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Last active October 13, 2015 18:18
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  • Save chadgh/4236773 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chadgh/4236773 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bot for botswana
var Chad = function() {};
Chad.prototype = new Bot();
Chad.prototype.setup = function() {
this.timer = 0;
this.movements = ['strafe-right', 'strafe-left', 'forward', 'backward'];
this.formation = % 4;
Chad.prototype.getBotById = function(id) {
for (i in this.state.bots) {
if (this.state.bots[i].id == id) return this.state.bots[i];
return undefined;
Chad.prototype.getOpponentBots = function() {
op = [];
for (i in this.state.bots) {
if ( != this.state.bots[i].name) {
return op;
Chad.prototype.getTeamBots = function() {
team = [];
for (i in this.state.bots) {
if ( == this.state.bots[i].name) {
return team;
Chad.prototype.avoidCircle = function(radius, x, y, repelStrength) {
radius -= 5;
var dist = this.myDistanceToPoint(x, y);
var angle = server.helpers.normalizeAngle(server.helpers.angleToPoint(this.x, this.y, x, y));
angle += (Math.PI / 2);
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
if (dist <= radius) {
dx = (-1.0 * Math.cos(angle)) * 100000000;
dy = (-1.0 * Math.sin(angle)) * 100000000;
} else if (dist > radius && dist <= (2 * this.radius) + radius) {
dx = -1.0 * repelStrength * (2 * this.radius + radius - dist) * Math.cos(angle);
dy = -1.0 * repelStrength * (2 * this.radius + radius - dist) * Math.sin(angle);
return [dx, dy];
Chad.prototype.acquireTarget = function() {
if (typeof this.state.payload.targets == 'undefined') {
this.state.payload.targets = {}
target = this.getBotById(this.state.payload.targets[]);
if (target == undefined) {
opp = this.getOpponentBots();
closeness = 10000;
for (i in opp) {
dist = this.myDistanceToPoint(opp[i].x, opp[i].y);
if (dist < closeness) {
target = opp[i];
closeness = dist;
this.state.payload.targets[] =;
return target;
Chad.prototype.avoidBullets = function() {
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
for (i in this.state.weapons) {
var bullet = this.state.weapons[i];
if (bullet.owner != && this.myDistanceToPoint(bullet.x, bullet.y) < 50) {
deltas = this.avoidCircle(10, bullet.x, bullet.y, 25);
dx += deltas[0];
dy += deltas[1];
return [dx, dy];
Chad.prototype.avoidTeammates = function() {
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
var team = this.getTeamBots();
for (i in team) {
var bot = team[i];
dist = this.myDistanceToPoint(bot.x, bot.y);
if ( != && dist < 20 + bot.radius + this.radius) {
deltas = this.avoidCircle(bot.radius, bot.x, bot.y, 5);
dx += deltas[0];
dy += deltas[1];
return [dx, dy];
}; = function() {
target = undefined;
var rtnCommand = 'wait';
// get the opponent's information
target = this.acquireTarget();
this.collided = false;
if (this.collisions.length > 0) {
for (i in this.collisions) {
if (this.collisions[i].type != 'bot')
this.collided = true;
var avoidBullets = this.avoidBullets();
var avoidMates = this.avoidTeammates();
var avoid = [avoidBullets[0] + avoidMates[0], avoidBullets[1] + avoidMates[1]]
var avoidDir = this.getDirection({'x': avoid[0], 'y': avoid[1]}, 0.1);
if (avoid[0] != 0 && avoid[1] != 0 && avoidDir.command != 'forward' && avoidDir.command != 'wait') {
var behindMe = this.angle - Math.PI;
if (avoidDir.command == 'right')
rtnCommand = 'strafe-right';
rtnCommand = 'strafe-left';
if (this.formation == 1) {
dir = this.getDirection(target, 0.05);
dist = this.myDistanceToPoint(target.x, target.y);
if (dir.command != 'forward') {
rtnCommand = dir.command;
} else if (this.canShoot && this.weapons.bullet > 0) {
rtnCommand = "fire";
} else if (rtnCommand == 'wait' && !this.collided) {
rtnCommand = this.movements[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.movements.length)];
} else if (this.collided) {
rtnCommand = 'forward';
if (this.timer % 10 == 0)
rtnCommand = this.movements[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.movements.length)];
return {'command': rtnCommand, 'team': this.state.payload};
//if ( < 25)
// this.formation = 1;
if (target != undefined) {
dir = this.getDirection(target, 0.05);
dist = this.myDistanceToPoint(target.x, target.y);
if (dir.command != 'forward') {
rtnCommand = dir.command;
} else if (this.canShoot && this.weapons.bullet > 0) {
rtnCommand = "fire";
} else if ( <= {
rtnCommand = "forward";
} else if (rtnCommand == 'wait' && dist < 150 && > {
rtnCommand = "backward";
if (rtnCommand != 'fire' && this.timer % 30 == 0)
rtnCommand = this.movements[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.movements.length)];
return {'command': rtnCommand, 'team': this.state.payload}
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