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Created March 30, 2023 13:11
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Mediation policy to call a backend and enrich payload in the request flow in WSO2 APIM
<sequence xmlns="" name="chainingSeq">
<!-- reading the author ID-->
<property name="" expression="json-eval($.author}" />
<!-- copying the original payload to a variable-->
<source type="body" clone="true"/>
<target type="property" property="original_request"/>
<!-- Saving the URL postfix that is required when calling the backend -->
<property name="rest_postfix" expression="$axis2:REST_URL_POSTFIX"/>
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>
<!-- calling the backend service to get the name of the author from the ID-->
<call blocking="true">
<http method="GET" uri-template="http://localhost:3000/profile/{}"/>
<!-- Extract the name from the payload-->
<property name="author" expression="json-eval($.name}" />
<!-- Restore the original request payload to the message flow -->
<source clone="false" xpath="$ctx:original_request"/>
<target type="body"/>
<!-- Enrich the author name into the original payload -->
<source clone="true" property="author" type="property"/>
<target action="replace" xpath="json-eval($.author)"/>
<!-- Setting back the URL postfix to call the backend endpoint -->
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="set" expression="$ctx:rest_postfix"/>
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