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Last active April 1, 2019 16:31
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AutNumeric.js typescript definition file
* AutoNumeric.js typescript definition file.
* AutoNumeric version: 4.0.2
declare var AutoNumeric: autoNumeric.AutoNumeric;
declare namespace autoNumeric {
export interface AutoNumeric {
new(domElement: HTMLElement | string, userOptions: autoNumeric.options): AutoNumeric;
//new(domElement: string, multiplOptions: Array<string | autoNumeric.options>): AutoNumeric;
//new(domElement: string, initialValue: number | string | null): AutoNumeric;
//new(domElement: string, initialValue: number | string | null, userOptions: autoNumeric.options): AutoNumeric;
//new(domElement: string, initialValue: number | string | null, multiplOptions: Array<string | autoNumeric.options>): AutoNumeric;
options: optionsStatic;
set: (value: string | number, options?: autoNumeric.options, saveState?: boolean) => void;
setUnformatted: (value: string | number, options?: autoNumeric.options) => void;
getNumericString: () => string;
get: () => string;
getFormatted: () => string;
getNumber: () => number;
getLocalized: (forcedOutputFormat?: string, callback?: () => void) => string;
//getLocalized: (callback?: () => void) => string;
reformat: () => void;
unformat: () => void;
unformatLocalized: (forcedOutputFormat?: string) => void;
isPristine: () => boolean;
select: () => void;
selectNumber: () => void;
selectInteger: () => void;
selectDecimal: () => void;
clear: (all?: boolean) => void;
//uninitialize the autnumeric element
remove: () => void;
wipe: () => void;
nuke: () => void;
//node manipulation
node: Element;
parent: Element;
detach: (element?: string) => void;
attach: (element?: string, reFormat?: boolean) => void;
export interface allowDecimalPadding {
always: true;
never: false;
floats: 'floats';
export interface caretPositionOnFocus {
start: 'start';
end: 'end';
decimalLeft: 'decimalLeft';
decimalRight: 'decimalRight';
doNoForceCaretPosition: null;
export interface createLocalList {
createList: true;
doNotCreateList: false;
export interface currencySymbol {
none: '';
currencySign: '¤';
austral: '₳';
australCentavo: '¢';
baht: '฿';
cedi: '₵';
cent: '¢';
colon: '₡';
cruzeiro: '₢';
dollar: '$';
dong: '₫';
drachma: '₯';
dram: '​֏';
european: '₠';
euro: '€';
florin: 'ƒ';
franc: '₣';
guarani: '₲';
hryvnia: '₴';
kip: '₭';
att: 'ອັດ';
lepton: 'Λ.';
lira: '₺';
liraOld: '₤';
lari: '₾';
mark: 'ℳ';
mill: '₥';
naira: '₦';
peseta: '₧';
peso: '₱';
pfennig: '₰';
pound: '£';
real: 'R$';
riel: '៛';
ruble: '₽';
rupee: '₹';
rupeeOld: '₨';
shekel: '₪';
shekelAlt: 'ש״ח‎‎';
taka: '৳';
tenge: '₸';
togrog: '₮';
won: '₩';
yen: '¥';
export interface currencySymbolPlacement {
prefix: 'p';
suffix: 's';
export interface decimalCharacter {
comma: ',';
dot: '.';
middleDot: '·';
arabicDecimalSeparator: '٫';
decimalSeparatorKeySymbol: '⎖';
export interface decimalCharacterAlternative {
none: null;
comma: ',';
dot: '.';
export interface decimalPlaces {
none: 0;
one: 1;
two: 2;
three: 3;
four: 4;
five: 5;
six: 6;
export interface decimalPlacesRawValue {
useDefault: null;
none: 0;
one: 1;
two: 2;
three: 3;
four: 4;
five: 5;
six: 6;
export interface decimalPlacesShownOnBlur {
useDefault: null;
none: 0;
one: 1;
two: 2;
three: 3;
four: 4;
five: 5;
six: 6;
export interface decimalPlacesShownOnFocus {
useDefault: null;
none: 0;
one: 1;
two: 2;
three: 3;
four: 4;
five: 5;
six: 6;
export interface defaultValueOverride {
doNotOverride: null;
export interface digitalGroupSpacing {
two: '2';
twoScaled: '2s';
three: '3';
four: '4';
export interface digitGroupSeparator {
comma: ',';
dot: '.';
normalSpace: ' ';
thinSpace: '\u2009';
narrowNoBreakSpace: '\u202f';
noBreakSpace: '\u00a0';
noSeparator: '';
apostrophe: "'";
arabicThousandsSeparator: '٬';
dotAbove: '˙';
export interface divisorWhenUnfocused {
none: null;
percentage: 100;
permille: 1000;
basisPoint: 10000;
export interface emptyInputBehavior {
null: 'null';
focus: 'focus';
press: 'press';
always: 'always';
zero: 'zero';
export interface failOnUnknownOption {
fail: true;
ignore: false;
export interface formatOnPageLoad {
format: true;
doNotFormat: false;
export interface historySize {
verySmall: 5;
small: 10;
medium: 20;
large: 50;
veryLarge: 100;
insane: number;
export interface isCancellable {
cancellable: true;
notCancellable: false;
export interface leadingZero {
allow: 'allow';
deny: 'deny';
keep: 'keep';
export interface maximumValue {
tenTrillions: '9999999999999.99';
tenTrillionsNoDecimals: '9999999999999';
oneBillion: '999999999.99';
zero: '0';
export interface minimumValue {
tenTrillions: '-9999999999999.99';
tenTrillionsNoDecimals: '-9999999999999';
oneBillion: '-999999999.99';
zero: '0';
export interface modifyValueOnWheel {
modifyValue: true;
doNothing: false;
export interface negativeBracketsTypeOnBlur {
parentheses: '(,)';
brackets: '[,]';
chevrons: '<,>';
curlyBraces: '{,}';
angleBrackets: '〈,〉';
japaneseQuotationMarks: '「,」';
halfBrackets: '⸤,⸥';
whiteSquareBrackets: '⟦,⟧';
quotationMarks: '‹,›';
guillemets: '«,»';
none: null;
export interface negativePositiveSignPlacement {
prefix: 'p';
suffix: 's';
left: 'l';
right: 'r';
none: null;
export interface noEventListeners {
noEvents: true;
addEvents: false;
export interface onInvalidPaste {
error: 'error';
ignore: 'ignore';
clamp: 'clamp';
truncate: 'truncate';
replace: 'replace';
export interface outputFormat {
string: 'string';
number: 'number';
dot: '.';
negativeDot: '-.';
comma: ',';
negativeComma: '-,';
dotNegative: '.-';
commaNegative: ',-';
none: null;
export interface overrideMinMaxLimits {
ceiling: 'ceiling';
floor: 'floor';
ignore: 'ignore';
doNotOverride: null;
export interface rawValueDivisor {
none: null;
percentage: 100;
permille: 1000;
basisPoint: 10000;
export interface readOnly {
readOnly: true;
readWrite: false;
export interface roundingMethod {
halfUpSymmetric: 'S';
halfUpAsymmetric: 'A';
halfDownSymmetric: 's';
halfDownAsymmetric: 'a';
halfEvenBankersRounding: 'B';
upRoundAwayFromZero: 'U';
downRoundTowardZero: 'D';
toCeilingTowardPositiveInfinity: 'C';
toFloorTowardNegativeInfinity: 'F';
toNearest05: 'N05';
toNearest05Alt: 'CHF';
upToNext05: 'U05';
downToNext05: 'D05';
export interface saveValueToSessionStorage {
save: true;
doNotSave: false;
export interface selectNumberOnly {
selectNumbersOnly: true;
selectAll: false;
export interface selectOnFocus {
select: true;
doNotSelect: false;
export interface serializeSpaces {
plus: '+';
percent: '%20';
export interface showOnlyNumbersOnFocus {
onlyNumbers: true;
showAll: false;
export interface showPositiveSign {
show: true;
hide: false;
export interface showWarnings {
show: true;
hide: false;
export interface styleRules {
none: null;
positiveNegative: { positive: 'autoNumeric-positive', negative: { 'autoNumeric-negative' } };
export interface suffixText {
none: '';
percentage: '%';
permille: '‰';
basisPoint: '‱';
export interface symbolWhenUnfocused {
none: null;
percentage: '%';
permille: '‰';
basisPoint: '‱';
export interface unformatOnHover {
unformat: true;
doNotUnformat: false;
export interface unformatOnSubmit {
unformat: true;
keepCurrentValue: false;
export interface wheelStep {
progressive: 'progressive';
export interface optionsStatic {
//evenOdd?: evenOdd;
//positiveNegative?: positiveNegative;
//range0To100With4Steps?: range0To100With4Steps;
//rangeSmallAndZero?: rangeSmallAndZero;
//styleRules?: styleRules;
allowDecimalPadding?: allowDecimalPadding;
caretPositionOnFocus?: caretPositionOnFocus;
createLocalList?: createLocalList;
currencySymbol?: currencySymbol;
currencySymbolPlacement?: currencySymbolPlacement;
decimalCharacter?: decimalCharacter;
decimalCharacterAlternative?: decimalCharacterAlternative;
decimalPlaces?: decimalPlaces;
decimalPlacesRawValue?: decimalPlacesRawValue;
decimalPlacesShownOnBlur?: decimalPlacesShownOnBlur;
decimalPlacesShownOnFocus?: decimalPlacesShownOnFocus;
defaultValueOverride?: defaultValueOverride;
digitalGroupSpacing?: digitalGroupSpacing;
digitGroupSeparator?: digitGroupSeparator;
divisorWhenUnfocused?: divisorWhenUnfocused;
emptyInputBehavior?: emptyInputBehavior;
failOnUnknownOption?: failOnUnknownOption;
formatOnPageLoad?: formatOnPageLoad;
historySize?: historySize;
isCancellable?: isCancellable;
leadingZero?: leadingZero;
maximumValue?: maximumValue;
minimumValue?: minimumValue;
modifyValueOnWheel?: modifyValueOnWheel;
negativeBracketsTypeOnBlur?: negativeBracketsTypeOnBlur;
negativePositiveSignPlacement?: negativePositiveSignPlacement;
noEventListeners?: noEventListeners;
onInvalidPaste?: onInvalidPaste;
outputFormat?: outputFormat;
overrideMinMaxLimits?: overrideMinMaxLimits;
rawValueDivisor?: rawValueDivisor;
readOnly?: readOnly;
roundingMethod?: roundingMethod;
saveValueToSessionStorage?: saveValueToSessionStorage;
selectNumberOnly?: selectNumberOnly;
selectOnFocus?: selectOnFocus;
serializeSpaces?: serializeSpaces;
showOnlyNumbersOnFocus?: showOnlyNumbersOnFocus;
showPositiveSign?: showPositiveSign;
showWarnings?: showWarnings;
suffixText?: suffixText;
symbolWhenUnfocused?: symbolWhenUnfocused;
unformatOnHover?: unformatOnHover;
unformatOnSubmit?: unformatOnSubmit;
wheelStep?: wheelStep;
export interface options {
allowDecimalPadding?: boolean | 'floats';
carePositionOnFocus?: 'start' | 'end' | 'decimalLeft' | 'decimalRight' | 'doNoForceCaretPosition';
createLocalList?: boolean;
currencySymbol?: '' | '¤' | '₳' | '¢' | '฿' | '₵' | '¢' | '₡' | '₢' | '$' | '₫' | '₯' | '​֏' | '₠' | '€' | 'ƒ' | '₣' | '₲' | '₴' | '₭' | 'ອັດ' | 'Λ.' | '₺' | '₤' | '₾' | 'ℳ' | '₥' | '₦' | '₧' | '₱' | '₰' | '£' | 'R$' | '៛' | '₽' | '₹' | '₨' | '₪' | 'ש״ח‎‎' | '৳' | '₸' | '₮' | '₩' | '¥';
currencySymbolPlacement?: 'p' | 's';
decimalCharacter?: ',' | '.' | '·' | '٫' | '⎖';
decimalCharacterAlternative?: null | ',' | '.';
decimalPlaces?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
decimalPlacesRawValue?: null | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
decimalPlacesShownOnBlur?: null | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
decimalPlacesShownOnFocus?: null | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
defaultValueOverride?: null;
digitalGroupSpacing?: '2' | '2s' | '3' | '4';
digitGroupSeparator?: ',' | '.' | ' ' | '\u2009' | '\u202f' | '\u00a0' | '' | "'" | '٬' | '˙';
divisorWhenUnfocused?: null | 100 | 1000 | 10000;
emptyInputBehavior?: "null" | "focus" | "press" | "always" | "zero";
failOnUnknownOption?: boolean;
formatOnPageLoad?: boolean;
historySize?: 5 | 10| 20| 50| 100 | number;
isCancellable?: boolean;
leadingZero?: 'allow' | 'deny' | 'keep';
maximumValue?: '9999999999999.99' | '9999999999999' | '999999999.99' | '0';
minimumValue?: '-9999999999999.99' | '-9999999999999' | '-999999999.99' | '0';
modifyValueOnWheel?: boolean;
negativeBracketsTypeOnBlur?: '()' | '[]' | '<>' | '{}' | '〈〉' | '「」' | '⸤⸥' | '⟦⟧' | '‹›' | '«»' | null;
negativePositiveSignPlacement?: 'p' | 's'| 'l' | 'r' | null;
noEventListeners?: boolean;
onInvalidPaste?: 'error' | 'ignore' | 'clamp' | 'truncate' | 'replace';
outputFormat?: 'string' | 'number' | '.' | '-.' | ',' | '-,' | '.-' | ',-' | null;
overrideMinMaxLimits?: 'ceiling' | 'floor' | 'ignore' | null;
rawValueDivisor?: null | 100 | 1000 | 10000 ;
readOnly?: boolean;
roundingMethod?: 'S' | 'A' | 's' | 'a' | 'B' | 'U' | 'D' | 'C' | 'F' | 'N05' | 'CHF' | 'U05' | 'D05';
saveValueToSessionStorage?: boolean;
selectNumberOnly?: boolean;
selectOnFocus?: boolean;
serializeSpaces?: '+' | '%20';
showOnlyNumbersOnFocus?: boolean;
showPositiveSign?: boolean;
showWarnings?: boolean;
styleRules?: any;
suffixText?: '' | '%' | '‰' | '‱';
symbolWhenUnfocused?: '' | '%' | '‰' | '‱';
unformatOnHover?: boolean;
unformatOnSubmit?: boolean;
wheelStep?: 'progressive';
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evacacela commented Jun 18, 2018

Hi, some examples how to use, please!

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Hello, please can you explain how to use this ?

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