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Last active September 17, 2021 07:37
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Save chall8908/c03dd6cc443cdb9cbb7034d441a1350d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rocket.Chat Dark Mode
// Toggleable dark mode for those of us that care about that kind of thing.
const toggleButton = '<button class="sidebar__toolbar-button rc-tooltip rc-tooltip--down js-button" aria-label="Toggle Dark Mode">D</button>';
function addDarkModeToggle() {
const sidebarToolbar = $('.sidebar__toolbar');
// wait for the sidebar toolbar to be visible
// this will also be false if the toolbar doesn't exist yet
if(!':visible')) {
setTimeout(addDarkModeToggle, 250);
var darkModeButton = $('.js-button[aria-label="Toggle Dark Mode"]');
// do nothing if button is already on the screen
if(':visible')) {
darkModeButton = $(toggleButton).prependTo(sidebarToolbar);
darkModeButton.on('click', function() {
// This will store the current dark mode state in local storage for re-application on page load
localStorage.setItem('dark-mode', document.body.classList.toggle('dark-mode'));
// Apply dark mode immediately if it's been set previously
if(localStorage.getItem('dark-mode') === 'true') {
:root {
--primary-font-color: #444;
--info-font-color: #a0a0a0;
/* Reset global font color so that it's changable more easily */
.color-primary-font-color, textarea {
color: var(--primary-font-color);
.color-info-font-color {
color: var(--info-font-color);
select {
color: var(--input-text-color);
.error-color {
color: var(--rc-color-error);
.js-button[aria-label="Toggle Dark Mode"] {
transition: filter 150ms;
* Transitions for a smooth change into dark mode
.messages-box .message .body, /* override for opacity transition */
.message .reactions>li,
.message .title .is-bot,
.message .title .role-tag,,
.hljs-tag .hljs-attr,
.messages-container .footer,
.message .reactions>li,
.sidebar__footer {
transition: opacity 300ms linear, color 150ms, background-color 150ms, border-color 150ms;
* Dark Mode Settings
body.dark-mode {
--header-background-color: var(--color-darkest);
--header-title-username-color-darker: var(--color-gray-lightest);
--primary-font-color: var(--color-gray-lightest);
--info-font-color: var(--color-gray-light);
--message-box-typing-user-color: var(--color-gray-light);
--rc-color-primary: var(--color-gray-lightest);
--rc-color-primary-lightest: var(--color-dark-medium);
--rc-color-alert-message-warning-background: hsl(352, 83%, 20%);
--input-text-color: var(--color-gray-lightest);
--input-icon-color: var(--color-gray-lightest);
--mention-link-text-color: var(--color-light-blue);
--mention-link-background: var(--color-dark-medium);
body.dark-mode a {
color: var(--color-light-blue);
body.dark-mode a:visited {
color: hsl(310, 90%, 70%);
body.dark-mode .sidebar-item > a {
color: inherit;
body.dark-mode .emoji-picker {
background-color: var(--rc-color-primary-dark);
body.dark-mode .emoji-picker {
border-color: hsl(203, 73%, 52%);
body.dark-mode .rc-old .rc-message-box .reply-preview {
background-color: var(--color-dark);
body.dark-mode .message-actions,
body.dark-mode .rc-member-list__counter {
color: var(--color-gray);
body.dark-mode .rc-member-list__user:hover {
background-color: var(--color-darkest);
body.dark-mode select option {
color: var(--color-dark);
body.dark-mode .error-border {
border-color: var(--color-dark-red);
body.dark-mode .messages-container .footer,
body.dark-mode .content-background-color {
background-color: var(--header-background-color);
body.dark-mode .message .reactions>li,
body.dark-mode .border-component-color {
border-color: var(--rc-color-primary-lightest);
body.dark-mode .js-button[aria-label="Toggle Dark Mode"] {
filter: brightness(130%);
body.dark-mode .message .reactions>li,
body.dark-mode .message .title .is-bot,
body.dark-mode .message .title .role-tag,
body.dark-mode {
background-color: hsl(219, 15%, 33%);
body.dark-mode .rc-message-box__container {
background-color: hsla(0, 0, 100%, 0.1);
body.dark-mode .rc-button {
border-color: var(--color-gray-medium);
color: var(--color-gray-medium);
/* Ensure that colors still come through on buttons in dark mode */
body.dark-mode .rc-button--cancel.rc-button--outline {
color: #f5455c;
color: var(--button-cancel-color);
border-color: #f5455c;
border-color: var(--button-cancel-color);
body.dark-mode .contextual-bar {
background-color: var(--color-dark);
body.dark-mode .contextual-bar__header {
background-color: var(--color-darkest);
* Code Highlighting
* Colors based on HipChat highlighting
body.dark-mode .code-colors {
background: var(--color-dark-100);
color: var(--color-gray-light);
body.dark-mode .hljs-selector-id,
body.dark-mode .hljs-keyword {
color: var(--color-light-blue);
body.dark-mode .hljs-title {
color: var(--color-gray-light);
body.dark-mode .hljs-literal,
body.dark-mode .hljs-number,
body.dark-mode .hljs-tag .hljs-attr,
body.dark-mode .hljs-template-variable,
body.dark-mode .hljs-variable {
color: var(--color-dark-green);
body.dark-mode .hljs-selector-tag {
color: var(--color-green);
body.dark-mode .hljs-doctag,
body.dark-mode .hljs-string {
color: var(--color-red);
body.dark-mode .hljs-attribute,
body.dark-mode .hljs-type,
body.dark-mode .hljs-number {
color: var(--color-orange);
* Admin specific settings
.page-list a:not(.rc-button), .page-settings a:not(.rc-button) {
color: var(--primary-font-color);
body.dark-mode .sidebar-light .sidebar-flex__header {
color: var(--color-dark);
body.dark-mode .admin-table-row {
background-color: hsl(219, 16%, 25%);
body.dark-mode .admin-table-row:nth-child(even) {
background-color: hsl(219, 15%, 33%);
body.dark-mode .permissions-manager .permission-grid .id-styler {
color: var(--info-font-color);
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Thanks for this gist, our users love it and it's getting used pretty heavily here.

I've noticed the following issues with the current version of the dark mode script (hopefully a fairly comprehensive list):

  • Message Reaction and message actions buttons (smiley face & vertical ellipses) to the right of each message are not visible in dark mode.
    ** When clicking the Reaction button the reaction search text field is light grey on white.
    ** The message action menu does not have dark mode applied.
  • The Create new channel dialog does not have dark mode applied, and as a result the channel name entered in this dialog cannot be seen
  • Same for new Discussion dialog - Discussion name & "your message" fields are unreadable.
  • Font colour for "Add new users" to channel is light-grey on grey (hard to read). User name dropdown does not have dark mode applied
  • Mail message dialog - user drop down does not have dark mode applied. User name, email fields are grey on grey.
  • Channel Notification preference dialog text is grey on grey (for the toggle options).
  • Room info dialog text is grey on grey (for the toggle options)
  • Admin menu sidebar/list does not have dark mode applied
  • Admin "Retention Policy" page, the "Timer Precision" field is white text on a light grey background
  • Admin "Smarsh" page, the "Smarsh Interval" field is white text on a light grey background

We've upgraded RocketChat since I started writing this list, the issues are the same in both versions. Currently running 1.2.1.

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