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Forked from fcicq/
Created November 29, 2016 21:05
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# I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public
# domain. This applies worldwide.
# If this is not legally possible:
# I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any
# conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
from tools import *
from ecdsa import *
# Client version
_cversion = 62000
# Main network magic value. Included in all message headers.
_magicvalue = '\xF9\xBE\xB4\xD9'
# 32 zero bytes
_zerohash = '\0' * 32
# Input index for coinbase tx
_noindex = 0xffffffff
# 1 BTC
_bc = float(100000000)
# Total 21 million BTC
_totalcoins = 2100000000000000
# 50 BTC per block
_startcoinbase = 5000000000
# Coinbase value is halved each 210000 blocks (4 years)
_coinbasechange = 210000
# Highest possible target (bits 1d00ffff)
_maxtarget = 0x00000000ffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# Target is changed every 2016 blocks
_targetchange = 2016
# 2 weeks timespan
_targettimespan = _targetchange * 600
# Min and max timespan for target change
_mintimespan = _targettimespan / 4
_maxtimespan = _targettimespan * 4
# Last block key in Db
_lastblock = '\0'
class _input:
prevtx = _zerohash # Hash of the referenced transaction
index = _noindex # Index of the specific output in the transaction
sig = '' # Signature script
sequence = _noindex # Transaction version as defined by sender
class _output:
value = 0 # Transaction value
pubkey = '' # Public key script
class _tx:
"""Bitcoin transaction"""
version = 1 # Transaction data format version
inputs = None # List of sources for coins
outputs = None # List of destination for coins
locktime = 0 # Block number or timestamp at whith this tx locked
o = 0 # New offset (o + length of tx message)
def decodetx(p, o = 0):
"""Decode tx message from bytecode. Return tx object"""
tx = _tx()
tx.version, o = getint(p, o, 4)
if tx.version != 1: raise err('tx.version', tx.version)
incount, o = getvarint(p, o)
tx.inputs = []
for i in xrange(incount):
txinput = _input()
txinput.prevtx, o = getbin(p, o, 32)
txinput.index, o = getint(p, o, 4)
txinput.sig, o = getvarstr(p, o)
txinput.sequence, o = getint(p, o, 4)
if txinput.sequence != _noindex:
raise err('txinput.sequence', i, txinput.sequence)
outcount, o = getvarint(p, o)
tx.outputs = []
for i in xrange(outcount):
txoutput = _output()
txoutput.value, o = getint(p, o, 8)
if txoutput.value < 1 or txoutput.value > _totalcoins:
raise err('txoutput.value', i, txoutput.value)
txoutput.pubkey, o = getvarstr(p, o)
if not tx.inputs or not tx.outputs: raise err('empty tx')
tx.locktime, o = getint(p, o, 4)
if tx.locktime != 0 : raise err('tx.locktime', tx.locktime)
tx.o = o
return tx
def encodetx(tx):
"""Encode tx object. Return bytecode"""
b = putint(tx.version, 4) + putvarint(len(tx.inputs))
for txinput in tx.inputs:
b += (putbin(txinput.prevtx, 32) + putint(txinput.index, 4)
+ putvarstr(txinput.sig) + putint(txinput.sequence, 4))
b += putvarint(len(tx.outputs))
for txoutput in tx.outputs:
b += putint(txoutput.value, 8) + putvarstr(txoutput.pubkey)
b += putint(tx.locktime, 4)
return b
class _block:
"""Bitcoin block"""
version = 1 # Block format version
prevblock = _zerohash # Hash of the previous block
merkleroot = _zerohash # Hash of transactions in block
timestamp = 0 # Unix timestamp
bits = '\xff\xff\x00\x1d' # Difficulty target
nonce = 0 # Random nonce
tx = None # List of tx objects
txb = None # List of tx in bytecode
o = 0 # New offset (o + length of block message)
def decodeblock(p, o = 0):
"""Decode block message from bytecode. Return block object"""
if len(p) < 80: raise err('len block header')
block = _block()
block.version, o = getint(p, o, 4)
if block.version != 1: raise ('block.version', block.version)
block.prevblock, o = getbin(p, o, 32)
block.merkleroot, o = getbin(p, o, 32)
block.timestamp, o = getint(p, o, 4)
block.bits, o = getbin(p, o, 4)
block.nonce, o = getint(p, o, 4)
if len(p) > 81:
block.tx = []
block.txb = []
count, o = getvarint(p, o)
for i in xrange(count):
tx = decodetx(p, o)
o = tx.o
block.o = o
return block
def encodeblock(block):
"""Encode block object. Return bytecode"""
b = (putint(block.version, 4) + putbin(block.prevblock, 32)
+ putbin(block.merkleroot, 32) + putint(block.timestamp, 4)
+ putbin(block.bits, 4) + putint(block.nonce, 4))
if block.tx:
b += putvarint(len(block.tx))
for tx in block.tx:
b += encodetx(tx)
b += putvarint(len(block.txb))
for txb in block.txb:
b += txb
return b
class _netaddr:
timestamp = 0
services, ip, port = 1, '', 8333
class _netmsg:
"""Network message"""
cmd = '' # Message type
p = '' # Message bytecode without header
o = 0 # New offset (o + length of message)
# Cmd 'version' - exchanged when first connecting
version = _cversion
services = 1
timestamp = 0
recvservices, recvip, recvport = 1, '', 8333
fromservices, fromip, fromport = 1, '', 8333
nonce = '\0' * 8
useragent = ''
startheight = 0
# Cmd 'verask' - reply to version
# Cmd 'getaddr' - request for addr
# Cmd 'addr' - list of nodes
addr = None # List of netaddr objects
# Cmd 'inv' - list of new block or transactions
blocks = None # List of block hashes
txs = None # List of tx hashes
# Cmd 'getdata' - request for block or tx, same as inv
# Cmd 'getheaders' - request for headers
hashes = None # List of known block hashes
hashstop = _zerohash # Last block hash
# Cmd 'getblocks' - request for inv, same as getheaders
# Cmd 'tx' - see decodetx(), p contain tx bytecode
# Cmd 'block' - see decodeblock(), p contain block bytecode
# Cmd 'headers' - list of block headers
headers = None # List of block headers bytecode, see decodeblock()
def decodemsg(m, o = 0):
"""Decode message from bytecode. Return msg object"""
# For incompleted messages, return None
# For incorrent checksum, msg.cmd contain '!', msg.o - new offset
msg = _netmsg()
while True:
if o >= len(m): return
magic, o = getbin(m, o, 4)
if magic == _magicvalue: break
o -= 3
msg.cmd, o = getbin(m, o, 12)
msg.cmd = msg.cmd.replace('\0', '')
length, o = getint(m, o, 4)
checksum, o = getbin(m, o, 4)
p, o = getbin(m, o, length)
msg.p = p
msg.o = o
if (len(p) != length): return
if dhash(p)[0:4] != checksum:
msg.cmd += '!'
return msg
if msg.cmd == 'version':
msg.version, o = getint(p, 0, 4), o = getint(p, o, 8)
msg.timestamp, o = getint(p, o, 8)
msg.recvservices, o = getint(p, o, 8)
msg.recvip, msg.recvport, o = getip(p, o)
msg.fromservices, o = getint(p, o, 8)
msg.fromip, msg.fromport, o = getip(p, o)
msg.nonce, o = getbin(p, o, 8)
msg.useragent, o = getvarstr(p, o)
msg.startheight, o = getint(p, o, 4)
elif msg.cmd == 'addr':
count, o = getvarint(p, 0)
msg.addr = []
for i in xrange(count):
addr = _netaddr()
addr.timestamp, o = getint(p, o, 4), o = getint(p, o, 8)
addr.ip, addr.port, o = getip(p, o)
elif msg.cmd in ('inv', 'getdata'):
count, o = getvarint(p, 0)
msg.txs = []
msg.blocks = []
for i in xrange(count):
t, o = getint(p, o, 4)
h, o = getbin(p, o, 32)
if t == 1:
elif t == 2:
elif msg.cmd in ('getblocks', 'getheaders'):
msg.version, o = getint(p, 0, 4)
count, o = getvarint(p, o)
msg.hashes = []
for i in xrange(count):
h, o = getbin(p, o, 32)
msg.hashstop, o = getbin(p, o, 32)
elif msg.cmd == 'headers':
count, o = getvarint(p, 0)
msg.headers = []
for i in xrange(count):
h, o = getbin(p, o, 81)
return msg
def encodemsg(cmd, msg = ''):
"""Encode msg object or add header to bytecode"""
if type(msg) == str:
p = msg
elif msg.cmd == 'version':
if not msg.timestamp: msg.timestamp = itime()
p = (putint(msg.version, 4) + putint(, 8)
+ putint(msg.timestamp, 8) + putint(msg.recvservices, 8)
+ putip(msg.recvip, msg.recvport) + putint(msg.fromservices, 8)
+ putip(msg.fromip, msg.fromport) + putbin(msg.nonce, 8)
+ putvarstr(msg.useragent) + putint(msg.startheight, 4))
elif msg.cmd == 'addr':
p = putvarint(len(msg.addr))
for addr in msg.addr:
p += (putint(addr.timestamp, 4) + putint(, 8)
+ putip(addr.ip, addr.port))
elif msg.cmd in ('inv', 'getdata'):
p = putvarint(len(msg.txs) + len(msg.blocks))
for h in msg.txs:
p += putint(1, 4) + putbin(h, 32)
for h in msg.blocks:
p += putint(2, 4) + putbin(h, 32)
elif msg.cmd in ('getblocks', 'getheaders'):
p = putint(msg.version, 4) + putvarint(len(msg.hashes))
for h in msg.hashes:
p += putbin(h, 32)
p += putbin(msg.hashstop, 32)
elif msg.cmd == 'headers':
p = putvarint(len(msg.headers))
for header in msg.headers:
p += putbin(header, 81)
return _magicvalue + putbin(cmd, 12) + putint(len(p), 4) + dhash(p)[0:4] + p
Db =
Db[_lastblock] = _zerohash
def getcoinbase(blocknum):
"""Return coinbase value for given blocknum"""
w = blocknum // _coinbasechange
a = _startcoinbase
for i in xrange(w): a //= 2
return a
def decodebits(b):
"""Convert bits to target"""
i = leint(b[:3])
p = ord(b[3])
return i * 256 ** (p - 3)
def getdi(target):
"""Return difficulty for given target"""
return float(_maxtarget) / target
def updatetarget(oldtarget, timespan):
"""Calculate target for given timespan"""
if timespan < _mintimespan: timespan = _mintimespan
if timespan > _maxtimespan: timespan = _maxtimespan
target = oldtarget * timespan / _targettimespan
# Round value
p = 0
while target > 0x7fffff:
target //= 256
p += 1
target *= 256 ** p
if target > _maxtarget: target = _maxtarget
return target
def verifysig(stpub, txb, i):
"""Verify sig pubkey script pair"""
txcopy = decodetx(txb)
stsig = txcopy.inputs[i].sig
if ord(stsig[0]) == len(stsig) - 1 and stsig[-1] == '\x01':
sig = stsig[1:-1]
elif stsig[ord(stsig[0]):ord(stsig[0]) + 2] == '\x01\x41':
sig = stsig[1:ord(stsig[0])]
pub = stsig[ord(stsig[0]) + 2:]
else: raise err('unknown sig format')
if ord(stpub[0]) == len(stpub) - 2 and stpub[-1] == '\xac':
pub = stpub[1:-1]
elif stpub[0:3] == '\x76\xa9\x14' and stpub[23:25] == '\x88\xac':
hashr = stpub[3:23]
if hashr != rhash(pub): return 'err rhash'
else: raise err('unknown pub format')
for k, cinput in enumerate(txcopy.inputs):
if i == k: cinput.sig = stpub
else: cinput.sig = ''
txcopyhash = dhash(encodetx(txcopy) + putint(1, 4))
verifydigest(pub, txcopyhash, sig)
def decodepub(stpub):
"""Get rhash of pubkey from pubkey script"""
if ord(stpub[0]) == len(stpub) - 2 and stpub[-1] == '\xac':
pub = stpub[1:-1]
hashr = rhash(pub)
elif stpub[0:3] == '\x76\xa9\x14' and stpub[23:25] == '\x88\xac':
hashr = stpub[3:23]
else: raise err('unknown pub format')
return [hashr]
def readblocknum(h):
"""Get block number by block hash"""
if h not in Db: return
return leint(Db[h][80:])
def readblockhash(n):
"""Get block hash by block number"""
n = intle(n, 4)
if n not in Db: return
return Db[n][:32]
def readheader(h):
"""Get block header bytecode by block hash or number"""
if type(h) == int: h = readblockhash(h)
if h is None or h not in Db: return
return Db[h][:80]
def readblocktx(n):
"""Get list of tx hashes by block hash or number"""
if type(n) == str: n = readblocknum(n)
if n is None: return
n = intle(n, 4)
if n not in Db: return
l = Db[n]
txs = []
for i in xrange(32, len(l), 32): txs.append(l[i:i + 32])
return txs
def readtx(h):
"""Get tx bytecode by tx hash"""
if h not in Db: return
return Db[h][6:]
def readtxblock(h):
"""Get (blocknum, txnum) by tx hash"""
if h not in Db: return
return leint(Db[h][:4]), leint(Db[h][4:6])
def readblock(h):
"""Get block bytecode by block hash or number"""
bb = readheader(h)
if bb is None: return
txs = readblocktx(h)
bb += putvarint(len(txs))
for txhash in txs: bb += readtx(txhash)
return bb
def readspend(prevtx, index):
"""Get new tx hash by prev tx hash and output index"""
k = prevtx + intle(index, 2)
if k not in Db: return
return Db[k]
def readaddrtx(baddr):
"""Get list of (blocknum, txnum) by rhash of pubkey"""
if baddr not in Db: return
l = Db[baddr]
txn = []
for i in xrange(0, len(l), 6):
txn.append((leint(l[i:i + 4]), leint(l[i + 4:i + 6])))
return txn
def readlasthash():
"""Get hash of last block in blockchain"""
return Db[_lastblock]
def writedat(dat, lastblock):
"""Write dat records to Db"""
Db[_lastblock] = lastblock
for k in dat:
if len(k) == 20 and k in Db: Db[k] += dat[k]
elif dat[k] is None: del Db[k]
else: Db[k] = dat[k]
def verifyblocktx(b, bb, blockhash, num, dat = None):
"""Verify txs in block. Return dat records"""
if len(b.tx) < 1: raise err('empty block')
# Verify Merkle tree
if len(b.tx) == 1:
mroot = dhash(b.txb[0])
txh = [mroot]
mtree = []
for tx in b.txb:
txh = mtree
while len(mtree) != 1:
if len(mtree) % 2: mtree.append(mtree[-1])
ntree = []
for i in xrange(1, len(mtree), 2):
ntree.append(dhash(mtree[i - 1] + mtree[i]))
mtree = ntree
mroot = mtree[0]
if mroot != b.merkleroot: raise err('merkleroot')
# Records in dat will be added to Db
if dat is None: dat = {}
# Header record. block hash (32) : block header (80) block number (4)
dat[blockhash] = bb[:80] + intle(num, 4)
numrec = blockhash
for n, txb in enumerate(b.txb):
# Tx record. tx hash (32) : block number (4) tx number (2) tx bytecode
dat[txh[n]] = intle(num, 4) + intle(n, 2) + txb
numrec += txh[n]
# Num record. blocknumber (4) : block hash (32) list of tx hashes (32)
dat[intle(num, 4)] = numrec
fee = 0
for n, tx in enumerate(b.tx):
txvalue = 0
addrlist = []
for i, txinput in enumerate(tx.inputs):
if not n: break
if txinput.prevtx == _zerohash: raise err('coinbase')
btx = readtx(txinput.prevtx)
if not btx and txinput.prevtx in dat: btx = dat[txinput.prevtx][6:]
if not btx: raise err('no prevtx')
ptx = decodetx(btx)
if txinput.index >= len(ptx.outputs): raise err('no index')
if readspend(txinput.prevtx, txinput.index):
raise err('double spend')
verifysig(ptx.outputs[txinput.index].pubkey, b.txb[n], i)
# Spend record. prev tx hash (32) prev tx index (2) : new tx hash
dat[txinput.prevtx + intle(txinput.index, 2)] = txh[n]
addrlist += decodepub(ptx.outputs[txinput.index].pubkey)
txvalue += ptx.outputs[txinput.index].value
for txoutput in tx.outputs:
addrlist += decodepub(txoutput.pubkey)
if n: txvalue -= txoutput.value
if txvalue < 0: raise err('txvalue')
fee += txvalue
for baddr in addrlist:
if baddr not in dat: dat[baddr] = ''
# Addr record. hashr (20) : list of block number (4) tx number (2)
dat[baddr] += intle(num, 4) + intle(n, 2)
coinbase = b.tx[0]
if (len(coinbase.inputs) != 1 or coinbase.inputs[0].prevtx != _zerohash
or coinbase.inputs[0].index != _noindex): raise err('no coinbase')
coinbasevalue = 0
for txoutput in coinbase.outputs: coinbasevalue += txoutput.value
if coinbasevalue != getcoinbase(num) + fee: raise err('bad coinbase')
return dat
def acceptblock(bb):
"""Verify block and add to blockchain"""
blockhash = dhash(bb[:80])
if readheader(blockhash): raise err('duplicate')
b = decodeblock(bb)
blocktarget = decodebits(b.bits)
# Hash of the block header must be lower than or equal to the target
if leint(blockhash) > blocktarget: raise err('blockhash')
lastblock = readlasthash()
if b.prevblock == lastblock:
# Add to main branch
else: raise err('prevblock')
if lastblock != _zerohash:
num = readblocknum(lastblock) + 1
# Last target change block
tbnum = (num - 1) // _targetchange * _targetchange
tb = decodeblock(readheader(tbnum))
# Current target
target = decodebits(tb.bits)
# Update target every 2016 block
if not num % _targetchange:
pb = decodeblock(readheader(num - 1))
target = updatetarget(target, pb.timestamp - tb.timestamp)
num = 0
target = _maxtarget
# Bits must be equal to the current target
if blocktarget != target: raise err('bits')
dat = verifyblocktx(b, bb, blockhash, num)
"""if branch not in Branches: Branches.append(branch)
if branch is not Mainbranch:
if branch.di > Mainbranch.di:
# A side branch becoming the main branch
del Branches[branchid]
p = b
# For blocks in new main branch
while _sidebranch + p.prevblock in Db:
del Db[_sidebranch + p.prevblock]
p = decodeblock(p.prevblock)
forkblock = p.prevblock
branchid = len(Branches)
phash = Mainbranch.lastblock
# For blocks in old main branch
while phash != forkblock:
Db[_sidebranch + phash] = branchid
p = decodeblock(phash)
phash = p.prevblock
Branches[0] = branch
Db[_sidebranch + blockhash] = branchid"""
writedat(dat, blockhash)
def docommand(c):
r = ''
c = c.split(' ')
if c[0] == 'blocks':
if len(c) < 3: count = 20
else: count = int(c[2])
if len(c) < 2: start = readblocknum(readlasthash()) - 19
else: start = int(c[1])
for num in xrange(start, start + count):
bh = readblockhash(num)
if not bh: break
b = decodeblock(readheader(bh))
r += str(num) + ' ' + stime(b.timestamp) + '\n' + tohexl(bh) + '\n'
if c[0] == 'tx':
if len(c[1]) == 64:
txhash = unhexl(c[1])
blocknum, txnum = readtxblock(txhash)
l = c[1].split('.')
blocknum = int(l[0])
txnum = int(l[1])
txs = readblocktx(blocknum)
txhash = txs[txnum]
tx = decodetx(readtx(txhash))
r += str(blocknum) + '.' + str(txnum) + ' ' + tohexl(txhash) + '\n'
txvalue = 0
if txnum:
r += 'From:\n'
for txinput in tx.inputs:
ptx = decodetx(readtx(txinput.prevtx))
pb, pt = readtxblock(txinput.prevtx)
poutput = ptx.outputs[txinput.index]
r += str(poutput.value / _bc) + ' '
r += encodeaddr(decodepub(poutput.pubkey)[0]) + ' '
r += str(pb) + '.' + str(pt) + '.' + str(txinput.index) + '\n'
txvalue += poutput.value
r += 'To:\n'
for txoutput in tx.outputs:
r += str(txoutput.value / _bc) + ' '
r += encodeaddr(decodepub(txoutput.pubkey)[0]) + '\n'
txvalue -= txoutput.value
txvalue /= _bc
if not txnum: r += 'Generation: ' + str(- txvalue) + '\n'
elif txvalue: r += 'Fee: ' + str(txvalue) + '\n'
if c[0] == 'block':
if len(c[1]) == 64:
bh = unhexl(c[1])
num = readblocknum(bh)
num = int(c[1])
bh = readblockhash(num)
r += str(num) + ' ' + tohexl(bh) + '\n'
b = decodeblock(readheader(bh))
r += 'Prev block: ' + tohexl(b.prevblock) + '\n'
nextblock = readblockhash(num + 1)
if nextblock: r += 'Next block: ' + tohexl(nextblock) + '\n'
else: r += 'Last block\n'
r += 'Merkle root: ' + tohexl(b.merkleroot) + '\n'
r += 'Time: ' + stime(b.timestamp) + ' (' + str(b.timestamp) + ')\n'
r += 'Difficulty: ' + str(getdi(decodebits(b.bits)))
r += ' (Bits: ' + tohexl(b.bits) + ')\n'
r += 'Nonce: ' + str(b.nonce) + '\n'
txs = readblocktx(bh)
for txhash in txs: r += '\n' + docommand('tx ' + tohexl(txhash))
if c[0] == 'addr':
hashr = decodeaddr(c[1])
txn = readaddrtx(hashr)
for blocknum, txnum in txn:
r += '\n' + docommand('tx ' + str(blocknum) + '.' + str(txnum))
return r
def verifydigest(*a): pass
def ver():
count = 2000
count = -1
timestart = time()
fb = open('blockchain', 'r')
o = 0
bc = 1024 * 1024 * 10
bs = 1024 * 1024 * 12
buf =
while True:
if o > bc:
buf = buf[o:]
o = 0
buf +=
if o >= len(buf): break
block = decodeblock(buf, o)
print readblocknum(readlasthash()), \
stime(decodeblock(readheader(readlasthash())).timestamp), \
o = block.o
count -= 1
if count == 0: break
timespan = time() - timestart
print '-' * 78
print 'Last block:'
print readblocknum(readlasthash()), \
print tohexl(readlasthash())
print timespan, 'sec'
print (readblocknum(readlasthash()) + 1) / timespan, 'block/sec'
print '-' * 80
from traceback import format_exc
while True:
c = raw_input()
print docommand(c)
print format_exc()
def testsignmsg():
timestart = time()
for i in xrange(100):
print 'i', i
priv = genkey()
print 'priv', tohex(priv)
msg = repr(urandom(i * 8 + 15))
print 'msg', msg
sig = signmsg(priv, msg)
print 'sig', sig
pub = getpubkey(priv)
print 'pub', tohex(pub)
v = rhash(pub)
print 'v', tohex(v)
a = encodeaddr(v)
print 'a', a
r = decodeaddr(a)
print 'r', tohex(r)
if r != v: raise err('r != v')
verifymsg(r, msg, sig)
digest = dhash(msg)
print 'digest', tohex(digest)
s = signdigest(priv, digest)
print 's', tohex(s)
verifydigest(pub, digest, s)
for n in xrange(2):
for m in xrange(3):
print 'n:m', str(n) + ':' + str(m)
npriv = nprivkey(priv, str(n) + ':' + str(m), pub)
print 'npriv', tohex(npriv)
d = urandom(32)
print 'd', tohex(d)
g = signdigest(npriv, d)
print 'g', tohex(g)
npub = npubkey(pub, str(n) + ':' + str(m))
print 'npub', tohex(npub)
verifydigest(npub, d, g)
vpub = getpubkey(npriv)
print 'vpub', tohex(vpub)
if vpub != npub: raise err('vpub != npub')
print time() - timestart, 'sec'
# I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public
# domain. This applies worldwide.
# If this is not legally possible:
# I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any
# conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
from tools import *
_b = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007L
_a = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000L
_gx = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798L
_gy = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8L
def randkey():
while True:
r = beint(urandom(32)) + 1
if 1 <= r < _n: return r
def inversemod(a, m):
if a < 0 or m <= a: a = a % m
c, d = a, m
uc, vc, ud, vd = 1, 0, 0, 1
while c != 0:
q, c, d = divmod(d, c) + (c,)
uc, vc, ud, vd = ud - q * uc, vd - q * vc, uc, vc
if d != 1: raise err('d is not 1', a, m)
if ud > 0: return ud
else: return ud + m
def doublepoint(x, y):
if x is None: return None, None
l = ((3 * x * x + _a) * inversemod(2 * y, _p)) % _p
x3 = (l * l - 2 * x) % _p
y3 = (l * (x - x3) - y) % _p
return x3, y3
def addpoint(x1, y1, x2, y2):
if x2 is None: return x1, y1
if x1 is None: return x2, y2
if x1 == x2:
if (y1 + y2) % _p == 0:
return None, None
return doublepoint(x1, y1)
l = ((y2 - y1) * inversemod(x2 - x1, _p)) % _p
x3 = (l * l - x1 - x2) % _p
y3 = (l * (x1 - x3) - y1) % _p
return x3, y3
def mulpoint(x, y, e):
e = e % _n
if e <= 0 or x is None: return None, None
e3 = 3 * e
i = 1
while i <= e3: i *= 2
i //= 2
x3, y3 = x, y
i //= 2
while i > 1:
x3, y3 = doublepoint(x3, y3)
if (e3 & i) != 0 and (e & i) == 0: x3, y3 = addpoint(x3, y3, x, y)
if (e3 & i) == 0 and (e & i) != 0: x3, y3 = addpoint(x3, y3, x, -y)
i //= 2
return x3, y3
def checkpubkey(x, y):
if (y * y - (x * x * x + _a * x + _b)) % _p != 0:
raise err('not on curve', x, y)
if mulpoint(x, y, _n) != (None, None):
raise err('mul to _n is not None', x, y)
return True
def sign(key, digest, nonce):
k = nonce % _n
r, y = mulpoint(_gx, _gy, k)
if r == 0: raise err('r is 0', key, digest, nonce)
s = (inversemod(k, _n) * (digest + (key * r) % _n)) % _n
if s == 0: return err('s is 0', key, digest, nonce)
return r, s
def verify(x, y, digest, r, s):
checkpubkey(x, y)
if r < 1 or r > _n - 1: raise err('incorrect r', r)
if s < 1 or s > _n - 1: raise err('incorrect s', s)
c = inversemod(s, _n)
u1 = (digest * c ) % _n
u2 = (r * c) % _n
x1, y1 = mulpoint(_gx, _gy, u1)
x2, y2 = mulpoint(x, y, u2)
x, y = addpoint(x1, y1, x2, y2)
v = x % _n
if v == r: return True
else: raise err('signature failed', x, y, digest, r, s)
def genkey():
"""Generate random private key"""
return intbe(randkey(), 32)
def getpubkey(privkey):
"""Return public key for given private key"""
if len(privkey) != 32: raise err('len privkey')
x, y = mulpoint(_gx, _gy, beint(privkey))
return '\x04' + intbe(x, 32) + intbe(y, 32)
def signdigest(privkey, digest):
"""Sign digest (32 bytes). Return signature in DER format"""
if len(privkey) != 32 or len(digest) != 32: raise err('len privkey')
r, s = sign(beint(privkey), beint(digest), randkey())
r = intbe(r)
if ord(r[0]) > 0x7f: r = '\0' + r
sig = '\x02' + chr(len(r)) + r
s = intbe(s)
if ord(s[0]) > 0x7f: s = '\0' + s
sig += '\x02' + chr(len(s)) + s
sig = '\x30' + chr(len(sig)) + sig
return sig
def verifydigest(pubkey, digest, sig):
"""Check signature (DER)"""
if len(pubkey) != 65 or pubkey[0] != '\x04': raise err('len pubkey')
x = beint(pubkey[1:33])
y = beint(pubkey[33:])
if len(digest) != 32: raise err('len digest')
if sig[0] != '\x30' or len(sig) != ord(sig[1]) + 2: raise err('len sig')
r = beint(sig[4:4 + ord(sig[3])])
s = beint(sig[6 + ord(sig[3]):])
return verify(x, y, beint(digest), r, s)
def nprivkey(mprivkey, n, mpubkey = None):
"""Get private key from main private key with n sequence (n is str)"""
if len(mprivkey) != 32: raise err('len privkey')
if not mpubkey:
mpubkey = getpubkey(mprivkey)
h = beint(dhash(n + ':' + mpubkey[1:]))
return intbe((beint(mprivkey) + h) % _n, 32)
def npubkey(mpubkey, n):
"""Get public key from main public key with n sequence (n is str)"""
if len(mpubkey) != 65 or mpubkey[0] != '\x04': raise err('len pubkey')
x1 = beint(mpubkey[1:33])
y1 = beint(mpubkey[33:])
h = beint(dhash(n + ':' + mpubkey[1:]))
x2, y2 = mulpoint(_gx, _gy, h)
x, y = addpoint(x1, y1, x2, y2)
return '\x04' + intbe(x, 32) + intbe(y, 32)
def rspubkey(digest, r, s, k):
x = r + (k / 2) * _n
a1 = (x * x * x + _a * x + _b) % _p
b1 = pow(a1, (_p + 1) / 4, _p)
if (b1 - k) % 2 == 0:
y = b1
y = _p - b1
checkpubkey(x, y)
x1, y1 = mulpoint(x, y, s)
x2, y2 = mulpoint(_gx, _gy, -digest % _n)
x, y = addpoint(x1, y1, x2, y2)
x, y = mulpoint(x, y, inversemod(r, _n))
return x, y
def msgmagic(msg):
return "\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n" + intle(len(msg)) + msg
def verifymsg(hashr, msg, sig):
"""Verify message using riperm160 of sha256 hash of public key"""
if len(hashr) != 20: raise err('len hashr')
if len(sig) > 65: sig = b64decode(sig)
if len(sig) == 65:
ka = [ord(sig[0]) - 27]
r = beint(sig[1:33])
s = beint(sig[33:])
elif len(sig) == 64:
ka = xrange(2)
r = beint(sig[:32])
s = beint(sig[32:])
raise err('len sig')
digest = beint(dhash(msgmagic(msg)))
for k in ka:
x, y = rspubkey(digest, r, s, k)
if hashr == rhash('\x04' + intbe(x, 32) + intbe(y, 32)):
verify(x, y, digest, r, s)
return chr(k + 27)
raise err('verify hashr failed', hashr, msg, sig)
def signmsg(privkey, msg):
"""Sign message. Return sig in Base64"""
if len(privkey) != 32: raise err('len privkey')
r, s = sign(beint(privkey), beint(dhash(msgmagic(msg))), randkey())
sig = intbe(r, 32) + intbe(s, 32)
c = verifymsg(rhash(getpubkey(privkey)), msg, sig)
return b64encode(c + sig)
# I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public
# domain. This applies worldwide.
# If this is not legally possible:
# I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any
# conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
from hashlib import sha256, new as hashnew
from time import time, gmtime, strftime
from binascii import b2a_hex as tohex, a2b_hex as unhex
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from os import urandom
err = RuntimeError
def itime():
"""Return current timestamp as int"""
return int(time())
def stime(t):
"""Convert timestamp to string UTC"""
return strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', gmtime(t))
def intle(i, l = None):
"""Convert int to little endian bytecode"""
b = ''
while i != 0:
b += chr(i % 256)
i //= 256
if l:
b += '\0' * (l - len(b))
if len(b) != l: raise err('integer overflow', i, l)
return b
def leint(b):
"""Convert little endian bytecode to int"""
i = 0
p = 1
for c in b:
i += ord(c) * p
p *= 256
return i
def intbe(i, l = None):
"""Convert int to big endian bytecode"""
b = ''
while i != 0:
b = chr(i % 256) + b
i //= 256
if l:
b = '\0' * (l - len(b)) + b
if len(b) != l: raise err('integer overflow', i, l)
return b
def beint(b):
"""Convert big endian bytecode to int"""
i = 0
for c in b:
i = ord(c) + i * 256
return i
def tohexl(b):
"""Convert little endian bytecode to hex"""
return tohex(b[::-1])
def unhexl(h):
"""Convert hex to little endian bytecode"""
return unhex(h)[::-1]
def dhash(s):
"""Double sha256"""
return sha256(sha256(s).digest()).digest()
def rhash(s):
"""Ripemd160 of sha256"""
r = hashnew('ripemd160')
return r.digest()
b58 = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def encodeaddr(b, v = 0):
"""Encode Base64Check"""
b = chr(v) + b
b += dhash(b)[:4]
i = beint(b)
a = ''
while i != 0:
a = b58[i % 58] + a
i //= 58
z = 0
for c in b:
if c == '\0': z += 1
else: break
return b58[0] * z + a
def decodeaddr(a, v = 0):
"""Decode Base64Check"""
i = 0
for c in a:
i = b58.find(c) + i * 58
b = intbe(i)
z = 0
for c in a:
if c == b58[0]: z += 1
else: break
b = '\0' * z + b
if b[0] != chr(v): raise err('version', a, v)
if dhash(b[:-4])[:4] != b[-4:]: raise err('checksum', a, v)
return b[1:-4]
def putint(i, l):
"""Convert int to bytecode integer size l"""
return intle(i, l)
def putvarint(i):
"""Convert int to bytecode variable length interger"""
if i < 0xfd:
l = 1
f = ''
elif i < 0xffff:
l = 2
f = '\xfd'
elif i < 0xffffffff:
l = 4
f = '\xfe'
l = 8
f = '\xff'
return f + intle(i, l)
def putvarstr(s):
"""Convert str to bytecode variable length string"""
return putvarint(len(s)) + s
def putbin(s, l):
"""Convert str to bytecode fixed length string"""
while len(s) < l: s += chr(0)
if len(s) != l: raise err('string overflow', s, l)
return s
def putip(ip, port):
"""Convert ip and port to bytecode"""
b = '\0' * 10 + '\xFF\xFF'
for n in ip.split('.'): b += chr(int(n))
return b + chr(port // 256) + chr(port % 256)
def getint(s, o, l):
"""Read integer from bytecode offset o size l. Return (int, new_offset)"""
return leint(s[o:o + l]), o + l
def getvarint(s, o):
"""Read variable length integer from bytecode. Return (int, new_offset)"""
if s[o] == '\xfd': l = 2
elif s[o] == '\xfe': l = 4
elif s[o] == '\xff': l = 8
else: l = 1
if l > 1: o += 1
return leint(s[o:o + l]), o + l
def getvarstr(s, o):
"""Read variable length string from bytecode. Return (int, new_offset)"""
l, o = getvarint(s, o)
return s[o:o + l], o + l
def getbin(s, o, l):
"""Read fixed length string from bytecode. Return (str, new_offset)"""
return s[o:o + l], o + l
def getip(s, o):
"""Read ip and port from bytecode. Return (ip, port, new_offset)"""
if s[o:o + 12] == '\0' * 10 + '\xFF\xFF':
return (str(ord(s[o + 12])) + '.' + str(ord(s[o + 13])) + '.'
+ str(ord(s[o + 14])) + '.' + str(ord(s[o + 15])),
ord(s[o + 16]) * 256 + ord(s[o + 17]), o + 18)
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