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# Notes of Interest
- **Osmosis current testnet network details** (at least we would assume this is the current Osmosis testnet but would need to confirm with their team):
- [Osmosis Testnet GitHub Repository](
- **Akash current testnet network:**
- [Akash Testnet GitHub Repository](
- **Akash testnet endpoints:**
- **RPC:** [](
"genesis_time": "2024-12-09T16:10:38.141668426Z",
"chain_id": "testnet-6",
"initial_height": "1",
"consensus_params": {
"block": {
"max_bytes": "22020096",
"max_gas": "-1"
"evidence": {
=== Kubernetes Cluster Resource Availability Report ===
### Node-Level Summary
1. control-01 (Roles: control-plane, etcd, master)
- Allocatable Resources:
- CPU: 2 cores
- Memory: ~1.9 GiB
- Ephemeral Storage: ~28.0 GiB
- Pods: 110
- Allocated Resources:
=== Proxmox Host Resource Availability Report ===
### Current Usage
- Total CPUs: 128
- Allocated CPUs:
- control-01.testnet5: 2 CPUs
- worker-01.testnet5: 103 CPUs
- Reserved for Host Operations: ~10% (13 CPUs)
- Total Allocated: 2 + 103 + 13 = **118 CPUs**
- Available CPUs: 128 - 118 = **10 CPUs**
Key OSD Performance Metrics
These provide insight into the performance of individual OSDs:
Latency Metrics:
Measures how long it takes for an OSD to apply an operation (e.g., writing data to disk).
Measures the time taken to commit operations to persistent storage (e.g., journal/transaction logs).
These are your primary OSD latency metrics.
root@node1:~# curl
# HELP ceph_health_status Cluster health status
# TYPE ceph_health_status untyped
ceph_health_status 0.0
# HELP ceph_mon_quorum_status Monitors in quorum
# TYPE ceph_mon_quorum_status gauge
ceph_mon_quorum_status{ceph_daemon="mon.a"} 1.0
ceph_mon_quorum_status{ceph_daemon="mon.b"} 1.0
ceph_mon_quorum_status{ceph_daemon="mon.c"} 1.0
Defaulted container "provider" out of: provider, init (init)
WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
16 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
ca-certificates is already the newest version (20210119).
mawk is already the newest version (
version: "2.0"
image: pengbai/docker-supermario
- port: 8080
as: 80
### CPU Analysis
# Review of current CPU pricing of community proviiders in trial whitelist
## Provider -
### Recent trial CPU deployment
# Review of current GPU pricing of community proviiders in trial whitelist
## Provider -
### vendor/nvidia/model/p100
- Date - Nov 24th 2024, 23:42:22+00:00