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Last active April 3, 2023 02:00
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Packed fields in integers
type zero = unit
type 'a succ = unit -> 'a
type one = zero succ
type 'a plus_1 = 'a succ
type 'a plus_2 = 'a plus_1 plus_1
type 'a plus_4 = 'a plus_2 plus_2
type 'a plus_8 = 'a plus_4 plus_4
type 'a plus_16 = 'a plus_8 plus_8
type 'a plus_32 = 'a plus_16 plus_16
type 'a plus_31 = 'a plus_1 plus_2 plus_4 plus_8 plus_16
type 'a plus_63 = 'a plus_31 plus_32
type s_31 = zero plus_31
type s_63 = zero plus_63
type (_, _, _) size =
| Zero : ('a, 'a, zero) size
| Succ : ('a, 'b, 'c) size -> ('a succ, 'b, 'c succ) size
let s_1 v = Succ v
let s_2 v = s_1 (s_1 v)
let s_4 v = s_2 (s_2 v)
let s_8 v = s_4 (s_4 v)
let s_16 v = s_8 (s_8 v)
let s_32 v = s_16 (s_16 v)
let t_31 _ = s_16 @@ s_8 @@ s_4 @@ s_2 @@ s_1 @@ Zero
let t_63 _ = s_32 @@ t_31 ()
let t_28 _ = s_16 @@ s_8 @@ s_4 @@ Zero
type ('in_size, 'out_size, 'field_size, 'field_type) field =
| Bool : ('a, 'a succ, one, bool) field
| Int : ('b, 'a, 'c) size -> ('a, 'b, 'c, int) field
type ('a, 'b, 't) packed =
| End : (zero, 'b, 'b, 't) field -> ('b, 'b, 't) packed
| Acc : ('a, 'b, 'c, 't) field * ('a, 's, 'rt) packed -> ('b, 'c * 's, 't * 'rt) packed
(* TODO: annotate with the type
type _ seal_size =
| Seal31 : (int_31 * s_31) seal_size
| Seal63 : (int_63 * s_63) seal_size
| Seal32 : (int32 * s_32) seal_size
| Seal64 : (int64 * s_64) seal_size
type _ seal_size =
| Seal31 : s_31 seal_size
| Seal63 : s_63 seal_size
type ('sizes, 'types) t = T : 'a seal_size * ('a, 'sizes, 't) packed -> ('sizes, 't) t
type ('a, 'b, 't, 'used) packed_updater =
| End_drop : ('a succ, 'b, 'c, 't) field * ('a succ, zero, 'a succ) size -> ('b, 'c * 'a succ, 't * 'any_t, 't) packed_updater
| End_take : (zero, 'b, 'b, 't) field -> ('b, 'b, 't, 't) packed_updater
| Drop : ('a, 'b, 'c) size * ('b, 's, 'rt, 'used) packed_updater ->
('a, 'c * 's, 'any_t * 'rt, 'used) packed_updater
| Take : ('a, 'b, 'c, 't) field * ('a, 's, 'rt, 'used) packed_updater ->
('b, 'c * 's, 't * 'rt, 't * 'used) packed_updater
type ('sizes, 'types, 'used_types) updater = U : 'a seal_size * ('a, 'sizes, 't, 'used) packed_updater -> ('sizes, 't, 'used) updater
let rec size_to_int : type a b c. (a, b, c) size -> int = function
| Zero -> 0
| Succ n -> 1 + (size_to_int n)
(* 2 ^ size - 1 *)
let rec size_to_mask : type a b c. (a, b, c) size -> int = function
| Zero -> 0
| Succ n -> 1 + ((size_to_mask n) lsl 1)
let get_field : type in_s out_s f_s f_t. pos:int -> input:int -> (in_s, out_s, f_s, f_t) field -> f_t * int =
fun ~pos ~input field ->
match field with
| Bool ->
((input lsr pos) land 1 == 1), pos + 1
| Int size ->
let mask = size_to_mask size in
let shift = size_to_int size in
(input lsr pos) land mask, pos + shift
let get_first_field : type in_s out_s f_s f_t. pos:int -> input:int -> (in_s, out_s, f_s, f_t) field -> f_t =
fun ~pos ~input field ->
match field with
| Bool ->
input lsr pos == 1
| Int size ->
input lsr pos
let rec aux_get : type s sl ts. input:int -> (s, sl, ts) packed -> ts * int =
fun ~input packed ->
match packed with
| End field ->
get_field ~pos:0 ~input field
| Acc (field, packed) ->
let tail, pos = aux_get ~input packed in
let value, pos = get_field ~pos ~input field in
(value, tail), pos
let get_sealed_31 : type sl ts. input:int -> (sl, ts) t -> ts =
fun ~input (T (seal_size, t)) ->
match t with
| End field ->
get_first_field ~pos:0 ~input field
| Acc(field, fields) ->
let r, pos = aux_get ~input fields in
let v = get_first_field ~pos ~input field in
v, r
let get_sealed_63 : type sl ts. input:int -> (sl, ts) t -> ts =
fun ~input (T (seal_size, t)) ->
match seal_size with
| Seal31 -> begin
(* Drops bits over 31 *)
match t with
| End field ->
fst (get_field ~pos:0 ~input field)
| Acc(field, fields) ->
let r, pos = aux_get ~input fields in
let v, _ = get_field ~pos ~input field in
v, r
| Seal63 ->
get_sealed_31 ~input (T (seal_size, t))
let get_sealed : type sl ts. input:int -> (sl, ts) t -> ts =
fun ~input t ->
if Sys.word_size = 64 then
get_sealed_63 ~input t
get_sealed_31 ~input t
(* external int_of_bool : bool -> int = "%identity" *)
let int_of_bool = function
| true -> 1
| false -> 0
let field_value : type in_s out_s f_s f_t. pos:int -> f_t -> (in_s, out_s, f_s, f_t) field -> int * int =
fun ~pos v field ->
match field with
| Bool ->
(int_of_bool v lsl pos), pos + 1
| Int size ->
let mask = size_to_mask size in
(v land mask) lsl pos, pos + size_to_int size
let first_field_value : type in_s out_s f_s f_t. pos:int -> f_t -> (in_s, out_s, f_s, f_t) field -> int =
fun ~pos v field ->
match field with
| Bool ->
(int_of_bool v lsl pos)
| Int size ->
v lsl pos
let rec aux_value : type s sl ts. ts -> (s, sl, ts) packed -> int * int =
fun v packed ->
match packed with
| End field ->
field_value v ~pos:0 field
| Acc (field, packed) ->
let (h, t) = v in
let acc, pos = aux_value t packed in
let res, pos = field_value ~pos h field in
acc lor res, pos
let sealed_value : type sl ts. (sl, ts) t -> ts -> int =
fun (T (seal_size, t)) v ->
match t with
| End field ->
first_field_value ~pos:0 v field
| Acc(field, packed) ->
let (h, t) = v in
let acc, pos = aux_value t packed in
let res = first_field_value ~pos h field in
acc lor res
let size_of_field : type a b c t. (a, b, c, t) field -> (b, a, c) size = function
| Bool -> Succ Zero
| Int s -> s
let rec keep_mask : type s sl ts tu. (s, sl, ts, tu) packed_updater -> int * int = function
| End_take field ->
let size = size_of_field field in
let mask = size_to_mask size in
let shift = size_to_int size in
mask, shift
| End_drop (field, size) ->
let field_size = size_of_field field in
let drop_shift = size_to_int size in
let field_shift = size_to_int field_size in
let mask = (size_to_mask size) lsl drop_shift in
mask, field_shift + drop_shift
| Drop (size, tail) ->
let tail_mask, tail_shift = keep_mask tail in
let shift = size_to_int size + tail_shift in
tail_mask, shift
| Take (field, tail) ->
let tail_mask, tail_shift = keep_mask tail in
let field_size = size_of_field field in
let field_shift = size_to_int field_size in
let mask = ((size_to_mask field_size) lsl tail_shift) lor tail_mask in
mask, field_shift + tail_shift
let rec update_value : type s sl ts tu. (s, sl, ts, tu) packed_updater -> tu -> int * int =
fun pu v ->
match pu with
| End_take field ->
field_value ~pos:0 v field
| End_drop (field, size) ->
let drop_shift = size_to_int size in
field_value ~pos:drop_shift v field
| Drop (size, tail) ->
let res, pos = update_value tail v in
let drop_shift = size_to_int size in
res, pos + drop_shift
| Take (field, tail) ->
let (h, t) = v in
let res, pos = update_value tail t in
let field_res, pos = field_value ~pos h field in
field_res lor res, pos
let update : type sl ts tu. (sl, ts) t -> (sl, ts, tu) updater -> int -> tu -> int =
fun (T (_, _)) (U (seal_size', t)) input v ->
let mask, _ = keep_mask t in
let value, _ = update_value t v in
(input land mask) lor value
module Test : sig
val get : int -> int * int * bool
val make : int -> int -> int -> int -> int
val update_r_g : int -> r:int -> g:int -> int
end = struct
let i5 _ = Int (s_4 @@ s_1 Zero)
let i6 _ = Int (s_4 @@ s_2 Zero)
let i7 _ = Int (s_4 @@ s_2 @@ s_1 Zero)
let i8 _ = Int (s_8 Zero)
let i13 _ = Int (s_8 @@ s_4 @@ s_1 Zero)
let rgba = T (Seal31, (Acc (i7 (), (Acc (i8 (), (Acc (i8 (), (End (i8 ())))))))))
let stuff = T (Seal31, Acc (i13 (), (Acc (i8 (), (Acc (Bool, (Acc (i8 (), (End Bool)))))))))
let r_b_updater =
U (Seal31, (
Take (i7 (), (
Drop (s_8 Zero, (
End_drop (i8 (), s_8 Zero)))))))
let get input =
let (a, (b, (c, (d, e)))) = get_sealed ~input stuff in
a, d, e
let make r g b a = sealed_value rgba (r,(g,(b,a)))
let update_r_g v ~r ~g = update rgba r_b_updater v (r, g)
(* get:
(set_of_closures (fun Test_gadt.get/1287 Test_gadt.input/1290
(Test_gadt.block_field/1820 (== (and (lsr Test_gadt.input/1290 0) 1) 1)
Test_gadt.block_field/1863 (and (lsr Test_gadt.input/1290 1) 255)
Test_gadt.v/1682 (lsr Test_gadt.input/1290 0))
(makeblock 0 Test_gadt.v/1682 Test_gadt.block_field/1863
Test_gadt.block_field/1820))) )
(function camlTest_gadt__get_1287 (Test_gadt_input/1290: addr)
(+ (<< (== (and (or Test_gadt_input/1290 1) 3) 3) 1) 1)
Test_gadt_block_field/1863 (and (or (>>u Test_gadt_input/1290 1) 1) 511)
Test_gadt_v/1682 (or Test_gadt_input/1290 1))
(alloc 3072 Test_gadt_v/1682 Test_gadt_block_field/1863
amd64 assembly:
subq $8, %rsp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8
movq %rax, %rbx
movq %rbx, %rdi
orq $1, %rdi
movq %rdi, %rax
andq $3, %rax
cmpq $3, %rax
sete %al
movzbq %al, %rax
leaq 1(%rax,%rax), %rsi
shrq $1, %rbx
orq $1, %rbx
andq $511, %rbx
subq $32, %r15
movq caml_young_limit@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
cmpq (%rax), %r15
jb .L102
leaq 8(%r15), %rax
movq $3072, -8(%rax)
movq %rdi, (%rax)
movq %rbx, 8(%rax)
movq %rsi, 16(%rax)
addq $8, %rsp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -8
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8
call caml_call_gc@PLT
jmp .L101
movq %rax, %rdx
movq %rsi, %rax
andq $511, %rax
salq $0, %rax
andq $511, %rdi
salq $8, %rdi
addq $-255, %rdi
orq %rdi, %rax
andq $511, %rbx
salq $16, %rbx
addq $-65535, %rbx
orq %rbx, %rax
salq $24, %rdx
addq $-16777215, %rdx
orq %rdx, %rax
andq $511, %rdi
salq $8, %rdi
addq $-255, %rdi
andq $255, %rbx
salq $24, %rbx
addq $-16777215, %rbx
orq %rdi, %rbx
movabsq $4261543425, %rdi
andq %rdi, %rax
orq %rbx, %rax
let n =
let v = 0x1234567890123456 in
let r = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to 10000000 do
let a, b, _ = Test.get v in
r := !r + a + b;
let () =
Printf.printf "res: %i\n%!" n
(* ocamlopt -inline 10000: ~1s
flambda -inline 100 -unroll 5 -rounds 5: ~5ms *)
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