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Forked from Restuta/gist:2963076
Created June 21, 2012 06:14
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Save chaliy/2964142 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reveiw #1
#How it works:
#switch to p4 branch
#get changes from p4
## gets changelist number workspace is synced to
## gets list of changelists that is present on server and don't at my workspace
#commit change-by-change to p4 branch on behalf of corresponding users
#switch back the to previous branch
$Env:P4CHARSET = "utf8"
# You do not need parse arguments, I added construction that will work for you
# also PowerShell does not require full argument, you can type first letters
# just to ensure that first letter are not clash with other arguments
#if ($args[0] -eq "-preview" -or $args[0] -eq "-p") {$preview = $TRUE }
#else {
# $shortPreview = $FALSE
# $preview = $FALSE
#if ($args[1] -eq "-preview-short" -or $args[1] -eq "-ph") {
# $preview = $TRUE
# $shortPreview = $TRUE
#else { $shortPreview = $FALSE }
if ($ShortPreview){
$Preview = $True
Function ExitIfPreviousCommandFailed() {
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0){
Write-Host "Command failed." -ForegroundColor Red
Exit 1
#getting current branch from the list of branches
Function GetCurrentBranch() {
$currentBranch = git br --contains HEAD
$currentBranch | foreach {
if ($_.Contains("* ")) {
$currentBranch = $_.Replace("* ", "")
return $currentBranch
# get list of p4 users
Function GetAllP4Users() {
$p4Users = @{}
p4 users | foreach {
if ($_ -Match "(?<name>(\w|\S)*) <(?<email>.*)> \((?<wellformedName>.*)\)") {
# NOTE: Just use hashtables
# $p4User = @{}
# $p4User.Name = $matches["name"]
# Or even
# $p4User = @{"Name" = $matches["name"], "Email" = $matches["email"],}
$p4User = New-Object PsObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty Name $matches["name"] -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty Email $matches["email"] -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty WellformedName $matches["wellformedName"] -PassThru
$p4Users.Add($p4User.Name, $p4User)
return $p4Users
#get current changelist workspace is updted to
Function GetCurrentWorkspaceChangelist($currentDirectory) {
if (p4 changes -m 1 "$currentDirectory...#have" | Where-Object {$_ -Match "Change (?<changesetId>\d+) on"} ) {
Return $matches["changesetId"]
$currentDir = Get-Location
$currentBranch = GetCurrentBranch
if ($currentBranch -ne "p4") {
#Write-Host "Stashing changes..." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
#git stash
Write-Host "Checking out p4 branch..." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
git checkout p4
$currentChangelist = GetCurrentWorkspaceChangelist($currentDir)
Write-Host "p4 workspace is updated to: " -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewLine
Write-Host ("@" + $currentChangelist) -ForegroundColor Yellow
$p4Users = GetAllP4Users
#get list of changes that is in between current changelist and #head
[Array]$aggregatedOutput = @()
$changeList = ""
$firstIteration = $TRUE
p4 changes -t -l -s submitted "$currentDir...@$currentChangelist,#head" |
foreach {
if ($_ -Match "Change \d+" -and -not $firstIteration) {
#add combined changelist to array
$aggregatedOutput = $aggregatedOutput + $changeList
$changeList = ""
$changeList = $changeList + $_.Trim() + "`r`n"
if ($firstIteration) { $firstIteration = $FALSE }
if ($aggregatedOutput.length -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Git is okay with that =)" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Changelist that are not in the workspace yet [" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewLine
Write-Host $aggregatedOutput.length -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewLine
Write-Host "]:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
#get list of changelist objects
[Array]$p4Changelists = @()
$aggregatedOutput | foreach {
if ($_ -Match "Change (?<changelistId>\d+) on (?<date>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) by (?<author>[\w._]+)@.*\r\n\r\n(?<comments>(.*[\r\n]?)*)" ) {
if ($preview -and -not $shortPreview) {
Write-Host $matches["changelistId"] -ForegroundColor White -NoNewLine
Write-Host ""$matches["date"] -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewLine
Write-Host ""$matches["author"] -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewLine
Write-Host `n $matches["comments"].Trim() -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
$author = $matches["author"]
if (-not $p4Users.ContainsKey($author)) {
# Write-Host "Commit author: '$author' was not recognized. Check what is wrong using 'p4 users' command." -ForegroundColor Red
$p4User = New-Object PsObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty Name $author -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty Email ($author + "") -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty WellformedName $author -PassThru
else {
$p4User = $p4Users[$author]
$p4Changelist = New-Object PsObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty Id $matches["changelistId"] -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty Date $matches["date"] -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty Comments $matches["comments"] -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty Author ($p4User.WellformedName + " <" + $p4User.Email + ">") -PassThru
$p4Changelists += $p4Changelist
#update workspace to changelists one by one and commit changes to git
if (-not $preview) {
$p4Changelists | sort Id | foreach {
Write-Host "Updating workspace to changelist @$($_.Id)" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
p4 sync -q ("$currentDir...@" + $_.Id)
Write-Host "Committing changes to git..." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
git add -A
#write git commits to a temp file to allow multiline comments, I was unable to get them working in other way
#NOTE You do not need System
$tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
# NOTE you can use Add-Content instead of WriteAllLines
# ac $tempFile $_.Comments
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($tempFile, $_.Comments)
#Write-Host "git commit -m `"$($comments)`" --author `"$($_.Author)`" --date `"$($_.Date)`""
git commit -F "$tempFile" --author "`"$($_.Author)`"" --date "`"$($_.Date)`"" --allow-empty --allow-empty-message
#todo: sync workspace to previous changelist if something failed on git side
#tag git commit with changelist id
git tag ("@" + $_.Id) -f
#switch back to previous branch and un-stash changes
if ($currentBranch -ne "p4") {
git checkout $currentBranch
#Write-Host "un-stashing changes..." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
#git stash pop
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