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Created November 17, 2014 05:31
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gdocr14 Haskell Life
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.List
type Height = Integer
type Width = Integer
type Cell = (Height, Width)
type LiveCells = [Cell]
type World = (LiveCells, Height, Width)
type AliveNeighborCount = Integer
type AmIAlive = Bool
emptyWorld :: World
emptyWorld = ([],500,500)
twoWorld = ([(0,0), (0,1)], 500, 500)
getCells :: World -> LiveCells
getCells (x,y,z) = x
getHeight :: World -> Height
getHeight (x,y,z) = y
getWidth :: World -> Width
getWidth (x,y,z) = z
alive :: [Cell] -> World -> [Cell]
alive cells w = intersect cells (getCells w)
singleAlive :: World -> Cell -> Bool
singleAlive w c = (length (intersect [c] (getCells w))) > 0
neighborsOf :: Cell -> World -> [Cell]
neighborsOf c w = [(hsucc (fst c), snd c), (hsucc(fst c), wsucc(snd c)),(fst c, wsucc(snd c)),(hpred(fst c), wsucc(snd c)),(hpred(fst c), snd c),
(hpred(fst c), wpred(snd c)),(fst c, wpred(snd c)),(hsucc(fst c), wpred(snd c)) ]
hsucc x = mod (succ x) (getHeight w)
hpred x = mod (pred x) (getHeight w)
wsucc x = mod (succ x) (getWidth w)
wpred x = mod (pred x) (getWidth w)
neighborhood :: World -> Cell -> [Cell]
neighborhood w c = [c] ++ (neighborsOf c w)
neighborsAlive :: World -> Cell -> Integer
neighborsAlive w cell = toInteger (length (delete cell (nub (alive (neighborsOf cell w) w) )) )
aliveNextTickSub :: AliveNeighborCount -> AmIAlive -> AmIAlive
aliveNextTickSub 0 False = False
aliveNextTickSub 3 False = True
aliveNextTickSub 3 True = False
aliveNextTickSub count isalive
| count < 2 && isalive = False
| (count == 2 || count == 3) && isalive = True
| isalive && count > 3 = False
| (not isalive) && (count == 3) = True
| otherwise = False
aliveNextTick :: World -> Cell -> AmIAlive
aliveNextTick w c = aliveNextTickSub (neighborsAlive w c) (singleAlive w c)
cellsToCheck :: World -> [Cell]
cellsToCheck w = (nub.concat) (map (neighborhood w) (getCells w))
tick :: World -> World
tick w = (filter (aliveNextTick w) (cellsToCheck w) , getHeight w, getWidth w)
prop_empty_world (Positive x) (Positive y) = tick([], x, y) == ([], x, y)
prop_lonely_cell_returns_empty_world (Positive x) (Positive y) = tick([(0,0)], x, y) == ([], x, y)
prop_empty_world_has_nothing_alive x y = aliveNextTick emptyWorld (mod x 500, mod y 500) == False
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = do
print (emptyWorld == (tick twoWorld))
quickCheck prop_empty_world
quickCheck prop_lonely_cell_returns_empty_world
quickCheck prop_empty_world_has_nothing_alive
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