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Last active August 20, 2017 23:22
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  • Save chan-ume/7e33f7e14eb105da18cef315a01b6c0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chan-ume/7e33f7e14eb105da18cef315a01b6c0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
options(shiny.port = 1221)
options(googleAuthR.webapp.client_id = "")
options(googleAuthR.webapp.client_secret = "")
options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = c(""))
shinyServer(function(input, output, session){
#####--------- Setup
token <- callModule(googleAuth, "Google_login")
ga_accounts <- reactive({
need(token(), "Authenticate")
with_shiny(google_analytics_account_list, shiny_access_token = token())
selected_id <- callModule(authDropdown, "viewId_select", ga.table = ga_accounts)
#####--------- Calculated Metrics
calc_dim <- callModule(multi_select, "dimensions_calc", type = "DIMENSION", subType = "all")
calc_met <- callModule(multi_select, "metrics_calc", type = "METRIC", subType = "all")
calc_data <- eventReactive(input$get_calc, {
viewId <- selected_id()
dims <- calc_dim()
dates <- input$date_clac
metric_name <- gsub(" ", "", input$calculated_name)
metric_exp <- input$calculated_exp
normal_metrics <- calc_met()
if (metric_exp ==""){
metrics = normal_metrics
else {
exp_metrics <- setNames(metric_exp, metric_name)
metrics <- c(exp_metrics, normal_metrics)
shiny_access_token = token(),
viewId = viewId,
date_range = c(dates[1], dates[2]),
metrics = metrics,
dimensions = dims)
output$calc_table = renderDataTable({
## 円グラフ・棒グラフ・面グラフ・折れ線グラフ・散布図
calc_data_for_plot = eventReactive(input$get_plot, {
metrics_number = length(calc_met())
dimension_number = length(calc_dim())
if (input$calculated_exp ==""){
calculated_metrics_number = 0
else {
calculated_metrics_number = 1
data_for_pie_chart =
input_graph_type = input$graph_type
## 円グラフの処理
if (input_graph_type == "円グラフ"){
paste_dimension = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
if (dimension_number > 1){
for (i in 2:dimension_number){
paste_dimension = paste(paste_dimension, data_for_pie_chart[,i], sep="-")
data_for_pie_chart = cbind(data_for_pie_chart, paste_dimension)
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension = data_for_pie_chart[,ncol(data_for_pie_chart)])
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = "", y = metrics, fill = dimension, label = metrics))
g = g + geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") + labs(title = metrics_name) + coord_polar("y") + geom_text(aes(x= "", y = metrics, label = metrics), size=6, position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5))
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
## 棒グラフ1の処理
if (input_graph_type == "棒グラフ1"){
if (dimension_number == 1){
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension = data_for_pie_chart[,1])
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension, y = metrics, fill = dimension))
g = g + geom_bar(width = 0.8, stat = "identity") + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
if (dimension_number <= 2){
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
else {
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
for (i in 3:dimension_number){
paste_dimension2 = paste(paste_dimension2, data_for_pie_chart[,i], sep="-")
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension1 = paste_dimension1, dimension2 = paste_dimension2)
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension1, y = metrics, fill = dimension2))
g = g + geom_bar(width = 0.8, stat = "identity") + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
## 棒グラフ2の処理
if (input_graph_type == "棒グラフ2"){
if (dimension_number == 1){
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension = data_for_pie_chart[,1])
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension, y = metrics, fill = dimension))
g = g + geom_bar(width = 0.8, stat = "identity") + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
if (dimension_number <= 2){
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
else {
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
for (i in 3:dimension_number){
paste_dimension2 = paste(paste_dimension2, data_for_pie_chart[,i], sep="-")
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension1 = paste_dimension1, dimension2 = paste_dimension2)
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension1, y = metrics, fill = dimension2))
g = g + geom_bar(position = "dodge", width = 0.8, stat = "identity") + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
## 折れ線グラフの処理
if (input_graph_type == "折れ線グラフ"){
if (dimension_number == 1){
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension = data_for_pie_chart[,1])
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension, y = metrics))
g = g + geom_point() + geom_line(linetype="solid") + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
if (dimension_number <= 2){
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
else {
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
for (i in 3:dimension_number){
paste_dimension2 = paste(paste_dimension2, data_for_pie_chart[,i], sep="-")
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension1 = paste_dimension1, dimension2 = paste_dimension2)
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension1, y = metrics, colour = dimension2))
g = g + geom_point() + geom_line(linetype="solid") + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
## 散布図の処理
if (input_graph_type == "散布図"){
if (dimension_number == 1){
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension = data_for_pie_chart[,1])
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension, y = metrics))
g = g + geom_point() + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
if (dimension_number <= 2){
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension1 = paste_dimension1, dimension2 = paste_dimension2)
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension1, y = metrics, colour = dimension2))
g = g + geom_point() + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
else if (dimension_number <= 3) {
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
paste_dimension3 = data_for_pie_chart[,3]
else {
for (i in 4:dimension_number){
paste_dimension3 = paste(paste_dimension3, data_for_pie_chart[,i], sep="-")
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension1 = paste_dimension1, dimension2 = paste_dimension2, dimension3 = paste_dimension3)
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension1, y = metrics, colour = dimension2))
g = g + geom_point(aes(colour = dimension2, shape = dimension3)) + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
## 面グラフの処理
if (input_graph_type == "面グラフ"){
if (dimension_number == 1){
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension = data_for_pie_chart[,1])
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension, y = metrics))
g = g + geom_area() + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
if (dimension_number <= 2){
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
else {
paste_dimension1 = data_for_pie_chart[,1]
paste_dimension2 = data_for_pie_chart[,2]
for (i in 3:dimension_number){
paste_dimension2 = paste(paste_dimension2, data_for_pie_chart[,i], sep="-")
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:(calculated_metrics_number + metrics_number)){
metrics_name = colnames(data_for_pie_chart)[(dimension_number + i)]
tmp_data_for_plot = data.frame(metrics = data_for_pie_chart[,(dimension_number + i)], dimension1 = paste_dimension1, dimension2 = paste_dimension2)
g = ggplot(tmp_data_for_plot, aes(x = dimension1, y = metrics))
g = g + geom_area(aes(group = dimension2, fill = dimension2)) + labs(title = metrics_name) #+ geom_text(aes(x= "",y=y,label = metrics), size=3)
g = g + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"))
plots[[i]] = g
return(multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 2))
output$image_example <- renderImage({
image_src = paste(input$graph_type, ".png", sep="")
list(src = image_src,
alt = image_src)
}, deleteFile = FALSE)
output$calc_plot = renderPlot({
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