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Last active May 4, 2019 15:56
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a (macOS-targed) bash script to combine multiple named imports from a single library into one statement
# In this script, the library I maintain for work, "@casecommons/cbp-undercase"
# is used. I'll abstract it out in a future version of this so that the syntax
# is more like " [file] [library name]
imports=$(cat $1 | grep '@casecommons/cbp-undercase' | wc -l)
if [[ $imports -le 1 ]]; then
# next line commented out for scripted use
# echo "$1: no imports to combine."
exit 0
cat $1 | perl -pe "
# concatenate multiline imports
s/,\n/, /g if /(^import|^ {2}[^:}. )']+,$)/;
s/{\n/{/g if /^import/;
" | \
perl -0777 -pe '
# if there are any combined imports that dont end in a
# comma before the closing bracket, inline those, too
s/\n} from/} from/g;
' | \
perl -0777 -pe '
# if there are named imports whose "from" is on a newline, fix that
s/}\n *from/} from/g;
' | \
perl -pe '
# remove errant spaces inside imports
s/, +/, /g if /^import/;
s/{ +/{ /g if /^import/;
s/, *}/ }/g if /^import/;
' | \
perl -0777 -pe '
# get rid of blank lines between imports
s/\n\nim/\nim/g if /^import/
' | \
# have to add a blank line to the end of the file in case there is none,
# otherwise "tail -r" causes problems
sed -e '$a\' | \
# add "##" marker after the last import
tail -r | awk '!p && /^import/{print "##"; p=1} 1' | tail -r | \
perl -ne '
# find range between the first import and the "##" marker
$between = /^import/ .. /^##/;
# push each of those lines to a buffer if it starts with "import"
push @buff, $_ if $between && /^import/;
# sort imports and print them
print sort splice(@buff) if $between =~ /E/;
# print everything else
print unless $between
' | \
perl -pe "
# chop off the end of the import and replace it with a comma
s/ ?} from '\@casecommons\/cbp-undercase'/,/g;
" | \
perl -pe '
# chop of the start of the import and pad the beginning and end of lines with "##"
s/^import { (.*),$/##\1##/g;
' | \
perl -0777 -pe '
# replace ##\n## between imported elements with comma; now all imports for this
# library are on a single line, bounded by ## at the ^ and $
s/##\n##/, /g;
' | \
perl -pe "
# replace remaining ## with the front and back of the import
s/^##/import { /g;
s/##$/ } from '\@casecommons\/cbp-undercase'/g;
" | \
perl -pe '
# clean up any errant double commas
# clean up any errant double spaces in import statements
s/ +/ /g if /^import/;
' | \
perl -pe "
# insert newlines back into combined import and indent elements 2 - n
s/, /,\n /g if /^import/;
# insert a comma and a newline after last element of import
s/ }/,\n}/g if /cbp-undercase'$/;
" | \
perl -pe '
# move the first element of the import to a new line and indent
s/{ /{\n /g if (/^import/ && /,$/);
' | \
perl -pe "
# add a newline back after the combined import
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