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Last active July 5, 2019 15:52
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Generic Diff algorithm in Go.
package gendiff
type Op int
const (
noOp = Op(iota)
func (o Op) String() string {
switch o {
case noOp:
return "noOp"
case Match:
return "match"
case Delete:
return "delete"
case Insert:
return "insert"
panic("missing case in op.String() switch")
type Interface interface {
LeftLen() int
RightLen() int
Equal(l, r int) bool
type Diff struct {
Op Op
Lstart int
Lend int
Rstart int
Rend int
type cell = struct {
op Op // detected operation
lcs int // cumulative length of longest common substring
func Make(iface Interface) []Diff {
var (
llen, rlen = iface.LeftLen(), iface.RightLen()
lidx, ridx = 0, 0
// table for dynamic programming an LCS solution
// "left" is Y, "right" is X,
// so index with table[y][x] or table[left str index][right str index]
table := make([][]cell, llen+1, llen+1)
for lidx = range table {
table[lidx] = make([]cell, rlen+1, rlen+1)
// zeroes the empty string solution
// (all inserts or all deletes)
for lidx = range table { // empty "right" string, all were deleted
table[lidx][0] = cell{Delete, 0}
for ridx = range table[0] { // empty "left" string, all were inserted
table[0][ridx] = cell{Insert, 0}
// compute lcs solution (and obtain the diff as a sideeffect)
for lidx = 1; lidx <= llen; lidx++ {
for ridx = 1; ridx <= rlen; ridx++ {
var (
lcell = table[lidx][ridx-1] // neighbor towards the "left" string (x-1)
rcell = table[lidx-1][ridx] // neighbor towards the "right" string (y-1)
lrcell = table[lidx-1][ridx-1] // diagonal neighbor (x-1, y-1)
switch {
case iface.Equal(lidx-1, ridx-1):
// character match, extends the lcs counter
table[lidx][ridx] = cell{op: Match, lcs: lrcell.lcs + 1}
case lcell.lcs < rcell.lcs:
// the "right" string has longer lcs which means we are sitting
// on characters being deleted from the "left" string
table[lidx][ridx] = cell{op: Delete, lcs: rcell.lcs}
case lcell.lcs >= rcell.lcs:
// the "left" string has longer lcs which means we are sitting
// on an extra characters from the "right" string
table[lidx][ridx] = cell{op: Insert, lcs: lcell.lcs}
// reconstruct solution backwards
var (
diffs []Diff
lastcell = table[llen][rlen]
lastdiff = Diff{lastcell.op, llen, llen, rlen, rlen}
record := func(op Op, lidx, ridx int) {
lastdiff.Lstart = lidx
lastdiff.Rstart = ridx
if op != lastdiff.Op {
diffs = append(diffs, lastdiff)
lastdiff.Op = op
lastdiff.Lend = lastdiff.Lstart
lastdiff.Rend = lastdiff.Rstart
lidx, ridx = llen, rlen
for lidx > 0 || ridx > 0 {
cell := table[lidx][ridx]
record(cell.op, lidx, ridx)
switch cell.op {
case Match:
lidx, ridx = lidx-1, ridx-1
case Delete:
lidx, ridx = lidx-1, ridx
case Insert:
lidx, ridx = lidx, ridx-1
panic("DP table construction error, please file a bug report.")
record(noOp, 0, 0) // eof signal to emit the last diff
// since we construct solution backwards, we need to reverse it
revdiffs := make([]Diff, len(diffs), len(diffs))
for idx := range diffs {
revdiffs[len(diffs)-idx-1] = diffs[idx]
return revdiffs
package gendiff
import (
r ""
type testcase struct {
left string
right string
diff []Diff
var _ Interface = testcase{}
func (c testcase) LeftLen() int { return len(c.left) }
func (c testcase) RightLen() int { return len(c.right) }
func (c testcase) Equal(l, r int) bool { return c.left[l] == c.right[r] }
func (c testcase) Name() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Diff %#v against %#v result in %d edits",
c.left, c.right, len(c.diff))
var cases = []testcase{
{"a", "", []Diff{
{Delete, 0, 1, 0, 0},
{"", "a", []Diff{
{Insert, 0, 0, 0, 1},
{"aaa", "bbb", []Diff{
{Delete, 0, 3, 0, 0},
{Insert, 3, 3, 0, 3},
{"abce", "acde", []Diff{
{Match, 0, 1, 0, 1},
{Delete, 1, 2, 1, 1},
{Match, 2, 3, 1, 2},
{Insert, 3, 3, 2, 3},
{Match, 3, 4, 3, 4},
{"aaabbbccceee", "aaacccdddeee", []Diff{
{Match, 0, 3, 0, 3},
{Delete, 3, 6, 3, 3},
{Match, 6, 9, 3, 6},
{Insert, 9, 9, 6, 9},
{Match, 9, 12, 9, 12},
{"bbbcccddd", "ccceee", []Diff{
{Delete, 0, 3, 0, 0},
{Match, 3, 6, 0, 3},
{Delete, 6, 9, 3, 3},
{Insert, 9, 9, 3, 6},
func TestMake(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range cases {
t.Run(test.Name(), func(tt *testing.T) {
r.Equal(tt, test.diff, Make(test))
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