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Created February 22, 2019 19:04
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from readypipe import requests, starting_task, subtask, schedule, save, save_many
URLS = {
'Roma': '',
'Cuaron': '',
'Malek': '',
'Close': '',
'Ali': '',
'King': '',
NOMS_LIST = ['Roma', 'Cuaron', 'Malek', 'Close', 'Ali', 'King']
def load_awards():
for name in NOMS_LIST:
schedule('scrape_movie', (URLS[name], True))
def scrape_movie(movie_url, first = False):
page = requests.get_dom_from_content(movie_url)
if first:
select = page.xpath('//*/select[@class="field"]')[0]
_data_pre_url = select.attrib['data-pre-url']
options = select.xpath('child::option')
for option in options:
value = option.attrib['value']
option_url = BASE_URL + _data_pre_url + value
if option_url != movie_url:
schedule('scrape_movie', (option_url, False))
continue #don't want to re-add Roma, e.g.
bookies_list = []
bookies = page.xpath('//*/tr[@class="eventTableHeader"]')[0].xpath('child::td') #get bookies
for bookie in bookies[1:]: #skip date
name = bookie.xpath('span')[0].attrib['data-bk']
table = page.xpath('//*/tbody[@class="tbodyToScroll"]')[1] #all history table
rows = table.xpath('child::tr[@class="eventTableRow"]') #get each row (one date per row)
for row in rows:
odds_list_to_save = []
odds = row.xpath('child::td')
date = odds[0].text
for i in range(1, len(odds)):
nums = odds[i].xpath('child::div')
if nums:
for num in nums:
_odds = num.text
_odds_fractional = convert_to_float(num.text)
if _odds_fractional:
_odds_decimal = _odds_fractional + 1
_odds_decimal = None
odds_list_to_save.append({'bookie_page': bookies_list[i-1],
'movie': movie_url,
'odds_date': date,
'odds': _odds,
'odds_fractional': _odds_fractional,
'odds_decimal': _odds_decimal})
save_many('oscars_odds_new', odds_list_to_save)
def convert_to_float(frac_str):
if not hasNumbers(frac_str):
return None
return float(frac_str)
except ValueError:
num, denom = frac_str.split('/')
leading, num = num.split(' ')
whole = float(leading)
except ValueError:
whole = 0
frac = float(num) / float(denom)
return whole - frac if whole < 0 else whole + frac
def hasNumbers(inputString):
return any(char.isdigit() for char in inputString)
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