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Last active August 2, 2021 19:20
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Basic use of the Clojure tablecloth library
(ns weather.core
(:require [tablecloth.api :as api])
(defonce weather
(api/dataset ""
{:key-fn keyword}))
(defn avg [data]
(double (/ (reduce + data) (count data))))
;; Count rows in a dataset
(api/row-count weather)
;; Count columns in a dataset
(api/column-count weather)
;; Get the shape of the dataset (rows and columns)
(api/shape weather)
;; Get the column names
(api/column-names weather)
;; Get a summary of the data over the columns
(api/info weather)
;; Group the data by weather condition (sun, rain, snow, ...)
(api/group-by weather [:weather])
;; Group the data by weather condition, and print it
(-> (api/group-by weather [:weather])
(api/print-dataset {:print-line-policy :repl}))
;; Group the data into two groups:
;; days with a min temp less than zero
;; days with a positive min temp
(-> (api/group-by weather #(< (:temp_min %) 0))
(api/rows :as-maps))
;; Group the data by weather condition, and add two columns
;; average min temp for the group
;; average max temp for the group
(-> (api/group-by weather [:weather])
(api/aggregate {:avg_min #(avg (:temp_min %))
:avg_max #(avg (:temp_max %))}))
;; Save a new dataset that has had columns added to a csv text file
(-> (api/group-by weather [:weather])
(api/aggregate {:avg_min #(avg (:temp_min %))
:avg_max #(avg (:temp_max %))})
(api/write! "my-weather-update.csv"))
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