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# Given this List of Songs, Construct Arrays by Artist and Album
# Hint: Make use of the split() String Method
# Simple Example of Data Parsing
songs = [
"The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs - Parades Go By",
"The Magnetic Fields - Get Lost - Smoke and Mirrors",
"Neutral Milk Hotel - In An Aeroplane Over the Sea - Holland 1945",
"The Magnetic Fields - Get Lost - You, Me, and the Moon",
var q = require('q'),
vm = require('vm'),
ctx = vm.createContext({setTimeout: setTimeout, console: console, end: q.defer()}),
script = vm.createScript("now = 1; setTimeout(function() { now = 2; console.log('Inside the VM: ' + now); end.resolve() }, 1000);");
ctx.end.promise.then(function () {
console.log("Now process template with " +;
}, 500);
chadwhitacre / gist:3783013
Created September 25, 2012 16:36
example that should(?) work but doesn't
class Counter(object):
visitors = 0
counter = Counter()
counter.visitors += 1
howdy, visitor number {{ visitors }} !