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Created January 9, 2020 18:39
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1. objcgen /Users/wushenglei/.nuget/packages/spreadsheetgear/8.3.25/lib/netstandard1.3/SpreadsheetGear.dll --target=framework --platform=iOS --outdir=output -c --debug
Symbol file /Users/wushenglei/.nuget/packages/embeddinator-4000/0.4.0/tools/IKVM.Reflection.pdb doesn't match image /Users/wushenglei/.nuget/packages/embeddinator-4000/0.4.0/tools/IKVM.Reflection.dll
Creating output directory `/Users/wushenglei/output`
Parsing assemblies...
Parsed '/Users/wushenglei/.nuget/packages/spreadsheetgear/8.3.25/lib/netstandard1.3/SpreadsheetGear.dll'
Processing assemblies...
257 types found
warning EM1010: Type `System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on IShapes is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on IGroupShapes is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on ISheets is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on IWorksheets is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1011: Type `System.Object` is not generated because it lacks a native counterpart.
warning EM1030: Method `Object EvaluateValue(System.String)` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object[] EvaluateValues(System.String)` is not generated because return type `System.Object[]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Action`1[System.Double]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void ForEachNumber(System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Action`1[System.Double])` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Action`1[System.Double]` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_Criteria1()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_Criteria2()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.IFilter Criteria1` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.IFilter Criteria2` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_Value()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void set_Value(System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.IColorScaleCriterion Value` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_Value()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void Modify(SpreadsheetGear.ConditionValueTypes, System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.IConditionValue Value` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_Value()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void set_Value(System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.IIconCriterion Value` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_Value()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void set_Value(System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void AutoFilter(System.Int32, System.Object, SpreadsheetGear.AutoFilterOperator, System.Object, System.Boolean)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void AutoFilter(System.Int32, System.Object, SpreadsheetGear.AutoFilterOperator, System.Object, System.Boolean)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.IRange Value` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on IRange is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void SetArray(System.Object[,])` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object[,]` is not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on INames is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on IStyles is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `TResult` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `TResult WithLock[TResult](System.Func`1[TResult])` is not generated because return type `TResult` is not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on IWorkbooks is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on IAxes is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1041: Indexed properties on IHasAxis is not generated because multiple indexed properties not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_BubbleSizes()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void set_BubbleSizes(System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_Values()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void set_Values(System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Object get_XValues()` is not generated because return type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void set_XValues(System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ISeries BubbleSizes` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ISeries Values` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ISeries XValues` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1033: Method Equals is not generated because another method exposes the operator with a friendly name
warning EM1033: Method op_Inequality is not generated because another method exposes the operator with a friendly name
warning EM1020: Constructor `Void .ctor(System.Object, System.IntPtr)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `Void Invoke(System.Object, SpreadsheetGear.EndCalculateEventArgs)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(System.Object, SpreadsheetGear.EndCalculateEventArgs, System.AsyncCallback, System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1031: Method `IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(System.Object, SpreadsheetGear.EndCalculateEventArgs, System.AsyncCallback, System.Object)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Object` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[SpreadsheetGear.IPrintable]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1020: Constructor `Void .ctor(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[SpreadsheetGear.IPrintable], System.Boolean, System.Boolean)` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[SpreadsheetGear.IPrintable]` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `ICollection`1 get_Printables()` is not generated because return type `System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[SpreadsheetGear.IPrintable]` is not supported.
warning EM1040: Property `SpreadsheetGear.Commands.CommandPrint Printables` is not generated because of parameter type `System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[SpreadsheetGear.IPrintable]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IRange]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetActiveCellAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IRange]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.ISheet]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetActiveSheetAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.ISheet]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Int32]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetActiveTabIndexAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Int32]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetActiveWorkbookAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbookWindowInfo]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetActiveWorkbookWindowInfoAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbookWindowInfo]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheet]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetActiveWorksheetAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheet]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheetWindowInfo]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetActiveWorksheetWindowInfoAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheetWindowInfo]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Boolean]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetIsEditingAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Boolean]` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetRangeSelectionAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.IRange]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.Shapes.IShapeRange]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 GetShapeSelectionAsync()` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[SpreadsheetGear.Shapes.IShapeRange]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Tuple`2[System.Double,System.Double]]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 LocationToRangeAsync(System.Double, System.Double)` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Tuple`2[System.Double,System.Double]]` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 LocationToRangeAsync(System.Double, System.Double, SpreadsheetGear.Controls.RangeLocationFlags)` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Tuple`2[System.Double,System.Double]]` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 RangeToLocationAsync(System.Double, System.Double)` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Tuple`2[System.Double,System.Double]]` is not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 RangeToLocationAsync(System.Double, System.Double, SpreadsheetGear.Controls.RangeLocationFlags)` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Tuple`2[System.Double,System.Double]]` is not supported.
warning EM1010: Type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult]` is not generated because `generics` are not supported.
warning EM1030: Method `Task`1 Run[TResult](System.Func`1[TResult])` is not generated because return type `System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult]` is not supported.
Generating binding code...
error EM0009: The feature `Converting type System.Text.StringBuilder to mono code` is not currently supported by the tool
Debug Log:
Processing: 1 assemblies
Processing Assembly: SpreadsheetGear
Processing Type: SpreadsheetGear_AutoFilterDateTimeGroupItem
TypeMapper Register: System.Void .ctor(SpreadsheetGear.AutoFilterDateTimeGrouping,System.DateTime) initWithDateTimeGrouping:dateTime:
TypeMapper Register: System.Boolean Equals(System.Object) equalsObj:
TypeMapper Register: System.DateTime get_DateTime() getDateTime
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.AutoFilterDateTimeGrouping get_DateTimeGrouping() getDateTimeGrouping
TypeMapper Register: System.Int32 GetHashCode() getHashCode
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.AutoFilterDateTimeGroupItem DateTime dateTime
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.AutoFilterDateTimeGroupItem DateTimeGrouping dateTimeGrouping
Processing Type: SpreadsheetGear_AutoFilterDateTimeGrouping
Processing Type: SpreadsheetGear_Themes_ITheme
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IColorScheme get_ColorScheme() getColorScheme
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IEffectScheme get_EffectScheme() getEffectScheme
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IFontScheme get_FontScheme() getFontScheme
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.ITheme ColorScheme colorScheme
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.ITheme EffectScheme effectScheme
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.ITheme FontScheme fontScheme
Processing Type: SpreadsheetGear_Themes_IColorScheme
TypeMapper Register: System.Int32 get_Count() getCount
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IColor get_Item(SpreadsheetGear.Themes.ColorSchemeIndex) getItem:
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IColorScheme Count count
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IColorScheme Item item
Processing Type: SpreadsheetGear_Themes_IEffectScheme
Processing Type: SpreadsheetGear_Themes_IFontScheme
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IThemeFonts get_MajorFont() getMajorFont
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IThemeFonts get_MinorFont() getMinorFont
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IFontScheme MajorFont majorFont
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IFontScheme MinorFont minorFont
Processing Type: SpreadsheetGear_Themes_IColor
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.ColorSchemeIndex get_ColorSchemeIndex() getColorSchemeIndex
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Color get_RGB() getRGB
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IColor ColorSchemeIndex colorSchemeIndex
TypeMapper Register: SpreadsheetGear.Themes.IColor RGB rGB
Processing Type: SpreadsheetGear_Themes_IThemeFonts
TypeMapper Register: System.Int32 get_Count() getCount
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