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Created August 30, 2018 10:29
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Red-black tree implementation in Kotlin based on "Purely Functional Data Structures" book
sealed class RedBlackTree<E : Comparable<E>> {
enum class Color { R, B }
companion object {
fun <T : Comparable<T>> emptyTree(): RedBlackTree<T> = Empty as RedBlackTree<T>
object Empty : RedBlackTree<Nothing>()
data class Tree<E : Comparable<E>>(
val color: Color,
val left: RedBlackTree<E>,
val element: E,
val right: RedBlackTree<E>
) : RedBlackTree<E>() {
fun balance(): Tree<E> {
fun buildBalancedTree(
leftLeft: RedBlackTree<E>,
leftElement: E,
leftRight: RedBlackTree<E>,
midElement: E,
rightLeft: RedBlackTree<E>,
rightElement: E,
rightRight: RedBlackTree<E>
) = Tree(
color = R,
left = Tree(B, leftLeft, leftElement, leftRight),
element = midElement,
right = Tree(B, rightLeft, rightElement, rightRight)
if (color == B) {
if (left is Tree<E> && left.color == R) {
if (left.left is Tree<E> && left.left.color == R) {
return buildBalancedTree(
leftLeft = left.left.left,
leftElement = left.left.element,
leftRight = left.left.right,
midElement = left.element,
rightLeft = left.right,
rightElement = this.element,
rightRight = this.right
} else if (left.right is Tree<E> && left.right.color == R) {
return buildBalancedTree(
leftLeft = left.left,
leftElement = left.element,
leftRight = left.right.left,
midElement = left.right.element,
rightLeft = left.right.right,
rightElement = this.element,
rightRight = this.right
if (right is Tree<E> && right.color == R) {
if (right.left is Tree<E> && right.left.color == R) {
return buildBalancedTree(
leftLeft = this.left,
leftElement = this.element,
leftRight = right.left.left,
midElement = right.left.element,
rightLeft = right.left.right,
rightElement = right.element,
rightRight = right.right
} else if (right.right is Tree<E> && right.right.color == R) {
return buildBalancedTree(
leftLeft = this.left,
leftElement = this.element,
leftRight = right.left,
midElement = right.element,
rightLeft = right.right.left,
rightElement = right.right.element,
rightRight = right.right.right
return this
fun contains(element: E): Boolean = when (this) {
Empty -> false
is Tree -> when {
element < this.element -> left.contains(element)
element > this.element -> right.contains(element)
else -> true
fun insert(element: E): Tree<E> {
fun insertInto(tree: RedBlackTree<E>): Tree<E> =
when (tree) {
Empty -> Tree(R, tree, element, tree)
is Tree -> when {
element < tree.element -> tree.copy(left = insertInto(tree.left)).balance()
element > tree.element -> tree.copy(right = insertInto(tree.right)).balance()
else -> tree
return insertInto(this).copy(color = B)
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This is excellent. I am doing the same from a Java implementation based on those done by Sedgewick and Wayne, Princeton University. So much 'Kotlinization' was missed in my implementation, and the API is much broader in my implementation, with support for many common operations. I am face-palming like crazy, I am going back to refactor after reading this. Thanks so much for making this available for inspection.

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chalup commented Dec 7, 2020

I'm glad you like it, although I think this gist was created to show how much boilerplate you still need in Kotlin because there's no pattern matching like in OCaml (

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