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Last active January 6, 2017 06:04
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tiny slick-based distributed task queue prototype
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.time.{Duration, Instant}
import slick.driver.JdbcProfile
import slick.profile.SqlProfile.ColumnOption.Nullable
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
* Created by chad on 1/5/17.
class TaskQueue[Driver <: JdbcProfile](tableName: String = "tasks",
val driver: Driver,
database: Driver#Backend#Database) {
import driver.api._
// type Instant = String
type TaskName = String
type ShouldRun = Option[TaskRun] => Boolean
* Use this if you want your tasks to start every `duration` without caring whether or
* not the previous one has finished. Keep in mind, if your task takes longer than `duration`
* you run the risk of them piling them on top of each other.
* @param duration How long to wait after the previous worker finished before trying again
case class HasNotStartedInLast(duration: Duration) extends ShouldRun {
override def apply(lastRun: Option[TaskRun]): Boolean = {
lastRun.fold(ifEmpty = true)(lastRun =>
wasMoreThanDurationAgo(duration, lastRun.startedAt))
* You can use this class to avoid your tasks from stacking on top of each other, i.e. if the duration
* of the task takes longer than the wait time.
* They will only start when the previous runner has finished or we think they are dead.
* @param duration how long to wait after the previous worker finisher before running again.
* @param expiration how long to wait after the startedAt time before we decide to run again anyway.
case class HasNotFinishedInLast(duration: Duration, expiration: Duration)
extends ShouldRun {
override def apply(lastRun: Option[TaskRun]): Boolean = lastRun match {
case None => true
case Some(TaskRun(_, _, _, started, None)) =>
wasMoreThanDurationAgo(expiration, started)
case Some(TaskRun(_, _, _, _, Some(finished))) =>
wasMoreThanDurationAgo(duration, finished)
sealed trait RunResult
case class StartRun(previousRun: Option[TaskRun], thisRun: TaskRun)
extends RunResult
case class SkipRun(previousRun: Option[TaskRun]) extends RunResult
case class InsertFailed(cause: Throwable) extends RunResult
case class TaskRun(name: String,
runId: Int,
worker: String,
startedAt: Instant =,
finishedAt: Option[Instant] = None)
class TaskRuns(tag: Tag) extends Table[TaskRun](tag, tableName) {
implicit val instantColumnType: BaseColumnType[Instant] =
MappedColumnType.base[Instant, Timestamp](Timestamp.from, _.toInstant)
def name = column[TaskName]("name")
def runId = column[Int]("run_id")
def worker = column[String]("worker")
def startedAt = column[Instant]("started_at")
def finishedAt = column[Instant]("finished_at", Nullable)
def * =
(name, runId, worker, startedAt, finishedAt.?) <> (TaskRun.tupled, TaskRun.unapply)
def pk = primaryKey("pk_name_run_id", (name, runId))
val tasks = TableQuery[TaskRuns]
def markFinished(taskRun: TaskRun) =
tasks.update(taskRun.copy(finishedAt = Some(
def startTaskIf[A](shouldRun: ShouldRun, taskName: TaskName, worker: String)(
doAction: (StartRun) => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = {
val latestRunId = tasks.filter( === taskName).map(_.runId).max
val latestRun = tasks
.filter( === taskName)
.filter(_.runId === latestRunId)
val insertTaskRun = {
case last if !shouldRun(last) =>
case None =>
StartRun(None, TaskRun(taskName, 1, worker))
case Some(last) =>
StartRun(Some(last), TaskRun(taskName, last.runId + 1, worker))
}.flatMap {
case r @ StartRun(_, thisRun) =>
(tasks += thisRun) {
case Failure(ex) => InsertFailed(ex)
case _ => r
case r => DBIO.successful(r)
} {
case sr @ StartRun(_, thisRun) =>
for {
_ <- doAction(sr).map(Success.apply).recover {
// convert the failure case into Success so we still mark the task as finished.
case ex => Failure(ex)
_ <-
} yield sr
case other => Future.successful(other)
* Helper to see an [[Instant]] was more than [[Duration]] ago.
* i.e. "was 2017-01-01 13:13 more than 5 hours ago?"
private def wasMoreThanDurationAgo(duration: Duration,
instant: Instant): Boolean = {
import java.time.Duration
import slick.driver.H2Driver
import slick.driver.H2Driver.api._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Created by chad on 1/5/17.
object ExampleUsage extends App {
val db = Database.forURL("jdbc:h2:mem:testdb;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1")
val queue = new TaskQueue[H2Driver]("tasks", H2Driver, db)
val createDb =
import queue._
val done =
createDb.flatMap { _ =>
queue.startTaskIf(HasNotStartedInLast(Duration.ofMinutes(10)), "print-hello", "worker-1") { start =>
println(s"Last print was at $start.")
throw new Exception("SDF")
println(Await.result(done, 10.seconds))
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