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Last active January 26, 2024 18:00
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CKS Exam Book - System Hardening - Chapter 4
######### DISABLING SERVICES #########
# view running services
systemctl | grep running
# view state of snapd service
systemctl status snapd
# stop the snapd service
sudo systemctl stop snapd
# disable the service
sudo systemctl disable snapd
# view the status - should be disabled now
systemctl status snapd
# purge the package is no longer needed
sudo apt purge --auto-remove snapd
# check that the package was purged
systemctl status snapd
########### USER MANAGEMENT ############
# list users on system
cat /etc/passwd
# process started by each user
ps aux | grep bash
# add user
sudo adduser ben
# list user entry ben
cat /etc/passwd
# switch to user ben
su ben
# create a new environment for ben
su - ben
# run as root
sudo -u ben pwd
# delete user ben
sudo userdel -r ben
# list groups
cat /etc/group
# add group
sudo groupadd kube-developers
# see new group added
cat /etc/group
# add user to group
sudo usermod -g kube-developers ben
# view group identifier
cat /etc/passwd | grep ben
# reassign group memebers
sudo usermod -g kube-admins ben
# delete group
sudo groupdel kube-developers
########### FILE MANAGEMENT ############
# create a file
touch my-file
# view the file permissions
ls -l
# change ownership of file
chown ben my-file
# change file permissions
chmod -w file1
######## NETWORK MANAGEMENT #########
# install package
sudo apt update && sudo apt install apache2
# list open ports
sudo ss -ltpn
# apache status
sudo systemctl status apache2
# stop the apache service
sudo systemctl stop apache2
# disable the apache service
sudo systemctl disable apache2
# uninstall the service
sudo apt purge --auto-remove apache2
# check port 80 not in use
sudo ss -ltpn | grep :80
# enable firewall
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw default deny outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw enable
# allow 6443 for K8s API
sudo ufw allow 6443
# repeat the same process to open up other ports on control plane and worker nodes
####### KERNEL HARDENING #########
# install apparmor
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apparmor-utils
# summary of apparmor profiles
sudo aa-status
# load a profile on the worker node
sudo apparmor_parser /etc/apparmor.d/k8s-deny-write
# check that profile was loaded
sudo aa-status
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