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Created July 15, 2017 14:24
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## インストールがまだの場合は下記のコメントを外してそれぞれインストール
#install.packages("rvest", dependencies=T)
#install.packages("dplyr", dependencies=T)
#install.packages("jsonlite", dependencies=T)
#install.packages("stringr", dependencies=T)
#install.packages("magrittr", dependencies=T)
# ライブラリの読み込み
## 候補者の属性データを取得
# 対象サイトを読み込み
basicUrl = read_html("")
# 選挙区別立候補者URLを取得
candidateInfoUrlList = basicUrl %>% html_nodes(xpath = "//ul[@class='clearfix']//a") %>% html_attr("href")
# 属性データを格納するハコを用意
nameInfoList = c()
partyInfoList = c()
newOrOldInfoList = c()
winCountInfoList = c()
for (i in 1:(urlList %>% length)){
tmpHtml = read_html(paste("", candidateInfoUrlList[i], sep=""))
tmpnameInfoList = tmpHtml %>% html_nodes(xpath = "//li[@class='name']") %>% html_text()
tmppartyInfoList = tmpHtml %>% html_nodes(xpath = "//li[@class='shozoku']")%>% html_text()
tmpnewOrOldInfoList = tmpHtml %>% html_nodes(xpath = "//li[@class='sinkyu']")%>% html_text()
tmpwinCountInfoList = tmpHtml %>% html_nodes(xpath = "//li[@class='kaisu']")%>% html_text()
# 属性データをハコに追加
nameInfoList = c(nameInfoList, tmpnameInfoList)
partyInfoList = c(partyInfoList, tmppartyInfoList)
newOrOldInfoList = c(newOrOldInfoList, tmpnewOrOldInfoList)
winCountInfoList = c(winCountInfoList, tmpwinCountInfoList)
# 取得した各属性データを一つにまとめる
candidateInfo = cbind(nameInfoList, partyInfoList, newOrOldInfoList, winCountInfoList)
# 年齢のデータを追加
candidateInfo = cbind(0,candidateInfo, str_match(candidateInfo[,1],"(.*)(.*)$")[,2]%>% str_replace_all(" | ",""), str_match(candidateInfo[,1],".*((.*))$")[,2])
# 当選情報を取得する
# 当選情報のURLリストを取得
winningInfoUrlList = read_html("") %>% html_nodes(xpath = "//div[@id='SubLink2']/ul/li/a") %>% html_attr("href")
# 当選情報を格納するハコを用意
nameList = c()
WinOrLoss = c()
for(i in 1:length(winningInfoUrlList)){
tmpUrl = paste("",winningInfoUrlList[i],sep="")
tmpname = read_html(tmpUrl) %>% html_nodes(xpath="//table[@class='SnkTbl01']/tbody/tr/td[@class='Name']") %>% html_text()
tmpWinOrLoss = read_html(tmpUrl) %>% html_nodes(xpath="//table[@class='SnkTbl01']/tbody/tr/td[@class='Rose']") %>% html_text()
# 当選情報をハコに追加
nameList = c(nameList, tmpname)
WinOrLoss = c(WinOrLoss,tmpWinOrLoss)
# 取得したデータを一つにまとめる
nameAndWinOrLoss = cbind(nameList,WinOrLoss)
WinList = subset(nameAndWinOrLoss, nameAndWinOrLoss[,2]=="")[,1] %>% str_replace_all(" | ","")
# 当選リストに含まれる候補者データの1列目に'1'を代入する,落選者は'0'のまま
candidateInfo[candidateInfo[,6] %in% WinList,1] = 1
p = as.numeric(candidateInfo[,1])
age = as.numeric(candidateInfo[,7])
numberOfWinning = as.numeric(candidateInfo[,5])
result = glm(p ~ age + numberOfWinning + candidateInfo[,3] + candidateInfo[,4], family=binomial(link="logit"))
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