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Created October 1, 2012 15:47
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Avocado Initial State example
# Avocado loads the 'Initial' state, and from there it's all up to you!
avo.States['Initial'] = new class
# Called the first time this state is loaded. You can set up any stuff your
# state needs here.
constructor: ->
# Yum, an avocado!
@avocado = {}
# Let's move around the avocado! In order to do that, we'll need to
# keep track of its x, y location.
@x = 0
@y = 0
# Called every time this state is loaded. You should do things like loading
# images and setting up your event handlers here.
initialize: (args) ->
# Initialization is asynchronous.
defer = upon.defer()
# Load that avocado image.
avo.Image.load('/image/avocado.png').then (@avocado) =>
# When the image is loaded, we're done initializing. Tell Avocado
# we're ready!
# Promise Avocado we'll finish initialization... eventually!
# Called repeatedly while this state is loaded. You can do things like
# update your world here. We'll move the avocado based on user input.
tick: ->
# Move it 100px a second.
movement = avo.tickTimeElapsed() * 100
@x += avo.input.movement[0] * movement
@y += avo.input.movement[1] * movement
# Called repeatedly while this state is loaded. You can render all of
# your pretty pictures here!
render: (buffer) ->
# Fill the screen with white.
buffer.fill 255, 255, 255
# Show the avocado at its current x, y location.
@avocado.render [@x, @y], buffer
# Called when another state is loaded. This gives you a chance to clean
# up resources and event handlers.
onExit: (nextStateName) ->
# Remove our user input event handler. 'inputEvent.State'
# Wave to the next state because we're a friendly state! "*waves to #{nextStateName}*"
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