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Last active December 24, 2015 19:39
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Save chaitanyamannem/6852310 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Common String Equality comparision mistake.
package com.devchaitu18.ipj.strings.mistakes;
* Find the common mistake in this program.
* @author devchaitu18
public class StringEqualityMistakeUnresolved {
* Returns a list based on the matching keyword. If no keyword is matching
* it gives default list.
* @param keyword
* @return
public static String[] getMatchingProducts(String keyword) {
String[] defaultList = { "a", "b", "c" };
if (keyword == "tech") {
String[] techCompanies = { "apple", "google", "oracle" };
return techCompanies;
if (keyword == "movies") {
String[] movies = { "AD", "Gladiator", "Tempest" };
return movies;
if (keyword == "mobiles") {
String[] mobiles = { "iphone", "sx4", "desire" };
return mobiles;
return defaultList;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String keyword = new String("tech");
String[] displayResults = getMatchingProducts(keyword);
System.out.println("The results are:");
for (String result : displayResults) {
package com.devchaitu18.ipj.strings.mistakes;
* When comparing for content equality you should use .(dot)equals instead of ==
* If you want to determine whether two references refer to the same object, you
* can compare them using == and !=. The equals method is concerned with value
* equality. The default implementation of equals in Object assumes that an
* object is equal only to itself, by testing if this == obj.
* See the overided equals method of String class ->
* @author devchaitu18
public class StringEqualityMistakeResolved {
public static String[] getMatchingProducts(String keyword) {
String[] defaultList = { "a", "b", "c" };
if (keyword.equals("tech")) {
String[] techCompanies = { "apple", "google", "oracle" };
return techCompanies;
if (keyword.equals("movies")) {
String[] movies = { "AD", "Gladiator", "Tempest" };
return movies;
if (keyword.equals("mobiles")) {
String[] mobiles = { "iphone", "sx4", "desire" };
return mobiles;
return defaultList;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String keyword = new String("tech");
/*If The below statement i.e String keyword = "tech" is given
* then the keyword == "tech" will give true because java has
* a concept of pooling String objects.
* String a = "xyz";
* String b = "xyz";
* both a and b objects point to same object so the equals will
* return true.
* */
//String keyword = "tech";
String[] displayResults = getMatchingProducts(keyword);
System.out.println("The results are:");
for (String result : displayResults) {
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