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Created November 16, 2023 20:41
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.PHONY: create-keypair launch-instance connect-instance shutdown-instance clean log-details
# Variables
KEY_NAME = MyKeyPair
INSTANCE_TYPE = t2.micro
AMI_ID = ami-12345678
SECURITY_GROUP_ID = sg-12345678
SUBNET_ID = subnet-12345678
INSTANCE_IP = # Put your instance's public IP or DNS here
INSTANCE_ID = # Put your instance's ID here
LOG_FILE = ec2_instances.csv
# Create a new key pair
@aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name $(KEY_NAME) --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text > $(KEY_FILE)
@chmod 400 $(KEY_FILE)
@echo "Key pair created and saved to $(KEY_FILE)"
# Launch an EC2 instance and log details
launch-instance: create-keypair
@aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $(AMI_ID) --count 1 --instance-type $(INSTANCE_TYPE) --key-name $(KEY_NAME) --security-group-ids $(SECURITY_GROUP_ID) --subnet-id $(SUBNET_ID)
@echo "EC2 instance launched"
@$(MAKE) log-details
# Log details to a CSV file
@echo "Logged instance details to $(LOG_FILE)"
# SSH into the EC2 instance
ssh -i $(KEY_FILE) ec2-user@$(INSTANCE_IP)
@echo "Connected to EC2 instance"
# Terminate the EC2 instance
@aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids $(INSTANCE_ID)
@echo "EC2 instance terminated"
# Clean up resources
clean: shutdown-instance
@echo "Deleting the key pair..."
@aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name $(KEY_NAME)
@rm -f $(KEY_FILE)
@echo "Key pair deleted"
# Default target
all: launch-instance
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