : suffix)
* Do anything with an opinated Fibonacci series generator
* @param {Number} $end [End of the fibonacci series to generate]
* @param {Function} $cb [Callback to execute on each fibonacci series term]
* @return {Null}
export const fibonacciUntil = ($end, $cb) => {
for (let i = 0, next = 1; i < $end; [i, next] = [next, next + i]) {
* Generate a range of consecutive integer numbers
* @param {Number} $from [lower limit of the range]
* @param {Number} $to [upper limit of the range]
* @param {Number} $step [steps between numbers]
* @return {Array} [Array of consecutive numbers]
export const range = ($from, $to, $step = 1) => {
if ($from >= $to) return [$from]
return [$from, ...range($from + $step, $to, $step)]
* Get decimal code from a single character
* @param {String} $char [One character]
* @return {Number} [Decimal code of the character]
export const charToCode = $char => $char.charCodeAt(0)
* Get a character from a valid decimal code
* @param {Number} $code [Decimal code of the character]
* @return {String} [Single character]
export const charFromCode = $code => String.fromCharCode($code)
* Set the first letter of the string to uppercase
* @param {String} $str [String to convert]
* @return {String} [Cased string]
export const toTitleCase = $str =>
.map(x => x.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + x.slice(1))
.join(' ')
* Set a string to a 'sArCaStIc StRiNg'
* @param {String} $str) [String to convert]
* @return {String} [Cased string]
export const toSarcasticCase = $str =>
[...$str].map((c, i) =>
i % 2 === 0 ? c.toUpperCase() : c.toLowerCase()).join('')
* Set any phrase into-spinal-case-phrase (useful for seed urls)
* @param {String} $str [String to convert]
* @return {String} [Cased string]
export const toSpinalCase = $str =>
.map(word => word.tolowerCase())
* Query selector of DOM elements (can select one or many)
* @param {String} $query [Valid DOM Selector]
* @param {Boolean} $all [Flag to return one or all selected elements]
* @param {Element} $node [Root node element to start seeking out]
* @return {Array or Element} [Depends on flag $all can select one or all]
export const Q = ($query, $all = false, $node = document) =>
$all ? [...$node.querySelectorAll($query)] : $node.querySelector($query)
* Append children nodes to a single parent (both are required)
* @param {Element} $parent [Parent DOM element]
* @param {Array<Element>} $children [Array of DOM elements]
* @return {Null}
export const append = ($parent, $children) => $parent.append(...$children)
* Attach a handler event to a DOM element
* @param {String} $eventName [Valid name of a Javascript event]
* @param {Function} $cb [Event handler name or callback]
* @param {Element} $el [Element to attach event]
* @return {Null}
export const on = ($eventName, $cb, $el = window) =>
$el.addEventListener($eventName, $cb)
* Main thread of any script
* @param {Function} $callback [Function to exec]
* @return {Null}
export const init = ($callback) => (on("DOMContentLoaded", $callback))
* Dettach a handler event to a DOM element
* @param {String} $eventName [Valid name of a Javascript event]
* @param {Function} $cb [Event handler name or callback]
* @param {Element} $el [Element to dettach event]
* @return {Null}
export const off = ($eventName, $cb, $el = window) =>
$el.removeEventListener($eventName, $cb)
* Return a random integer number between 0 and 'top'
* @param {Number} top [Upper range of the random number]
* @return {Number} [Number between 0 and 'top']
export const randomize = $top => Math.floor(Math.random() * ($top))
* Get all permutations of the sub-array
* combine([[1, 2], [4, 5]]) //return [[1, 4], [1, 5], [2, 4], [2, 5]]
* @param {Array} arr [Array of arrays]
* @return {Array} [Combined array of arrays]
export const combine = $arr =>
$arr.reduce((a, b) => a.flatMap(x => => [...x, y])), [[]])
* Merge two objects into one (overwriting its properties)
* @param {Object} $target [Object to extend]
* @param {Object} $source [Object to extend into]
* @return {Object} [Extended object (with overwritten properties)]
export const extend = ($target, $source) => ({ ...$target, ...$source })
* Merge two or more complex or nested objects (1-level deep)
* @param {Object ^ n} objs [Any objects as params]
* @return {Object} [Merged objects into one]
export const merge = (...$objs) =>
(acc, obj) =>
Object.keys(obj).reduce((a, k) => {
acc[k] = k in acc
? [].concat(acc[k]).concat(obj[k])
: obj[k]
return acc
}, {})
, {})
* Transform a HTML dataform into an object
* @param {HTMLFormElement} $form [Form data from the DOM]
* @return {Object} [Data transformed (as object)]
export const formToObject = ($form = document.forms[0]) =>
Array.from(new window.FormData($form)).reduce(
(acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, [key]: value }), {}
* Serialize a HTML dataform into URL query string
* @param {HTMLFormElement} form [description]
* @return {String} [query string. e.g., user=name&email=mail%40mail%20com]
export const serializeForm = $form =>
Array.from(new window.FormData($form), field =>'=')
* Correlate two arrays as its indexes
* @param {Array} $arr1 [First array to combine, e.g. [a, b]]
* @param {Array} $arr2 [Second array to combine, e.g. [1, 2]]
* @return {Array} [Zipped array, e.g. [[a, 1], [b, 2]]]
export const zip = ($arr1, $arr2) => $, i) => [k, $arr2[i]])
* Associates properties to values, given array of valid properties
* - If $props.length > $values.length, remaining keys will be undefined.
* - If $values.length > $props.length, remaining values will be ignored.
* @param {Array} $props [Property keys array]
* @param {Array} $values [Values array]
* @return {Object} [Zipped Object (with conditions above)]
export const zipObject = ($props, $values) => {
const obj = {}
$props.forEach((key, index) => {
obj[key] = $values[index]
return obj
* Converts an array of object values by specified $key
* @param {Array<Object>} $arr [Array of objects to be plucked]
* @param {String} $key [Key name to be plucked]
* @return {Array} [Plucked values from array of objects]
export const pluck = ($arr, $key) => $ => i[$key])
* Pick key-value pairs from object by a condition
* @param {Object} $obj [Object from picking key-value pairs]
* @param {Array<String>} $arr [Array of keys (string)]
* @return {Object} [Object with key-value pairs picked]
export const pick = ($obj, $arr) =>
$arr.reduce(($acc, $curr) => {
($curr in $obj) && ($acc[$curr] = $obj[$curr])
return $acc
}, {})
* Omit key-value pairs from an object by a condition
* @param {Object} $obj [Object from omitting key-value pairs]
* @param {Function) $by [Condition to use as filter]
* @return {Object} [Object with key-value pairs omitted]
export const omitBy = ($obj, $by) =>
.reduce(($acc, $pair) => ({[$pair[0]]: $pair[1], ...$acc})
, {})
* Detect if a number is into a range (both limits included)
* @param {Number} $val [Value to be compared]
* @param {Number} $low [Lower limit]
* @param {Number} $high [Upper limit]
* @return {Boolean}
export const isBetween = ($val, $low, $high) =>
($val >= $low && $val <= $high)
* Delete many elements of the array
* @param {Array} $arr [Array of elements to search]
* @param {Array} $itemsToExclude [Array of elements to exclude]
* @return {Array} [Copy of array with excluded elements]
export const exclude = ($arr, $itemsToExclude) =>
$arr.filter(item => !$itemsToExclude.includes(item))
* Set content of a valid DOM element (created or queried)
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element to set content]
* @param {String} $content [Content]
* @return {Null}
export const setContent = ($el, $content) => ($el.innerHTML = $content)
* Use window.getComputedStyle to get the value of a rulename from an element
* @param {Element} $el [description]
* @param {String} $ruleName [description]
* @return {String} [description]
export const getStyle = ($el, $ruleName) =>
* Apply the rules as styles to the element
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element to set styles]
* @param {Object} $stylesheet [Styles as in CSS {'font-size': '2rem'}]
* @return {Null}
export const setStyle = ($el, $stylesheet) => {
for (const rule in $stylesheet) {
$[rule] = $stylesheet[rule]
* Set attributes
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element to set attribute]
* @param {Object} $attrs [Attributes object ({name: value})]
* @return {Null}
export const set = ($el, $attrs) => {
for (const key in $attrs) {
$el.setAttribute(key, $attrs[key])
* Detect if a DOM element (created or queried) has a class
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @param {String} $className [Name of the class]
* @return {Boolean}
export const hasClass = ($el, $className) => $el.classList.contains($className)
* Add one or many classes to a DOM element (created or queried)
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @param {String} $className [Class(es) to add]
* @return {Null}
export const addClass = ($el, $className) =>
$className.includes(' ')
? $el.classList.add(...$className.split(' '))
: $el.classList.add($className)
* Remove one or many classes from a DOM element (created or queried)
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @param {String} $className [Class(es) to remove]
* @return {Null}
export const removeClass = ($el, $className) =>
$className.includes(' ')
? $el.classList.remove(...$className.split(' '))
: $el.classList.remove($className)
* Toggle a class on a DOM element (created or queried)
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @param {String} $className [Class to toggle]
* @return {Null}
export const toggleClass = ($el, $className) =>
* Create a DOM element (with optional classes included)
* @param {String} $el [Tag name of the element to create]
* @param {String} $className [(Optional) Name of the class(es) to add]
* @return {Element} [DOM element]
export const create = ($className = '', $el = 'div') => {
const $elem = document.createElement($el)
if ($className.length) {
$elem.className = $className
return $elem
* Set navbar responsive behavior(*)
* (*) Only if working with Bulma CSS Framework
export const setResponsiveNavbarMenu = () => {
on('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const $navbarBurgers = Q('.navbar-burger', true)
if ($navbarBurgers.length > 0) {
$navbarBurgers.forEach((el) => {
on('click', () => {
const $target = Q(`#${}`)
toggleClass(el, 'is-active')
toggleClass($target, 'is-active')
}, el)
const $navbarBox = Q('.is-boxed')
const $navbarLink = Q('.navbar-link')
on('click', () => { toggleElement($navbarBox) }, $navbarLink)
}, document)
* Show modal element(*)
* (*) Only if working with Bulma CSS Framework
* @param {String} $template [HTML modal template content as string]
* @return {Null}
export const showModal = $template => (ev) => {
const modal = Q('.modal')
addClass(modal, 'is-active')
const close = Q('.modal-close', false, modal)
const closeBackground = Q('.modal-background', false, modal)
on('click', () => removeClass(modal, 'is-active'), close)
on('click', () => removeClass(modal, 'is-active'), closeBackground)
const content = Q('.modal-card-body', false, modal)
content.innerHTML = $template
* Show a DOM element (created or queried)
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @return {Null}
export const show = $el => ($ = '')
* Hide a DOM element (created or queried)
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @return {Null}
export const hide = $el => ($ = 'none')
* Detect if a DOM element (created or queried) is hidden
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @return {Boolean}
export const isHidden = $el => ($ === 'none')
* Show or hide a DOM element (created or queried)
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @return {Null}
export const toggleElement = $el => (
$ = ($ === 'none')
? ''
: 'none'
* Apply a fade-in or fade-out transition to a single DOM element., e.g:
* fade($el) // fade-in element
* fade($el, false) // fade-out element
* fade($el, true, 50) // faster fade-in
* fade($el, false, 10, 0.1) // smoother fade-out
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @param {Boolean} $in [Apply a fade-in or fade-out transition]
* @param {Number} $delay [Duration of every step of the transition]
* @param {Number} $step [Opacity step variation]
* @return {Null}
export const fade = ($el, $in = true, $delay = 100, $step = 0.05) => {
let opacity = $in ? 0 : 1
let isFadeEnd
const fadeDuration = setInterval(() => {
isFadeEnd = $in ? (opacity < 1) : (opacity > 0)
if (isFadeEnd) {
opacity = $in ? opacity + $step : opacity - $step
$ = opacity
} else {
}, $delay)
* Return an object of counters from ocurrencies of an array
* @param {Array} $list [Array of elements (normally primitive ones)]
* @return {Object} [Counters of ocurrencies]
export const howMany = $list =>
$list.reduce(($counter, $look) => {
$counter[$look] = (+$counter[$look] || 0) + 1
return $counter
}, {})
* Returns metainfo about a DOM element
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @return {Object}
export const who = $el => (
type: {
1: 'DOM Element',
3: 'Text',
4: 'CDATA',
7: 'XML',
8: 'Comment',
9: 'Document Root',
10: 'DOCTYPE',
11: 'Document Fragment'
}[$el.nodeType] || 'DEPRECATED',
parent: $el.parentNode,
hasChildren: $el.hasChildNodes(),
children: $el.children && [...$el.children],
* Returns an object with the upperleft coordinate of a DOM element
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @return {Object} [{top: from top, left: from left}]
export const where = $el => ({ top: $el.offsetTop, left: $el.offsetLeft })
* Expose a conditional execution of functions given
* @param {Object} $config [{
* if: condition callback (must return a boolean)
* then: callback to execute if condition is true
* else: callback to execute if condition is false
* }]
* @param {Any} $params [Any params needed for callbacks]
* @return {Null}
export const when = $config => $params =>
$config.if($params) ? $config.then($params) : $config.else($params)
* Compose multiple functions, when the result of the first function on
* the array is the parameter of the next callback execution
* @param {Array<Function>} $fns [Array of functions]
* @return {Null}
export const compose = (...$fns) => $x => $fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), $x)
* Can execute multiple unary functions in sequence. Always return the
* foremost result as a param for $next function or as the end result.
* @param {Any} $value [First value to setup pipe]
* @return {Object}
export const pipe = ($value) =>
({ next: ($fn) => pipe($fn($value)), done: ($fn) => $fn($value) })
* Detect if a DOM element (created or queried) exists in the actual page
* @param {Element} $el [DOM element]
* @return {Boolean}
export const isInPage = $el =>
(($el === document.body) || document.body.contains($el))
* Transform a fetch() call response to a JSON response
* @param {Promise} $response [Result of a fetch() call]
* @return {Promise} [Response in JSON format]
export const toJSON = $response => $response.json()
* Transform a fetch() call response to a TEXT response
* @param {Promise} $response [Result of a fetch() call]
* @return {Promise} [Response in TEXT format]
export const toTEXT = $response => $response.text()
* Pad a number with a number of left zeroes
* @param {Number} $n [Number to pad]
* @param {Number} $z [Number of zeroes to pad - 1]
* @return {String} [Zero-padded number]
export const padNumber = ($n, $z = 2) => `${$n}`.padStart($z, '0')
* Format a date in Timezone in Spanish format date
* @param {Date} $date [Valid Javascript Date]
* @param {Object} $op [Options for localeDateString]
* @return {Object} [{ date: DD/MM/YYYY, time: HH:MM:SS, turn: am|pm }]
export const formatDate = ($date = new Date(), $op = {
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
second: 'numeric',
day: '2-digit',
month: '2-digit',
year: 'numeric',
hour12: true
}) => {
const arrDate = $date.toLocaleDateString('es', $op).split(' ')
const formatter = ['date', 'time', 'turn']
return Object.fromEntries(, i) => [k, arrDate[i]]))
* Replace '{}' for dynamic values into the given string
* @param {String} $str [String to replace]
* @param {Any} $args [Any arguments to insert into]
* @return {String} [Formatted string]
export const formatString = ($str, ...$args) => {
let i = 0
return $str.replace(/{}/g, () => {
return typeof $args[i] !== 'undefined' ? $args[i++] : ''
* Bind a memoization process to a function
* @param {Function} $fn [Function to be memoized]
* @return {Function} [Memoized function]
export const memoize = $fn => new Proxy($fn, {
cache: new Map(),
apply (target, thisArg, argsList) {
const cacheKey = argsList.toString()
if (!this.cache.has(cacheKey)) {
this.cache.set(cacheKey, target.apply(thisArg, argsList))
return this.cache.get(cacheKey)
* Generate an UUID
* @return {String} [Valid UUID, e.g. '136de969-1f37-4677-b2f8-615317a63749']
export const generateUUID = () =>
([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c =>
(c ^ (
window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & (15 >> (c / 4))
* Given a formatted string as an HSL color, change its lightness $delta times
* @param {Number} $delta [< 0 gets lighten color, > 0 gets darken color]
* @param {String} $hslStr [HSL valid string color, e.g. 'hsl(210,39%,59%)']
* @return {String} [HSL color lightened or darkened]
export const changeLightness = ($delta, $hslStr) => {
const [hue, saturation, lightness] = $hslStr.match(/\d+/g).map(Number)
const newLightness = Math.max(
Math.min(100, lightness + parseFloat($delta))
return `hsl(${hue}, ${saturation}%, ${newLightness}%)`
* Convert the three values of an HSL color to RGB (aprox.)
* @param {Number} $hue [Color Hue (0 ~ 360)]
* @param {Number} $sat [Color Saturation (0 ~ 100)]
* @param {Number} $lig [Color Lightness (0 ~ 100)]
* @return {Array} [Array of values ['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE'] (0 ~ 255)]
export const HSLtoRGB = ($hue, $sat, $lig) => {
$sat /= 100
$lig /= 100
const k = n => (n + $hue / 30) % 12
const a = $sat * Math.min($lig, 1 - $lig)
const f = n =>
$lig - a * Math.max(-1, Math.min(k(n) - 3, Math.min(9 - k(n), 1)))
return [255 * f(0), 255 * f(8), 255 * f(4)]
* Convert the three values of an RGB color to HSL (aprox.)
* @param {Number} $r [Red variation of the color (0 ~ 255)]
* @param {Number} $g [Green variation of the color (0 ~ 255)]
* @param {Number} $b [Blue variation of the color (0 ~ 255)]
* @return {Array} [Array of values ['HUE', 'SATURATION', 'LIGHTNESS']]
export const RGBtoHSL = ($r, $g, $b) => {
$r /= 255
$g /= 255
$b /= 255
const l = Math.max($r, $g, $b)
const s = l - Math.min($r, $g, $b)
const h = s
? (l === $r)
? ($g - $b) / s
: (l === $g)
? 2 + ($b - $r) / s
: 4 + ($r - $g) / s
: 0
return [
60 * h < 0 ? 60 * h + 360 : 60 * h,
100 * (s ? (l <= 0.5 ? s / (2 * l - s) : s / (2 - (2 * l - s))) : 0),
(100 * (2 * l - s)) / 2
* Convert the three values of an RGB color to its hexadecimal representation
* @param {Number} $r [Red variation of the color (0 ~ 255)]
* @param {Number} $g [Green variation of the color (0 ~ 255)]
* @param {Number} $b [Blue variation of the color (0 ~ 255)]
* @return {String} [Hex string of the color #000000 to #ffffff]
export const RGBtoHEX = ($r, $g, $b) =>
(($r << 16) + ($g << 8) + $b).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')
* Converts the string as rgb string representation
* @param {String} $hex [#000000 to #ffffff]
* @return {String} ['rgb(a)(0~255, 0~255, 0~255)']
export const HEXToRGB = ($hex) => {
const ONLY_GREEN_ALPHA = 0x00FF0000
const ONLY_BLUE_ALPHA = 0x0000FF00
const ONLY_GREEN = 0x00FF00
const ONLY_BLUE = 0x0000FF
const ONLY_ALPHA = 0x000000FF
let alpha = false
let h = $hex.slice($hex.startsWith('#') ? 1 : 0)
if (h.length === 3) {
h = [...h].map(x => x + x).join('')
} else if (h.length === 8) {
alpha = true
h = parseInt(h, 16)
return (
'rgb' +
(alpha ? 'a' : '') +
'(' +
(h >>> (alpha ? 24 : 16)) +
', ' +
((h & (alpha ? ONLY_GREEN_ALPHA : ONLY_GREEN)) >>> (alpha ? 16 : 8)) +
', ' +
((h & (alpha ? ONLY_BLUE_ALPHA : ONLY_BLUE)) >>> (alpha ? 8 : 0)) +
(alpha ? `, ${h & ONLY_ALPHA}` : '') +
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