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Created February 11, 2021 22:06
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Notion Github Issue push Integration
#This is a bare minimum integration where github issues result in new task / bugs etc in notion timelines
from github import Github
from notion.client import NotionClient
import numpy as np
import datetime
import pytz
git = Github("<GITHUB API Token>")
client = NotionClient(token_v2="<Notion Token>")
timeline = client.get_collection_view("<Hyperlink to notion timeline>")
# Read collection
all_current_rows = timeline.collection.get_rows()
# Generally i map a repository to an epic in notion timeline, so that things are more easily organized.
# This dictionary can be updated with all the maps between repositories and respective epics
repo_to_epic_map = {
"<repository_name>": "<epic_name>",
# In order to keep things fast, we save the last updated date time here.
LastUpdated = np.load('LastUpdated.npy', allow_pickle=True).item()
# First run, take 20 years back as last updated! This way we update everything
LastUpdated = - datetime.timedelta(years=365*20)
def get_epic(rows, title):
"""This function looks for an epic with a titles"""
for c in rows:
if c.get_property('type') == 'Epic ⛰️':
if c.title == title:
return c
def append_epic(row, epic):
"""This function appends and epic to current list of epics"""
epics = row.get_property('epic')
row.set_property('epic', epics)
def set_labels(row, git_labels):
"""We can setup different github lables to do different things here"""
for label in git_labels:
if == 'task':
row.set_property('type', 'Task 🔨')
if == 'bug':
row.set_property('type', 'Bug 🐞')
if == 'working':
row.set_property('status', 'In Progress')
def check_row_or_make(collection, title):
"""Look for a row in collection or just make a new row"""
for row in collection.get_rows():
if row.title == title:
return row
return timeline.collection.add_row()
for repo in repo_to_epic_map:
git_repo = git.get_repo(repo)
for issue in git_repo.get_issues():
# Loop through issues
if pytz.utc.localize(LastUpdated) > issue.updated_at.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC):
# If issue was updated after the `LastUpdate`
row = check_row_or_make(timeline.collection, issue.title)
row.title = issue.title
append_epic(row, get_epic(all_current_rows, repo_to_epic_map[repo]))
if issue.state == 'open' and row.get_property('status') != 'In Progress':
row.set_property('status', 'Not Started')
elif issue.state == 'closed':
row.set_property('status', 'Complete 🙌')
set_labels(row, issue.labels)
# Save the lastUpdated time'LastUpdated.npy',
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