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Created November 14, 2014 14:30
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LoveTEFL SugarChimp Webhook Receiver Changes
echo "SugarChimp Webhook Receiver is setup properly!";
// could probably use a class to route the webhook stuff below
// but it's not really necessary at this point
// the webhook implementations are pretty straightforward
class Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver {}
$type = $_POST['type'];
$data = $_POST['data'];
// lookup target list by provided mailchimp list id $data['list_id']
if (empty($data['list_id']))
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error',"Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver cannot process webhook, no list id is provided {$type} ".print_r($data,true));
global $current_user;
$current_user = BeanFactory::getBean('Users');
$target_list = BeanFactory::newBean('ProspectLists');
$target_list->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('mailchimp_list_name_c' => $data['list_id']));
if (empty($target_list) || empty($target_list->id))
SugarChimp_Helper::log('warning',"Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver cannot process webhook because a related list was not found {$type} ".print_r($data,true));
$default_module = $target_list->mailchimp_default_module_c;
if (empty($default_module))
// set to default, default module
$default_module = SugarChimp_FieldMap::get_default_module();
// make sure it's in supported modules array, if not set to default, default module
$supported_modules = SugarChimp_FieldMap::get_supported_modules();
if (!in_array($default_module,$supported_modules) === true)
// if it's not, set it to the default
$default_module = SugarChimp_FieldMap::get_default_module();
switch ($type)
case "campaign":
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::campaign start');
// the method fires when a campaign has been successfully sent
// we need to fire the initial campaign import job
if (empty($data['id']))
// campaign id is required
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::campaign id (campaign id) is required, but it was empty');
if (empty($data['status']))
// status is required
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::campaign status is required, but it was empty');
if (empty($data['list_id']))
// list_id is required
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::list id is required, but it was empty');
$status = $data['status'];
$mailchimp_campaign_id = $data['id'];
$mailchimp_list_id = $data['list_id'];
// add it to the tracking table
// the activity data will be downloaded once it's turn is up
// this is governed by the MailchimpActivityToSugarCRM
SugarChimp_Activity::track_campaign_activity($mailchimp_list_id,$mailchimp_campaign_id, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),false,true,false);
case "subscribe":
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::subscribe start');
// this method runs when a person subscribes to a list in mailchimp
// sugarchimp will try to find existing contacts in CRM or create it based on the default_module
// it will then update the records with the data provided from mailchimp
// and lastly it will add the records to the target list
// if email already exists in Sugar, make sure it is marked as optin and valid
// attempt to lookup crm record(s) with $data['email']
$beans = SugarChimp_Helper::find_beans_by_email($data['email']);
// if no beans, nothing matches on the sugar side, so create the record based on target list default modue
if (empty($beans))
$beans = array();
$beans []= SugarChimp_Helper::get_empty_bean($default_module);
// disable logic hooks for the beans
// create/update new bean with data from mailchimp
$result = SugarChimp_Helper::update_beans_from_mailchimp($data['list_id'],$beans,$data['merges']);
if ($result !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::subscribe update_beans_from_mailchimp failed');
// relate the record to the target list
$result = SugarChimp_Helper::add_beans_to_list($target_list,$beans);
if ($result !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::subscribe update_beans_from_mailchimp failed');
// enable logic hooks for the beans
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::subscribe finish');
case "unsubscribe":
global $db;
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::unsubscribe start');
// this method runs when a person unsubscribes from a list in mailchimp
// sugarchimp will try to find existing contacts in CRM
// if they exist, it will then remove those beans from the list
// attempt to lookup crm record with $data['email']
$beans = SugarChimp_Helper::find_beans_by_email($data['email']);
$optout_email = true;
if (!empty($data['reason']) && $data['reason']!='manual')
// flag to later mark the email as invalid instead of opted out
$optout_email = false;
// if we found beans, remove them from target list
if (!empty($beans))
// disable logic hooks for the beans and target list
// get all synced lists for beans
$lists = SugarChimp_Helper::get_lists_for_beans($beans);
// check the globaloptout setting to see what to do
$globaloptout = SugarChimp_Setting::retrieve('globaloptout');
if (empty($globaloptout))
// global opt out is disabled and set to false, this is default behavior
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout global opt out is disabled');
// only opt out email in sugar if email address is synced to exactly 1 list
if (count($lists)===1)
if ($optout_email === true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout attempting to optout '.$data['email']);
$marked = SugarChimp_Helper::mark_email_optout($data['email']);
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout attempting to mark invalid '.$data['email']);
$marked = SugarChimp_Helper::mark_email_invalid($data['email']);
if ($marked !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout '.$data['email'].' failed to be opted out. marked: '.print_r($marked,true));
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout '.$data['email'].' was opted out.');
// global opt out is enabled and set to true
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout global opt out is enabled');
// opt out the email address in Sugar
if ($optout_email === true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout attempting to optout '.$data['email']);
$marked = SugarChimp_Helper::mark_email_optout($data['email']);
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout attempting to mark invalid '.$data['email']);
$marked = SugarChimp_Helper::mark_email_invalid($data['email']);
if ($marked !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout '.$data['email'].' failed to be opted out. marked: '.print_r($marked,true));
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::optout '.$data['email'].' was opted out.');
// remove from all related synced lists in Sugar, this will trigger removal from MC lists as well
if (count($lists)>1)
// remove the original target list from the list, the beans will be removed from it later
// we want the logic hooks to fire for the beans when they are removed from the list
foreach ($lists as $list)
// remove beans from the list
// re-disable the hooks
// remove beans from the list
// enable logic hooks for the beans and target list
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::unsubscribe finish');
case "profile":
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::profile start');
// this method runs when a person updates their profile in mailchimp
// sugarchimp will try to find existing contacts in CRM or create it based on the default_module
// it will then update the records with the data provided from mailchimp
// and lastly it will add the records to the target list
// ideally if they're updating, the creating new records and attaching them to target lists isn't necessary
// but this is an extra step by going ahead and correcting the out of sync data by doing this here
// attempt to lookup crm record(s) with $data['email']
$beans = SugarChimp_Helper::find_beans_by_email($data['email']);
// if no beans, nothing matches on the sugar side, so create the record based on target list default modue
if (empty($beans))
$beans = array();
$beans []= SugarChimp_Helper::get_empty_bean($default_module);
// disable logic hooks for the beans
// create/update new bean with data from mailchimp
$result = SugarChimp_Helper::update_beans_from_mailchimp($data['list_id'],$beans,$data['merges']);
if ($result !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::profile update_beans_from_mailchimp failed');
// relate the record to the target list
$result = SugarChimp_Helper::add_beans_to_list($target_list,$beans);
if ($result !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::profile update_beans_from_mailchimp failed');
// enable logic hooks for the beans
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::profile finish');
case "upemail":
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::upemail start');
// this method runs when a person updates their email address in mailchimp
// sugarchimp will try to find existing contacts in CRM or create it based on the default_module
// it will then update the records with the data provided from mailchimp
// and lastly it will add the records to the target list
// attempt to lookup crm record(s) with $data['old_email']
$beans = SugarChimp_Helper::find_beans_by_email($data['old_email']);
// if no beans, nothing matches on the sugar side, so create the record based on target list default modue
if (empty($beans))
$beans = array();
$beans []= SugarChimp_Helper::get_empty_bean($default_module);
// create/update new bean with data from mailchimp
$result = SugarChimp_Helper::update_beans_from_mailchimp($data['list_id'],$beans,$data['merges']);
if ($result !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::upemail update_beans_from_mailchimp failed');
// relate the record to the target list
$result = SugarChimp_Helper::add_beans_to_list($target_list,$beans);
if ($result !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::upemail update_beans_from_mailchimp failed');
// todo: right now it just does a standard update and sets the new email address to email1.
// to support custom modules and email fields check the field map for fields of type 'email'
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::upemail finish');
case "cleaned":
global $db;
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean start');
// this method runs when a person is cleaned from a list in mailchimp
// sugarchimp will try to find existing contacts in CRM
// if they exist, it will then remove those beans from the list
// attempt to lookup crm record with $data['email']
$beans = SugarChimp_Helper::find_beans_by_email($data['email']);
// if we found beans, remove them from target list
if (!empty($beans))
// disable logic hooks for the beans and target list
// get all synced lists for beans
$lists = SugarChimp_Helper::get_lists_for_beans($beans);
// check the globaloptout setting to see what to do
$globaloptout = SugarChimp_Setting::retrieve('globaloptout');
if (empty($globaloptout))
// global opt out is disabled and set to false, this is default behavior
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean global opt out is disabled');
// only opt out email in sugar if email address is synced to exactly 1 list
if (count($lists)===1)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean attempting to mark invalid '.$data['email']);
$marked = SugarChimp_Helper::mark_email_invalid($data['email']);
if ($marked !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean '.$data['email'].' failed to be marked invalid. marked: '.print_r($marked,true));
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean '.$data['email'].' was marked invalid.');
// global opt out is enabled and set to true
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean global opt out is enabled');
// opt out the email address in Sugar
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean attempting to mark invalid '.$data['email']);
$marked = SugarChimp_Helper::mark_email_invalid($data['email']);
if ($marked !== true)
SugarChimp_Helper::log('error','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean '.$data['email'].' failed to be marked invalid. marked: '.print_r($marked,true));
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean '.$data['email'].' was marked invalid.');
// remove from all related synced lists in Sugar, this will trigger removal from MC lists as well
if (count($lists)>1)
// remove the original target list from the list, the beans will be removed from it later
// we want the logic hooks to fire for the beans when they are removed from the list
foreach ($lists as $list)
// remove beans from the list
// re-disable the hooks
// remove beans from the list
// enable logic hooks for the beans and target list
SugarChimp_Helper::log('debug','Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver::clean finish');
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