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Created July 23, 2011 17:52
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Cycle sizes of a pseudorandom permutation
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
long TEST_SIZE = 10000000;
//PRNG code from
class MTRand_int32 { // Mersenne Twister random number generator
// default constructor: uses default seed only if this is the first instance
MTRand_int32() { if (!init) seed(5489UL); init = true; }
// constructor with 32 bit int as seed
MTRand_int32(unsigned long s) { seed(s); init = true; }
// constructor with array of size 32 bit ints as seed
MTRand_int32(const unsigned long* array, int size) { seed(array, size); init = true; }
// the two seed functions
void seed(unsigned long); // seed with 32 bit integer
void seed(const unsigned long*, int size); // seed with array
// overload operator() to make this a generator (functor)
unsigned long operator()() { return rand_int32(); }
// 2007-02-11: made the destructor virtual; thanks "double more" for pointing this out
virtual ~MTRand_int32() {} // destructor
protected: // used by derived classes, otherwise not accessible; use the ()-operator
unsigned long rand_int32(); // generate 32 bit random integer
static const int n = 624, m = 397; // compile time constants
// the variables below are static (no duplicates can exist)
static unsigned long state[n]; // state vector array
static int p; // position in state array
static bool init; // true if init function is called
// private functions used to generate the pseudo random numbers
unsigned long twiddle(unsigned long, unsigned long); // used by gen_state()
void gen_state(); // generate new state
// make copy constructor and assignment operator unavailable, they don't make sense
MTRand_int32(const MTRand_int32&); // copy constructor not defined
void operator=(const MTRand_int32&); // assignment operator not defined
// inline for speed, must therefore reside in header file
inline unsigned long MTRand_int32::twiddle(unsigned long u, unsigned long v) {
return (((u & 0x80000000UL) | (v & 0x7FFFFFFFUL)) >> 1)
^ ((v & 1UL) ? 0x9908B0DFUL : 0x0UL);
inline unsigned long MTRand_int32::rand_int32() { // generate 32 bit random int
if (p == n) gen_state(); // new state vector needed
// gen_state() is split off to be non-inline, because it is only called once
// in every 624 calls and otherwise irand() would become too big to get inlined
unsigned long x = state[p++];
x ^= (x >> 11);
x ^= (x << 7) & 0x9D2C5680UL;
x ^= (x << 15) & 0xEFC60000UL;
return x ^ (x >> 18);
// generates double floating point numbers in the half-open interval [0, 1)
class MTRand : public MTRand_int32 {
MTRand() : MTRand_int32() {}
MTRand(unsigned long seed) : MTRand_int32(seed) {}
MTRand(const unsigned long* seed, int size) : MTRand_int32(seed, size) {}
~MTRand() {}
double operator()() {
return static_cast<double>(rand_int32()) * (1. / 4294967296.); } // divided by 2^32
MTRand(const MTRand&); // copy constructor not defined
void operator=(const MTRand&); // assignment operator not defined
// generates double floating point numbers in the closed interval [0, 1]
class MTRand_closed : public MTRand_int32 {
MTRand_closed() : MTRand_int32() {}
MTRand_closed(unsigned long seed) : MTRand_int32(seed) {}
MTRand_closed(const unsigned long* seed, int size) : MTRand_int32(seed, size) {}
~MTRand_closed() {}
double operator()() {
return static_cast<double>(rand_int32()) * (1. / 4294967295.); } // divided by 2^32 - 1
MTRand_closed(const MTRand_closed&); // copy constructor not defined
void operator=(const MTRand_closed&); // assignment operator not defined
// generates double floating point numbers in the open interval (0, 1)
class MTRand_open : public MTRand_int32 {
MTRand_open() : MTRand_int32() {}
MTRand_open(unsigned long seed) : MTRand_int32(seed) {}
MTRand_open(const unsigned long* seed, int size) : MTRand_int32(seed, size) {}
~MTRand_open() {}
double operator()() {
return (static_cast<double>(rand_int32()) + .5) * (1. / 4294967296.); } // divided by 2^32
MTRand_open(const MTRand_open&); // copy constructor not defined
void operator=(const MTRand_open&); // assignment operator not defined
// generates 53 bit resolution doubles in the half-open interval [0, 1)
class MTRand53 : public MTRand_int32 {
MTRand53() : MTRand_int32() {}
MTRand53(unsigned long seed) : MTRand_int32(seed) {}
MTRand53(const unsigned long* seed, int size) : MTRand_int32(seed, size) {}
~MTRand53() {}
double operator()() {
return (static_cast<double>(rand_int32() >> 5) * 67108864. +
static_cast<double>(rand_int32() >> 6)) * (1. / 9007199254740992.); }
MTRand53(const MTRand53&); // copy constructor not defined
void operator=(const MTRand53&); // assignment operator not defined
// mtrand.cpp, see include file mtrand.h for information
// non-inline function definitions and static member definitions cannot
// reside in header file because of the risk of multiple declarations
// initialization of static private members
unsigned long MTRand_int32::state[n] = {0x0UL};
int MTRand_int32::p = 0;
bool MTRand_int32::init = false;
void MTRand_int32::gen_state() { // generate new state vector
for (int i = 0; i < (n - m); ++i)
state[i] = state[i + m] ^ twiddle(state[i], state[i + 1]);
for (int i = n - m; i < (n - 1); ++i)
state[i] = state[i + m - n] ^ twiddle(state[i], state[i + 1]);
state[n - 1] = state[m - 1] ^ twiddle(state[n - 1], state[0]);
p = 0; // reset position
void MTRand_int32::seed(unsigned long s) { // init by 32 bit seed
state[0] = s & 0xFFFFFFFFUL; // for > 32 bit machines
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
state[i] = 1812433253UL * (state[i - 1] ^ (state[i - 1] >> 30)) + i;
// see Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier
// in the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect only MSBs of the array state
// 2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto
state[i] &= 0xFFFFFFFFUL; // for > 32 bit machines
p = n; // force gen_state() to be called for next random number
void MTRand_int32::seed(const unsigned long* array, int size) { // init by array
int i = 1, j = 0;
for (int k = ((n > size) ? n : size); k; --k) {
state[i] = (state[i] ^ ((state[i - 1] ^ (state[i - 1] >> 30)) * 1664525UL))
+ array[j] + j; // non linear
state[i] &= 0xFFFFFFFFUL; // for > 32 bit machines
++j; j %= size;
if ((++i) == n) { state[0] = state[n - 1]; i = 1; }
for (int k = n - 1; k; --k) {
state[i] = (state[i] ^ ((state[i - 1] ^ (state[i - 1] >> 30)) * 1566083941UL)) - i;
state[i] &= 0xFFFFFFFFUL; // for > 32 bit machines
if ((++i) == n) { state[0] = state[n - 1]; i = 1; }
state[0] = 0x80000000UL; // MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array
p = n; // force gen_state() to be called for next random number
void cycle_info( long* perm, long n){
long i;
long start;
long current;
start = perm[i];
current = perm[start];
long counter = 0;
while(start != current){
if(current < start) goto loopEnd;
current = perm[current];
printf("cycsize %d\n", (int)counter);
void rand_shuffler(long* arr, long n){
long i,j;
long temp;
unsigned long init[4] = {0x123, 0x234, 0x345, 0x456}, length = 4;
MTRand_int32 irand(init, length); // 32-bit int generator
temp = arr[i];
j = irand() % (n-i);
arr[i] = arr[i+j];
arr[i+j] = temp;
int main () {
long* perm;
uint64_t* data;
uint64_t* dest;
long i;
perm = (long*) malloc(sizeof(long)*TEST_SIZE);
for (i=0; i< TEST_SIZE; i++)
rand_shuffler(perm, TEST_SIZE);
cycle_info(perm, TEST_SIZE);
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cycsize 6793848
cycsize 167
cycsize 163
cycsize 6261
cycsize 0
cycsize 10
cycsize 132808
cycsize 18
cycsize 53
cycsize 29
cycsize 444
cycsize 10703
cycsize 0
cycsize 59620
cycsize 2995737
cycsize 123

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