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Last active January 13, 2017 18:05
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ORMs Slides


Object Relational Mapper

Object ... We're working with objects (as in database rows)

Relational ... Specifically handling relational data

Mapper ... Mapping objects together for you


  • Describe the features of an ORM
  • Define common ORM terms
  • Describe common use cases for an ORM
  • Describe what ORM code is doing

ORM Features

ORMs generally include:

  • Easy querying without writing SQL (a.k.a. Query Building)

    • .find(), .where(), .orderBy()
  • Extending functionality with hooks or events

    • Validations, attribute manipulations, computed properties, limited scopes
  • Relationship handling without JOINs

    • Mapping relationships in model definitions
    • Easily loading relationships through Query Building

ORM Terms

Model ... Single row or record

Collection ... Group of models

Query Building ... Chaining methods together to generate a SQL query

Eager Loading ... Loading relationships when querying

ORM Use Cases

  • You are using relational data in your database
  • You would like to abstract your SQL query creation
  • You need to create SQL queries on-the-fly
  • You are too lazy to write SQL

Deep Thought

  • When would an ORM not be useful?



  • One-to-one
  • One-to-many
  • Many-to-many


  • One items have singular names
  • Many items have plural names
  • Tables are always named plural


One-to-one Code


// Get a book with specific ISBN-13 number, including its summary
new Book({'ISBN-13': '9780440180296'})
    withRelated: ['summary']
  .then(function(book) {
    // 'Slaughterhouse Five'
    // Access to properties on "Summary" model

In this code:

  • Fetching a book by ISBN-13 number
  • Eager Loading the summary data
  • Accessing properties on book model
  • Accessing related summary model


One-to-many Code


// Get a book with specific ISBN-13 number, including its pages
new Book({'ISBN-13': '9780440180296'})
    withRelated: ['pages']
  }).then(function(book) {
    // Collection of page models
    // Only retrieve odd pages
    book.related('pages').filter(function(page) {
      return page.get('number') % 1

In this code:

  • Fetching a book by ISBN-13 number
  • Eager Loading the pages
  • Accessing related pages Collection
  • ??


// Get a book with specific ISBN-13 number, including its pages
new Book({'ISBN-13': '9780440180296'})
    withRelated: ['pages']
  }).then(function(book) {
    // Collection of page models
    // Only retrieve odd pages
    book.related('pages').filter(function(page) {
      return page.get('number') % 1

In this code:

  • Fetching a book by ISBN-13 number
  • Eager Loading the pages
  • Accessing related pages Collection
  • Filtering to only odd pages


  • What is the following code doing?
Post.where({ id: 12345 }).fetch({
  withRelated: ['blog', 'author', 'comments']
}).then(function(post) {


Many-to-many Code


// Get author info along with their books
Author.where({name: 'George Costanza'})
    withRelated: ['books']
  }).then(function(author) {
    author.related('books').where({ year: 2017 })

In this code:

  • Fetching an author by name
  • ??
  • ??


// Get author info along with their books
Author.where({name: 'George Costanza'})
    withRelated: ['books']
  }).then(function(author) {
    author.related('books').where({ year: 2017 })

In this code:

  • Fetching an author by name
  • Eager Loading their books
  • ??


// Get author info along with their books
Author.where({name: 'George Costanza'})
    withRelated: ['books']
  }).then(function(author) {
    author.related('books').where({ year: 2017 })

In this code:

  • Fetching an author by name
  • Eager Loading their books
  • Filtering their books down to releases this year


  • What kind of relationship does the following code setup?
let Classroom = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'classrooms',
  students: function() {
    return this.hasMany(Student);

let Student = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'students',
  classroom: function() {
    return this.belongsTo(Classroom);

ORM Assessment

  • What does ORM stand for?
  • What are some common ORM features?
  • What is Eager Loading?

And finally ...

ORM Assessment

  • What is wrong with this code?
let Folders = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'folder',
  files: function() {
    return this.hasMany(File);

let File = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'files',
  folders: function() {
  • ??
  • ??
  • ??
  • ??

ORM Assessment

  • What is wrong with this code?
let Folders = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'folder',
  files: function() {
    return this.hasMany(File);

let File = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'files',
  folders: function() {
  • Folders model should be singular
  • ??
  • ??
  • ??

ORM Assessment

  • What is wrong with this code?
let Folders = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'folder',
  files: function() {
    return this.hasMany(File);

let File = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'files',
  folders: function() {
  • Folders model should be singular
  • Folder model should have plural table name
  • ??
  • ??

ORM Assessment

  • What is wrong with this code?
let Folders = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'folder',
  files: function() {
    return this.hasMany(File);

let File = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'files',
  folders: function() {
  • Folders model should be singular
  • Folder model should have plural table name
  • File model should have folder property (singular)
  • ??

ORM Assessment

  • What is wrong with this code?
let Folders = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'folder',
  files: function() {
    return this.hasMany(File);

let File = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'files',
  folders: function() {
  • Folders model should be singular
  • Folder model should have plural table name
  • File model should have folder property (singular)
  • return missing from File model

Objectives Complete!

  • Describe the features of an ORM
  • Define common ORM terms
  • Describe common use cases for an ORM
  • Describe what ORM code is doing
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