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Created July 22, 2019 16:53
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'use strict';
const fs = require('file-system');
const minimatch = require('minimatch');
const path = require('path');
'staticPath': [ 'static' ],
'watcherGlob': null
module.exports = bundler => {
bundler.on('bundled', async(bundle) => {
// main asset and package dir, depending on version of parcel-bundler
let mainAsset =
bundler.mainAsset || // parcel < 1.8
bundler.mainBundle.entryAsset || // parcel >= 1.8 single entry point
bundler.mainBundle.childBundles.values().next().value.entryAsset; // parcel >= 1.8 multiple entry points
let pkg;
if (typeof mainAsset.getPackage === 'function') { // parcel > 1.8
pkg = (await mainAsset.getPackage());
} else { // parcel <= 1.8
pkg = mainAsset.package;
// config
let config = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_CONFIG, pkg.staticFiles);
if (pkg.staticPath) { // parcel-plugin-static-files-copy<1.2.5
config.staticPath = pkg.staticPath;
if (!Array.isArray(config.staticPath)) { // ensure array
config.staticPath = [ config.staticPath ];
// poor-man's logger
const logLevel = parseInt(bundler.options.logLevel);
const pmLog = (level, ...msgs) => {
if (logLevel >= level) {
// static paths are usually just a string can be specified as
// an object to make them conditional on the output directory
// by specifying them in the form
// {"outDirPattern":"dist1", "staticPath":"static1"},
// {"outDirPattern":"dist2", "staticPath":"static2"}
config.staticPath = => {
if (typeof path === 'object') {
if (!path.staticPath) {
console.error(`Error: parcel-plugin-static-files-copy: When staticPath is an object, expecting it to have at least the 'staticPath' key, but found: ${path}`);
return null;
if (path.outDirPattern) {
if(minimatch(bundler.options.outDir, path.outDirPattern)) {
pmLog(3, `outDir matches '${path.outDirPattern}' so copying static files from '${path.staticPath}'`);
} else {
pmLog(3, `outDir does not match '${path.outDirPattern}' so not copying static files from '${path.staticPath}'`);
return null;
return path;
} else {
return {staticPath: path};
}).filter(path => path != null);
// recursive copy function
let numWatches = 0;
const copyDir = (staticDir, bundleDir) => {
if (fs.existsSync(staticDir)) {
const copy = (filepath, relative, filename) => {
const dest = filepath.replace(staticDir, bundleDir);
if (!filename) {
fs.mkdir(filepath, dest);
} else {
if (fs.existsSync(dest)) {
const destStat = fs.statSync(dest);
const srcStat = fs.statSync(filepath);
if (destStat.mtime <= srcStat.mtime) { // File was modified - let's copy it and inform about overwriting.
pmLog(3, `Static file '${filepath}' already exists in '${bundleDir}'. Overwriting.`);
fs.copyFile(filepath, dest);
} else {
fs.copyFile(filepath, dest);
// watch for changes?
if (config.watcherGlob && bundler.watcher && minimatch(filepath, config.watcherGlob)) {
numWatches++;, mainAsset);
fs.recurseSync(staticDir, copy);
} else {
pmLog(2, `Static directory '${staticDir}' does not exist. Skipping.`);
let bundleDir = path.dirname( || bundler.mainBundle.childBundles.values().next();
for (let dir of config.staticPath) {
if (dir.staticOutDir) {
bundleDir = path.join(bundleDir, dir.staticOutDir);
copyDir(path.join(pkg.pkgdir, dir.staticPath), bundleDir);
if (config.watcherGlob && bundler.watcher) {
pmLog(3, `Watching for changes in ${numWatches} static files.`);
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